oujie board

Not sure but for me I only used a handful of times, gave me some information on people that had died that were related to coworkers that were around when we used it. People I had no Idea about. Stopped using the board because I started having really bad dreams and couldn't sleep. Have to say there is another board called psychic circle board which I used for awhile. One of the people who was using the board with me got to communicate with her deceased cousin. Board also told her she needed to find peace, upon which she uttered that she had peace then the board replied that she didn't because she didn't have god in her life. Was true she is not religious, which we didn't know about until she told us. Also board told her to go the the doctor, which she fought over for three weeks then finally did and found out she had diabetes. So how do you explain these things, I couldn't tell you. Only thing I can say is be careful of what is communicated some is truth and some are lies. Boards play head games.

i dont have the nerve to play with one, though i have a good use for one,
the mother inlaw brought one for the kids to play with, well it left when she did :laughing7:, ive had a few weird exp in the past including beeing choked by the unseen so i dont want to take the chance

Find a copy of the book Psychic Summer. You will know after you have read it.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D HA! My mom and I tried it once; damn thing was moving all over da board, as in excitment... scared the crap outta BOTH of us; never used it again. I brought 'em to keep 'em outta the hands of kids... VERY dangerous, I thought. HOWEVER! During my Near Death Experience (NDE) of 1992-93, met my deceased OLDER sister (I was born in 1951; she was born & died in 1947), and SHE told me, it was HER; she was HAPPY to finally make "contact" with us, hence, the excitment. I STILL do not recommend it; it is NOT a game-piece. (MHO). :coffee2: :coffee2
:coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? 8) (SUNNY out...). ;D

Mr.Jody said:
Whats your take on this?
Dear Mr. Jody;
They are demonically operated devices, my friend. While this may sound a bit extreme, it seems to be both very truthful and highly likely. Roman Catholic exorcists all agree that in the vast majority of demonic possessions, Ouija boards and/or other occult devices have been used by the victims at some point in their wretched lives.

No one has yet to fully explain the phenomenon, yet it seems that Ouija boards somehow *open a window* which allows demonic spirits to enter the person's soul, thus taking possession of that person, in both the spiritual and physical senses. The movie The Exorcist was huge box office success, yet what no one seems to realize is that the movie was based upon an actual possession, without the Hollywood special effects, of course.

When asked to comment on the movie The Exorcist, one elderly Roman Catholic exorcist declared: "They toned it down too much and they sensationalized it too much. They should have portrayed the movie as closer to how exorcisms really are. That would really scare everyone!"

In the actual exorcism from which the movie was made, the young boy first started experimenting with a Ouija board with his aunt, as the story was told by Fr. William S. Bowdern, S.J. Although Fr. Bowdern provided the background for the William Peter Blatty novel, he absolutely refused to get involved with the making of the movie, vowing to protect the identity of the boy upon which the novel and movie were based.

In short, Ouija boards, along with all other forms of occultism, are not toys and they can be dangerous devices and they must be viewed as such.
Your friend;


No one has yet to fully explain the phenomenon?
Or... No one will accept the explanation?

:icon_thumright: I am proud I have no soul :icon_thumleft:

RW said:

No one has yet to fully explain the phenomenon?
Or... No one will accept the explanation?

:icon_thumright: I am proud I have no soul :icon_thumleft:
Dear RW;
Then you should have nothing to fear my friend.
Your friend;

Uh. Ok. Sorry again. I just hit "new threads" and checked out the topic. Didn't realize I was in a paranormal forum. You guys have a blast.
Your pal, RW

Dear Rebel-KGC;
As far as I am aware, I am not arguing with anyone, yet at the same time I strongly that there may be possible negative reprecussions associated with using Ouija boards. If you don't like this, then too bad, but I've stayed strictly within the TOS as I've interpreted them and your outburst was totally uncalled for. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Your friend;

ChristmasRed said:
Rebel, you yourself said you don't recommend ouiji boards, so I don't see what the problem is. Lamar was simply giving the RC view on things

Coming from an ex-pagan background, even most pagans don't recommend ouiji boards. Most I've known see it akin to something like leaving your front door unlocked; you never know who's going to walk in.

Besides - just because someone is dead, doesn't make them smarter than the living.
Dear ChristmasRed;
I really don't know what prompted that unwarranted and very ungentlemanly response from Rebel-KGC. I was not arguing with anyone, nor was I refuting anyone's claims. I was merely attempting to relay the view of the Vatican regarding Ouija boards. By the way, as far as I know, this same view is also shared by virtually all other mainstream Christian faiths, therefore I do not understand what the problem is.
Your friend;

Dear Rebel-KGC;
I am tired of your unwarranted insults against me and my faith, therefore you ought to read the following carefully:

I NEVER implied that your sister was a demon! In fact, I didn't even realize that you wrote something regarding your deceased sister! I did NOT state that your deceased sister was a demon nor did I even imply that! What I DID state was that demons will often POSE AS DECEASED LOVED ONES IN ORDER TO TRICK THE UNWARY!

This is NOT merely a *Catholic* teaching, it is a CHRISTIAN teaching! All mainstream CHRISTIAN faiths BELIEVE THIS! I also see where you reported my prior post. Fine! After I post this I WILL report you to the admin and I will demand that action be taken against YOU for your use of foul language against me!
Your friend;

:D HA! I see my FIRST "post" to YOU this A.M. was removed; I will repeat it; I NEVER reported YOU to Admin. Re-read "post" 5 & 6; MAYBE, YOU can/will understand. May the HOLY SPIRIT
"CONVICT" you... being a RC, YOU probably wouldn't understand THAT! :D NOW! I STILL do NOT
recommend ouija boards as gifts, etc. for Christmas or ANY other time. SO! Let's STOP giving the ouija boards PUBLICITY! :wink:

Rebel - KGC said:
:D HA! I see my FIRST "post" to YOU this A.M. was removed; I will repeat it; I NEVER reported YOU to Admin. Re-read "post" 5 & 6; MAYBE, YOU can/will understand. May the HOLY SPIRIT
"CONVICT" you... being a RC, YOU probably wouldn't understand THAT! :D NOW! I STILL do NOT
recommend ouija boards as gifts, etc. for Christmas or ANY other time. SO! Let's STOP giving the ouija boards PUBLICITY! :wink:
Dear Rebel-KGC;
And may the Holy Spirit convict you with a modicum of understanding and common sense.... Being an HR you probably wouldn't understand that. That being stated, I will stand my previous post where I've stated that the majority of Ouija board users bought their *game* with the original intentions of trying to contact deceased loved ones. That statement is a simple fact and it was in no way related to you or your deceased (AVM) sister.

But since you keep going back to that singular point, let us examine your near death experience. If you are a Christian, which is sort of doubtful at this point, then you should believe that the souls of the departed go to either Heaven, He11 or Purgatory. Is this not correct? If this is correct, then how could your deceased sister have contacted you if her soul were already in Heaven? Did God give her a 3 day pass?
Your friend;

:D NOT the place NOR "topic"... BUT! Yes, I AM a Holy Roller, and PROUD of it! :hello2: :hello2: ;D
YOU know VERY well, we DO NOT believe as YOU do; The "3 places" are MOOT "Point". "Deceased (AVM) sister"? WHAT are YOU "talking about"? :dontknow: I am a CHRISTIAN, you KNOW that!
PENTECOSTAL! "3 day pass"... LOL. You wanna know? Take it to JESUS! :D :hello2: :hello2: ;D

Rebel - KGC said:
:D NOT the place NOR "topic"... BUT! Yes, I AM a Holy Roller, and PROUD of it! :hello2: :hello2: ;D
YOU know VERY well, we DO NOT believe as YOU do; The "3 places" are MOOT "Point". "Deceased (AVM) sister"? WHAT are YOU "talking about"? :dontknow: I am a CHRISTIAN, you KNOW that!
PENTECOSTAL! "3 day pass"... LOL. You wanna know? Take it to JESUS! :D :hello2: :hello2: ;D
Dear Rebel-KGC;
Yes, AVM. It's respectful, which is something that might behoove you to learn. AVM is an abbreviation for AVE MARIA (Hail Mary) which, when placed after the name or mentioning of someone who is deceased, is the same thing to an old school Catholic as writing RIP (Rest In Peace).
Your friend;

:icon_thumleft: TY for "enlightening" me; AVM is also for Artery-Vein Malformation, which I had, and "died from" in 1992. My sister "died" from complications of Rh-Neg. Factor (born one day... died the next, in 1947); I also had Rh-neg. complications at birth in 1951. My grandmother was holding me... thought I had died on the way to UVA hospital... then the body jumped, and "I" was alive; spent 3 months after birth at UVA hospital, "bonding" MORE with the nurses, yet my Med. Records (I have copies) indicated that I had a "STORMY COURSE". Conversation with my older sister during my NDE indicated SHE "kicked" my spirit back into the body, hence, the "jump"; SHE told me "I (sister) died from Rh-neg. factor; YOU (me) weren't gonna die!" Of course, there is NO death... only a TRANSFORMATION. WE are SPIRITS having a HUMAN EXPERIENCE; we ALL are children of GOD, who is the GREAT I AM; manifested as the HOLY SPIRIT, now-a-days. ;D STILL do NOT recommend the ouija board. :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Rebel - KGC said:
:icon_thumleft: TY for "enlightening" me; AVM is also for Artery-Vein Malformation, which I had, and "died from" in 1992. My sister "died" from complications of Rh-Neg. Factor (born one day... died the next, in 1947); I also had Rh-neg. complications at birth in 1951. My grandmother was holding me... thought I had died on the way to UVA hospital... then the body jumped, and "I" was alive; spent 3 months after birth at UVA hospital, "bonding" MORE with the nurses, yet my Med. Records (I have copies) indicated that I had a "STORMY COURSE". Conversation with my older sister during my NDE indicated SHE "kicked" my spirit back into the body, hence, the "jump"; SHE told me "I (sister) died from Rh-neg. factor; YOU (me) weren't gonna die!" Of course, there is NO death... only a TRANSFORMATION. WE are SPIRITS having a HUMAN EXPERIENCE; we ALL are children of GOD, who is the GREAT I AM; manifested as the HOLY SPIRIT, now-a-days. ;D STILL do NOT recommend the ouija board. :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
Dear Rebel-KGC;
OK, that seems fair enough to me, but I do have a question for you. You stated that you were contacted by your deceased sister(AVM) through a Ouija board. Is this not correct? If you in fact feel that it was actually your sister (AVM), then why do you not endorse Ouija boards? And please, before you get your panties in a twist again, I would like to remind you that I am asking a valid question and I do so out of curiosity and not to belittle either you, nor your dear sister (AVM) nor to imply that she was a demon or any other nonsense such as that. I am asking you an honest question and I would really like to know your reasons behind your opinions. If it's not a personal matter with you, that is.
Your friend;

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