Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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Hay Frank good job, So you have proof that the Templars did make it to New Mexico and you can show us your proof. Or are you a LOOSER or a Wantabe that makes fun of other peoples work then post info that you know more about the Templars than anyone. I was just talking about treasure hunters that do this and you had to post your great find :laughing7:. So SHOW US THE PROOF LOOSER.
O YA you did the same thing with the Beale Code's and you know more than anyone yet again you have nothing to show, Yet you can question my work. I know more on the codes than you do and I was willing to go on Discovery Channel to do the show but when we called you to do the show you backed down. Tell us more of what you have found :tongue3:

No matter how your smart ass answer are you are everything you accuse me of being. I still say all you are doing is trying to draw interest like "Oak Island" for four years of digging empty holes. I have did more for treasure hunting than your once a year trip to Nova Scotia what happened to Dent's Run you were going to recover. What happened to the Beale Treasure you cracked the codes on and said you were coming down to dig up the treasure. You are only trying to get tv to give you funds for digging those empty holes on useless research. You keep on you can prove us all wrong but I know you never will just wind blowing hot air.

... What happened to the Beale Treasure you cracked the codes on and said you were coming down to dig up the treasure...
Maybe he realized that Laf's "solved" ciphers contained limericks and epitaphs, and his did not...
...or as I have mentioned that Ward's 1885 Beale Papers were nothing more that an adventure/treasure dime novels with references from several sources that create the sense of belief that the story is true even though NO supporting evidence exists, and the ciphers added as a play along parlor game, with the provided DOI "solved" C2 as the inducement for purchase of the job pamphlet.

Come on Franklin, You said the Templars made it to New Mexico so lets see your proof. Or its just all talk.
Eldo is headed to Va. soon to do a dig for the Beale Treasure and we plan to help him with his hunt. We hope to do our dig in Va. later in the summer after we dig in Nova Scotia.
All of our sites in the states are on hold until we finish our work in Nova Scotia. DCNR would like for us to screw up so they could keep us from crossing the border into Canada then our site in Nova Scotia would be on hold.

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Tempe, Arizona . . . more than coincidence?

Maybe he realized that Laf's "solved" ciphers contained limericks and epitaphs, and his did not...
...or as I have mentioned that Ward's 1885 Beale Papers were nothing more that an adventure/treasure dime novels with references from several sources that create the sense of belief that the story is true even though NO supporting evidence exists, and the ciphers added as a play along parlor game, with the provided DOI "solved" C2 as the inducement for purchase of the job pamphlet.
Get it right ECS, Me and Eldo was the only one's that wanted to do the Discovery Show, Laf's and Franklin both wanted paid a lot of money to do the show. Why . If they had the codes solved, then make their money doing the dig. I wanted to do the show they did not. I am willing to go up against Franklin or anyone on the codes. On the Discovery show I ask if the CIA could be their so I could prove to them what was in the codes and then go and do a dig. I am still willing to go public on TV to prove what I found BUT I will not just give up my info here to a bunch of LOSERS. Thank You

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Been chuckling all day at FK calling Franklin a "looser" for not providing evidence of his theory on this forum.....AND claiming he, FK, has provided all the gov't will let him......When he has provided nothing but excuses of all kinds for why he won't/can't......

Pot/kettle/black....What a friggin' "looser"
Hay another LOOSER just joined the club Frank , Maybe if you all get together you could find the Beale Treasure :tongue3:

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Hay another LOOSER just joined the club Frank , Maybe if you all get together you could find the Beale Treasure :tongue3:

You are the biggest LOOSER because you can prove nothing you claim. You just tv fame and money. Not happening Jack you are a LOOSER

You are the biggest LOOSER because you can prove nothing you claim. You just tv fame and money. Not happening Jack you are a LOOSER
Hay Frank , At one time you went by Beale then changed your name to Franklin. Tell us why you did that. Or should I tell the story.
But first tell us how the Templars made it to New Mexico. How long did you do research to get this info or did you go to New Mexico. Can you show us some pictures. Tell us more , your good at doing this :notworthy:

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CIA? Really? Man you are a hoot.....

It is good to know I can stop by here and get a laugh for the day whenever you post.....


At one time I would not answer the LOOSER's and they had their fun. Now I am ready to give it back to them and having fun. I can and will prove my post so I don't care what they say, I will not end up like them . At first I just thought they were just stupid but later they got more and more stupid. Either its a game or they don't get it. Nothing I tell them sinks in. Its a waste of time trying to get them to under stand what it takes to do a hunt like this. So for now its time to give it back.

Someone mentioned Minnesota here a few posts back, which reminded me of a story I wrote a few years ago on the Kensington Runestone. I am not saying it is authentic or not, but I did a little research on its location when allegedly discovered. It seems the latitude is the same as St. George Bay in Nova Scotia. If someone was on a voyage of discovery (mapmaking) holding a certain latitude would be important. If attempting to follow that same latitude west from St. George Bay in a ship or some kind of vessel you would need to go North or South depending on the choice of waterway. Using the St Lawrence to the Ottawa thence up the Ottawa to the Mattawa, up the Mattawa to North Bay and down the French to Lake Huron you cross that same latitude several times. you would then Sail West from that point through the Straits of Mackinaw where the center of the Strait is exactly on that line. Leaving the vessels behind on Lake Michigan near present day Escanaba and walking that same latitude using the plentiful Indian trails that existed in that part of the country a group could have made the site in a couple of weeks. The stone is supposed to have read it would be a 14 day journey back to the vessels, which is certainly plausible.

Remember, I never said I believed the stone is authentic, but!
Cheers, Loki

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Someone mentioned Minnesota here a few posts back, which reminded me of a story I wrote a few years ago on the Kensington Runestone. I am not saying it is authentic or not, but I did a little research on its location when allegedly discovered. It seems the latitude is the same as St. George Bay in Nova Scotia. If someone was on a voyage of discovery (mapmaking) holding a certain latitude would be important. If attempting to follow that same latitude west from St. George Bay in a ship or some kind of vessel you would need to go North or South depending on the choice of waterway. Using the St Lawrence to the Ottawa thence up the Ottawa to the Mattawa, up the Mattawa to North Bay and down the French to Lake Huron you cross that same latitude several times. you would then Sail West from that point through the Straits of Mackinaw where the center of the Strait is exactly on that line. Leaving the vessels behind on Lake Michigan near present day Escanaba and walking that same latitude using the plentiful Indian trails that existed in that part of the country a group could have made the site in a couple of weeks. The stone is supposed to have read it would be a 14 day journey back to the vessels, which is certainly plausible.

Remember, I never said I believed the stone is authentic, but!
Cheers, Loki

Not to start anything here, but the Norse (the alleged creators of the KRS) didn't like walking. They were a maritime people. Abandoning their ships to hike for weeks for no reason would be out of character.

Get it right ECS...
I am sure that I have it right, as there is nothing outside of the dime novel job pamphlet that can prove that anything in the Beale Papers story ever happened- the perilous adventure, Beale staying with Morriss at the Washington Hotel, Beale and company staying at Buford's, Beale's letters to Morriss, the "unknown" author learning to Beale story from Morriss during the "2nd year of the Confederate War", and then contacting Ward as copyright agent in 1884- NOTHING has even been found to collaborate any of this.
It is highly suspect that Ward did not secure the copyright until Buford's wife, Francis, the last possible witness who could confirm or deny Beale's stay, had passed away; AND Ward applied for copyright on borrowed letterhead stationary from his son-in-law with ONLY the works title, NOT the complete manuscript presented to him by the "unknown" author.
After complaints by the families of Witcher, Clay, and Coles on having their ancestors names being used in the dime novel, the unsold copies were destroyed in a fire.
...AND, the Buford children claim to have no family knowledge of the Beale stay at their parents Inn, while Charles W Button, owner of the LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN newspaper and job print shop where Ward's cousin Sherman was employed as a sub-editor and printed the Beale Papers, stated that John William Sherman wrote the job pamphlet.
Also, in the 1930's, Ward's daughter, Adeline Virginia Ward McVeigh in an interview by Martha Rivers Adams for Lynchburg's THE NEWS & ADVANCE stated that her father was the author of the Beale Papers.
The entire episode of the Beale Papers treasure story which was sold in a very limited local market would have been forgotten but was brought to life in the 1960's by the publishing of THE HART PAPERS that brought about Pauline Innis's involvement with the story by way of George Hart, and her book, GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE.
FK, Josh Gates has already done a Beale treasure show, with others who have "solved" the ciphers or had the "key" like Justintime, but, as always, no treasure or evidence that any of this story ever occurred has been found.

Not to start anything here, but the Norse (the alleged creators of the KRS) didn't like walking. They were a maritime people. Abandoning their ships to hike for weeks for no reason would be out of character.

Perhaps, and this is the last I'll mention it here (not related to the thread) but the last I heard was it may have been Norse Templar knights and the date was said to be 1362. It was a three page article for a Mormon magazine.
Cheers, Loki

I just glanced through some of the 42 pages on this. And I must say it's quite "classic". The title of the thread indicates "found" (a treasure chamber, blah blah). Yet sure enough, it's just clues, maps, puzzles, symbols on nearby rocks, etc.... And now it's just a matter of digging it out. So actually, no one's "FOUND" any treasure yet. They just think (albeit 100% certain) that they have the right location. Just a matter of pinpointing the exact spot in a field or mountain , etc... And digging 100 ft. down. And securing all the govt. permissions. And figuring out how to spirit the goodies across borders. And how to smelt and sell w/o incurring taxes, blah blah blah.

And in their mind's eyes, they've "found" it already. Always in past tense terms.

So too when you read of past treasures "found" (like yamashita, for instance, some clown claims to have "found" yet it was stolen from him blah blah blah), do I have my doubts when someone else claims to have "found" some fabulous treasures. You can usually flush them out, by asking pertinent questions, and .... like this one ... sure enough, no one's "found" squat.

CIA? Really? Man you are a hoot.....

It is good to know I can stop by here and get a laugh for the day whenever you post.....

OK its because of the lack of info you make this statement, so I will try to get it right. 2 yrs ago Josh Gates did his TV show on Travel Channel about the Beale Codes and he had the CIA on his show and they said the Beale Story was a JOKE. One month later we got a call from the same film company Josh works with and Discovery Channel wanted 3 treasure hunting groups each to do their own hunt on a series. I told them I would work with the same CIA person they had on the show . Eldo had his own part to do and we needed Frank to be #3 to start the show. Frank did not do it, and they tried to get other people from the Beale post to join in. None would. So this is why I said the CIA and I am still willing to work with them or anyone on TV to provethe Codes are REAL.

Hay ECS , look I am not the only person that thinks the Beale Codes are real, Franklin is the king of the Beale Treasure . send your info to him. This site is about Templar Treasures or Oak Island. BYE

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FK: Until you show the factual evidence of the Templar Vault and graves you stated you found, there is no giving any credibility to any of your other statement. Even if you show us an actual Templar chamber pot that you found, it does not take away from your false statements in this thread.

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