Ever seen or had an encounter with a Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch?

Ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • No

    Votes: 43 65.2%

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Jan 21, 2005
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I never saw no Bigfoot, but my husband said he ran across one, in the Everglades once, about 30 yrs ago.
True story.

Him and some hunting buddies was coming out from the weekend hunt.
He said, coming across the road was a fella they all knew and grew up with, name was Doug.
He was wearing an ape costume, and carrying the head! :laughing7:

I asked the Mr, "what'd ya'll say to him"? He said, "we all said Hey Doug"! :laughing7:
I said, "Ya'll didn't ask him why was he dressed up, or what was he doing"?
Mr. said, "Nope, figured he was drunk and knew what he was doing". :tongue3:

True story, so help me doggie! :laughing7:

I saw that ice cube traveling display in around '72. Supposedly some fellow in Minnesota who killed one and froze it. Mentioned that in a thread a month or so ago. It was as advertized, and as I have read more recently about that traveling display. I was convinced, but still walked away wondering.

I saw that ice cube traveling display in around '72. Supposedly some fellow in Minnesota who killed one and froze it. Mentioned that in a thread a month or so ago. It was as advertized, and as I have read more recently about that traveling display. I was convinced, but still walked away wondering.

Wow that is cool amigo, you are the first person I have ever run across that actually saw the Ice Man. Did they allow any photos? Just curious.

I started this thread out of curiosity, mainly because if you read the thousands of reports that some of the bigfoot researchers have been collecting, it is surprising how many witnesses were prospectors and treasure hunters. It makes sense as we tend to get out in the wilderness more, and I have noticed that a fair percentage of UFO sightings or encounters have been prospectors and treasure hunters too.

If you spend enough time out in the tall tules as they say, you will see and hear some mighty strange things. Thank you for your posts,

Does my 26 pound cat count?

but it's a bit amazing that no hunters with high powered rifles see any, yet I bet there are more of them in the wilds than detectors

Does my 26 pound cat count?

How big are your cat's feet? Is your cat eight feet tall and walk on two legs all the time? If so then yes your cat counts.

One crossed the road, 100 yds in front of my car and went onto the woods. I pulled over, got out and listened at the edge of the thicket there, but all was silent and the woods were too dark to see into. This was in Claiborne County, Mississippi. I reported it on the BFRO website.

Wow that is cool amigo, you are the first person I have ever run across that actually saw the Ice Man. Did they allow any photos? Just curious.

I started this thread out of curiosity, mainly because if you read the thousands of reports that some of the bigfoot researchers have been collecting, it is surprising how many witnesses were prospectors and treasure hunters. It makes sense as we tend to get out in the wilderness more, and I have noticed that a fair percentage of UFO sightings or encounters have been prospectors and treasure hunters too.

If you spend enough time out in the tall tules as they say, you will see and hear some mighty strange things. Thank you for your posts,

I posted my experience here:


for your info :)

but it's a bit amazing that no hunters with high powered rifles see any, yet I bet there are more of them in the wilds than detectors

Perhaps it will come as a surprise then, because it does happen fairly frequently that hunters encounter bigfoot, skunk ape etc. Here are a few examples":
BFRO Report 12959: Sightings by two hunters in tree stands outside Elkwater
BFRO Report 5463: Dusk sighting by hunter on Fort Hunter Liggett
BFRO Report 9876: Sighting by hunters south of Longview

Many more at:
BFRO Geographical Database of Bigfoot Sightings & Reports

There is something about these things that causes hunters to NOT shoot them, perhaps they appear too human; a recent DNA study done by Dr Ketchum showed that they are in fact a type of human. Not a good idea to be blazing away at them, if you did kill one it would then legally be homicide.

Thank you Cycluran & DeepseekerADS!

Keep em coming amigos, and thank you in advance;

My cat's feet are as wide as my wrists. He can eat a can of catfood in one mouthful. Mice die of fright at the sight of him. Guess he's a little bigfoot!

My cat's feet are as wide as my wrists. He can eat a can of catfood in one mouthful. Mice die of fright at the sight of him. Guess he's a little bigfoot!

Always a comedian in the bunch! :laughing9::tongue3:

It seems whenever someone tries to discuss this phenomenon seriously, some people just have to ridicule it. Have you ever seen one? If you have not, then how can you ridicule what you have no knowledge of? Think it is all a hoax?

[h=1]Bigfoot lives!? Existence backed by DNA, video, claim Sasquatch Genome Project researchers[/h]
Bigfoot lives!? Existence backed by DNA, video, claim Sasquatch Genome Project researchers - NY Daily News

I don't intend to try to convince any skeptic(s) that they are real, if you have doubts or simply don't believe, do your own research. People are encountering something out there, and the evidence has been mounting that it is a reality, a branch of humans that lives very differently from us.

I did not believe in them until I had my first encounter, even though several people I knew had already told me of having run into something including my own brother. I have now had two encounters with them and hope to see one again, but next time with a good camera handy. I am very interested in hearing (reading) the experiences of others, thank you in advance,

Sascat! LOL! :laughing7:

I wasn't trying to be flippant, when relaying my only true encounter, with someone who had a true non-encounter.
I did vote no. :tongue3: :laughing7:

I kinda always discounted our Skunk Ape down here because of knowing Doug had been running around the Everglades with that ape suit, for God knows how long! LOL! We could be at family reunions, gatherings, weddings, whatever, and someone would always bring it up, and we would just have to laugh at the craziness of some ppl.
Figured he was lucky he didn't get shot by hunters.
I've known many ppl that lived in the Everglades all their lives(more or less), since the early 1900's.
No one I or my family ever knew, ever had an encounter with one, down here.

I find it interesting, as man evolved and lost bodily hair(well some did), these creatures maintain a fur coat, and seem to not need clothing. Also, I wonder if they have their own form of care, in that if they get hurt, break a tooth or bone, how do they care for themselves and their others, or do they? Do they know of medicines through plants. It must not be easy being a Sasquatch, I would think.

I do enjoy true first hand experiences with these creatures, so please tell us of them!
And, someone please get some good pics or film!

Sascat! LOL! :laughing7:

I wasn't trying to be flippant, when relaying my only true encounter, with someone who had a true non-encounter.
I did vote no. :tongue3: :laughing7:

I kinda always discounted our Skunk Ape down here because of knowing Doug had been running around the Everglades with that ape suit, for God knows how long! LOL! We could be at family reunions, gatherings, weddings, whatever, and someone would always bring it up, and we would just have to laugh at the craziness of some ppl.
Figured he was lucky he didn't get shot by hunters.
I've known many ppl that lived in the Everglades all their lives(more or less), since the early 1900's.
No one I or my family ever knew, ever had an encounter with one, down here.

I find it interesting, as man evolved and lost bodily hair(well some did), these creatures maintain a fur coat, and seem to not need clothing. Also, I wonder if they have their own form of care, in that if they get hurt, break a tooth or bone, how do they care for themselves and their others, or do they? Do they know of medicines through plants. It must not be easy being a Sasquatch, I would think.

I do enjoy true first hand experiences with these creatures, so please tell us of them!
And, someone please get some good pics or film!

Well, I have never seen a Sandhill Crane in South Dakota, and none of the people I know here, many of whom have linved their entire lives in South Dakota, have ever seen one. By that logic then there can not be any Sandhill Cranes in South Dakota right? Anyone who reports seeing any Sandhill Cranes in SD must be seeing the plastic pink flamingos so popular for yard decorations.

Your friend in a gorilla suit, how old is he? The sightings of something walking around Florida swamps runs back as far as at least 1909, and there are Indian legends as well. Did he also run around in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas as well? How about Arkansas? Was he in Wyoming in the Black Hills about twenty one years ago?
I don't know how tall your friend is but he must be a big one, as many sightings report seeing a critter eight feet tall or more. I understand your sharing that info and surely it is possible that some sightings may be his work, but it is not wise to run around like that and risk getting shot. A man was recently killed on a highway attempting to fake a bigfoot sighting; the payoff is just not worth the risks.

New species are discovered all the time; in most cases the animals are known in "folklore" (sightings) long before science will officially acknowledge their existence. If you have a genuine interest, I suggest you read some of the studies done like the DNA sequencing so recently completed. Imaginery animals do not have DNA, and if they somehow got DNA from your friend, he is a real oddity indeed! :tongue3: Seriously, if you are interested there is a great deal of info available, and real evidence from DNA and hair to the simple evidence in the form of tracks, found to have dermal ridges that do not match any known species.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek, and thank you in advance.



Roy, I have always wanted to see one, as I have always thought there was a better than average possibility they existed.

About a year ago, I got a big surprise at a spot where I do a lot of camping. I am not going to give out the location as I don't want a bunch of idiots running through this place whooping and batting trees. HAHAHA. I had climbed up one ridge to a nice scenic spot. Got the entire camp set up before dark. The ridge I was on was very rocky without a lot of trees.

P1020012sm.webp P1020003sm.webp

The next ridge over was loaded with trees. Just at dusk, I heard some deep huffing off in the distance. Sounded like a big bear (there are some bears around this place). I always carry two 9oz shots of bear mace. I sat down between two rocks, pulled my balaclava down over my face, and stayed as quiet as I could. On the next ridge over , I could hear something moving up the very steep mountainside. When I looked a little closer, I could see the tops of the trees moving like something VERY BIG was using them to pull itself up the very steep mt. I pulled out my camera. I THOUGHT I had set it to video, hit the button, and got a still pic instead of a video. No snow UNDER the trees to get footprints, and the ground was frozen. I did get a pic of some VERY "LITTLE FEET" (ground squirrel probably).

P1020006sm.webp P1020007sm.webp

About two months after that, I had about a dozen rocks tossed towards me and more deep huffing at a place about a half mile from the first place. All I could think of for the three hours it was happening was, "BEARS DON"T THROW ROCKS!" I didn't camp at that spot. Now, about five months later, we sold a car to a Park Ranger who worked in the area for many years. He knew my location very well. I asked him if he had ever seen or heard anything strange there. He laughed and told me that he had only heard noises he couldn't explain, but one of the Rangers in his office has a picture of a Sasquatch on his desk. I asked him if he knew where it was taken. He told me the spot, and I laughed because I had camped there MANY times. So. I started spending more time there.

One night, I started hearing noises of someone/something circling around my camp. Along one side of my camp, there was a little creek bed that was about five feet deep. I started taking a lot of pics with and without flash. I did manage to get a blobsquatch pic. Whatever it was, it was in the creek bed, peeking over the edge at me.

IMG_0204sm.webp IMG_0204markedsm.webp

Oh yeah, I did edit the exif and delete the GPS Coord. 8-)

Best - Mike

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No but I've seen the Charles mills swamp monsters that are Bigfoot younger cousins but little big foots older nephews.

Well, I have never seen a Sandhill Crane in South Dakota, and none of the people I know here, many of whom have linved their entire lives in South Dakota, have ever seen one. By that logic then there can not be any Sandhill Cranes in South Dakota right? Anyone who reports seeing any Sandhill Cranes in SD must be seeing the plastic pink flamingos so popular for yard decorations.

Your friend in a gorilla suit, how old is he? The sightings of something walking around Florida swamps runs back as far as at least 1909, and there are Indian legends as well. Did he also run around in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas as well? How about Arkansas? Was he in Wyoming in the Black Hills about twenty one years ago?
I don't know how tall your friend is but he must be a big one, as many sightings report seeing a critter eight feet tall or more. I understand your sharing that info and surely it is possible that some sightings may be his work, but it is not wise to run around like that and risk getting shot. A man was recently killed on a highway attempting to fake a bigfoot sighting; the payoff is just not worth the risks.

New species are discovered all the time; in most cases the animals are known in "folklore" (sightings) long before science will officially acknowledge their existence. If you have a genuine interest, I suggest you read some of the studies done like the DNA sequencing so recently completed. Imaginery animals do not have DNA, and if they somehow got DNA from your friend, he is a real oddity indeed! :tongue3: Seriously, if you are interested there is a great deal of info available, and real evidence from DNA and hair to the simple evidence in the form of tracks, found to have dermal ridges that do not match any known species.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek, and thank you in advance.

someone 'reporting' seeing a sandhill crane is only a report not proof. a feather or pootypoo or a bone could prove it. It's called evidence. There is evidence that they do exist. Bigfoot? not so much. All we have is reports and very unclear pics and videos.
A creature so large must leave pootypoo and bones. yet none have been found. Not one has been found dead. Have none ever died in a forest fire? Have not one ever been hit by a car or truck? They never fall and die? They never freeze to death? None ever starve to death? They never leave any sign of where they live?

someone 'reporting' seeing a sandhill crane is only a report not proof. a feather or pootypoo or a bone could prove it. It's called evidence. There is evidence that they do exist. Bigfoot? not so much. All we have is reports and very unclear pics and videos.
A creature so large must leave pootypoo and bones. yet none have been found. Not one has been found dead. Have none ever died in a forest fire? Have not one ever been hit by a car or truck? They never fall and die? They never freeze to death? None ever starve to death? They never leave any sign of where they live?


Cats bury their pootypoo. We don't typically get pootypoo from cats.

Whether they are an offshoot of Homo Heidelbergensis or Gigantopithecus, they live in the heavily forested areas of the United States. There are hundreds of sightings every year. I myself have never seen one face to face, but I have watched the tops of trees that stand about15 inches at their base move back and forth as SOMETHING was pulling itself uphill. The next day, I went to the site and couldn't make the trees move a bit.

I don't know where you live, but my recommendation is to get off your derriere, and head into some places with a history of strange occurrences.

Best - Mike

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