Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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Since you quoted my post, i'll reply......

This thread is about your claim of finding a Templar vault, which you offer no proof of and refuse to do so....and then when someone else replies with a different viewpoint, (they went to NM), YOU demand proof.....Somehow you cannot see how ridiculous it is for YOU to be demanding proof of anything when several have asked you for the very same thing...and they then become "loosers" for asking.....

Well welcome to the club buddy....just a bunch of "loosers" wanting proof instead of BS....

Since that is ALL you have, the BS part, it is still humorous to read your posts...So thanks for the laughs

Since you quoted my post, i'll reply......

This thread is about your claim of finding a Templar vault, which you offer no proof of and refuse to do so....and then when someone else replies with a different viewpoint, (they went to NM), YOU demand proof.....Somehow you cannot see how ridiculous it is for YOU to be demanding proof of anything when several have asked you for the very same thing...and they then become "loosers" for asking.....
WE have located a Vault Chamber but do you think I am going to give out the location so others can dig before me. Tim N. tried this and he got stuck with a house in bad shape and still no treasure under the well. I never said we located a treasure but I did say we are tracking gold, could be nuggets , magnatite stones, or coins, Not sure. If we thought there was gold in the vault we would be digging long ago. We are tracking gold nuggets for now.
BUT what is the harm for Franklin to tell us how he knows the Templars made it to New Mexico, I am sure no one will dig up this treasure. So why not tell us how he knows this info, he has nothing to lose. Why doesn't he tell us the location of the Beale Treasure site he located, ya it for the same reason I will not give out that kind of info.

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Someone mentioned Minnesota here a few posts back, which reminded me of a story I wrote a few years ago on the Kensington Runestone. I am not saying it is authentic or not, but I did a little research on its location when allegedly discovered. It seems the latitude is the same as St. George Bay in Nova Scotia. If someone was on a voyage of discovery (mapmaking) holding a certain latitude would be important. If attempting to follow that same latitude west from St. George Bay in a ship or some kind of vessel you would need to go North or South depending on the choice of waterway. Using the St Lawrence to the Ottawa thence up the Ottawa to the Mattawa, up the Mattawa to North Bay and down the French to Lake Huron you cross that same latitude several times. you would then Sail West from that point through the Straits of Mackinaw where the center of the Strait is exactly on that line. Leaving the vessels behind on Lake Michigan near present day Escanaba and walking that same latitude using the plentiful Indian trails that existed in that part of the country a group could have made the site in a couple of weeks. The stone is supposed to have read it would be a 14 day journey back to the vessels, which is certainly plausible.

Remember, I never said I believed the stone is authentic, but!
Cheers, Loki

That is why they built the International Peace Center because of the Ley lines and the Kensington Runestone. But anyway since Finderskeeper knows everything about every treasure and every treasure hunter we need to just stand in his awe. If you were only as good as you say calling everyone on the forum LOOSER. You are LOST IN YOUR DREAMS

That is why they built the International Peace Center because of the Ley lines and the Kensington Runestone. But anyway since Finderskeeper knows everything about every treasure and every treasure hunter we need to just stand in his awe. If you were only as good as you say calling everyone on the forum LOOSER. You are LOST IN YOUR DREAMS
I don't call everyone a LOOSER only the members of your club. Why not tell us the location of the Beale Treasure site you found :laughing7: or tell us about New Mexico :laughing7: Why not , this is your big chance:hello2:

... I am still willing to work with them or anyone on TV to provethe Codes are REAL.

Hay ECS , look I am not the only person that thinks the Beale Codes are real, Franklin is the king of the Beale Treasure . send your info to him. This site is about Templar Treasures or Oak Island. BYE
On post #605 YOU, FK, brought up Eldo in Virginia and your future involvement in the Beale treasure hunt.
Now if you have read any of Eldo's myriad posts on the Beale treasure, he has connected it to the Templers, Oak Island, Lost Dutchman, Peralta Stones, KGC and so on- ELDO's ALL IN ONE THEORY.
So, is this an admission that you support this ALL-IN-ONE Theory?
The question, FK, is how would you prove the ciphers are real if the story is a work of fiction?
Or is it just a matter of being an entertainer on TV?

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On post #605 YOU, FK, brought up Eldo in Virginia and your future involvement in the Beale treasure hunt.
Now if you have read any of Eldo's myriad posts on the Beale treasure, he has connected it to the Templers, Oak Island, Lost Dutchman, Peralta Stones, KGC and so on- ELDO's ALL IN ONE THEORY.
So, is this an admission that you support this ALL-IN-ONE Theory?No
The question, FK, is how would you prove the ciphers are real if the story is a work of fiction?

There is a lot of info to prove this hunt is real but again it takes time to tell it all. This is why I wanted the CIA person on my part of the show, if I could prove to him the codes are real and show him a site were the treasure was but is now gone , then I win . I get the credit for solving the codes. There is no money to be made by digging at the site. But if Eldo and Franklin, and Lef think the treasure is still there great they can make money. Eldo is a good friend but he has his own idea's on his hunts. Eldo's IQ is high , real high. He has no treasure hunting equipment and we offered to help him, but this has nothing to do with my site.
I will give you some info by message that will help you see this is no joke.

I understand the semantics, FK, the "hunt is real", but the target is not.
It is very easy to claim that the ciphers are real, the vault has been located, but the treasure has been removed.
No one as yet to present any evidence that anything in the Beale Papers ever happened whatsoever.
Anyone , and many have claimed to have "solved" the ciphers, and many have claimed that they located the vault, BUT, alas , the treasure was removed.
I have presented my research concerning the sources employed to create the Beale story narrative contained in Ward's 1885 dime novel pamphlet, and those involved in the writing, copyrighting, printing, publishing, advertising, and sale to the limited market of Lynchburg and surrounding areas on several of the Beale threads.
While I have had complaints, insults, suffered the slings and arrows etc on the facts presented, no one yet has come forth to disprove my findings.
Yes, I understand my position on the Beale treasure would make for poor television, for there is nothing to find, but then again, that would be like many shows in that genre. :icon_thumright:

Thank you for the PM, FK.
I understand your position, and I hope you understand mine.
We have approached the same issue from very different directions.

Having worked in gummint I can just imagine the CIA regional office assigning a priority to the Oak Island or New Ross events.

"Ok team, today we have to decide whether to assign Bob to infiltrate a foreign country and monitor terrorist activity of border penetrations by terrorists from Canada into the US or look at ley lines with this guy who sees leprechauns at some pile of rocks on the Canadian coast. Show of hands for the leprechauns?"

Having worked in gummint I can just imagine the CIA regional office assigning a priority to the Oak Island or New Ross events.

"Ok team, today we have to decide whether to assign Bob to infiltrate a foreign country and monitor terrorist activity of border penetrations by terrorists from Canada into the US or look at ley lines with this guy who sees leprechauns at some pile of rocks on the Canadian coast. Show of hands for the leprechauns?"

Charlie you can't even get the story right and you turn it around to fit your needs:BangHead:, and people here get on my case if I say something wrong:BangHead:. Read the post above again if you can, or have someone read it for you. The CIA story has nothing to do with New Ross or Oak Island. How can you get things so far out of whack. There was a CIA person in the TV show Expedition Unknown on Travel Channel so this is not a big crazy deal you make it out to be. And I never said I saw leprechauns . Keep taking your meds, help will come soon:tongue3:.

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... There was a CIA person in the TV show Expedition Unknown on Travel Channel...
Dr Todd Mateer who appeared on Josh Gates Beale Treasure edition of EXPEDITION UNKNOWN is affiliated with the NSA, the government agency that really listens and pays attention to the people.

Charlie you can't even get the story right and you turn it around to fit your needs:BangHead:, and people here get on my case if I say something wrong:BangHead:. Read the post above again if you can, or have someone read it for you. The CIA story has nothing to do with New Ross or Oak Island. How can you get things so far out of whack. There was a CIA person in the TV show Expedition Unknown on Travel Channel so this is not a big crazy deal you make it out to be. And I never said I saw leprechauns . Keep taking your meds, help will come soon:tongue3:.

How can I be so wrong? Largely from relying on poor sources . . . . like the one below. I thought this thread was concerning Oak Island. So now you are pre-New Ross and working on the Beale Code?

OK its because of the lack of info you make this statement, so I will try to get it right. 2 yrs ago Josh Gates did his TV show on Travel Channel about the Beale Codes and he had the CIA on his show and they said the Beale Story was a JOKE. One month later we got a call from the same film company Josh works with and Discovery Channel wanted 3 treasure hunting groups each to do their own hunt on a series. I old them I would work with the same CIA person they had on the show.

And I was commenting why all you ever heard back from the CIA was silence. WHY would they assign limited resources to a useless end that has zero bearing on national defense? The CIA works in the international intelligence community to achieve a tactical and strategic advantage for the US. Not on investigating fantasy island or farmer's wells.

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.....WHY would they assign limited resources to a useless end that has zero bearing on national defense? The CIA works in the international intelligence community to achieve a tactical and strategic advantage for the US. Not on investigating fantasy island or farmer's wells.

Ah but see this is where they got you fooled too. They carefully orchestrated all of that thus far. To make you *think* all those things (and post them here, etc...). Pretty clever, eh ? What better way to distract people from finding the treasure? Absolutely genius if you ask me.

I have personally seen the evidence he has shown to be of an origin recognized by historians as dating back to the times of French Templar explorations...
...and you made the connexion to the Peralta stones which led you to Reavis that brought you to the Lost Dutchman, down the rabbit hole to the yellow brick road onto the lost highway that detoured to Bedford, Nova Scotia as revealed by the Beale ciphers.

Ah but see this is where they got you fooled too. They carefully orchestrated all of that thus far. To make you *think* all those things (and post them here, etc...). Pretty clever, eh ? What better way to distract people from finding the treasure? Absolutely genius if you ask me.

Ahhhhh. The scales fall away from my eyes.

Maybe that triangular shape carved in the well stone is actually an "A" for Arne Saknussemm? And this is his lost entry point.

On post #605 YOU, FK, brought up Eldo in Virginia and your future involvement in the Beale treasure hunt.
Now if you have read any of Eldo's myriad posts on the Beale treasure, he has connected it to the Templers, Oak Island, Lost Dutchman, Peralta Stones, KGC and so on- ELDO's ALL IN ONE THEORY.
So, is this an admission that you support this ALL-IN-ONE Theory?No
The question, FK, is how would you prove the ciphers are real if the story is a work of fiction?

There is a lot of info to prove this hunt is real but again it takes time to tell it all. This is why I wanted the CIA person on my part of the show, if I could prove to him the codes are real and show him a site were the treasure was but is now gone , then I win . I get the credit for solving the codes. There is no money to be made by digging at the site. But if Eldo and Franklin, and Lef think the treasure is still there great they can make money. Eldo is a good friend but he has his own idea's on his hunts. Eldo's IQ is high , real high. He has no treasure hunting equipment and we offered to help him, but this has nothing to do with my site.
I will give you some info by message that will help you see this is no joke.

Oh the Equipment is being prepared to enter the Vault.......dont worry, we will have an Inside Look at the Templar Vault in Vermont as well



This is for puttin in the anchors on the way up and setting up a hand line to get the rest of the crew up there to film after the pioneer goes up....!

Detector and Hand tools are being prepped when the 4x4 is finished in the shop......getting a full engine overhaul and bigger wheel sets for the terrain we are exploring across the country this year.

I will have everything needed for recon and location by spring, including better cameras and Zodiac Boat/Trailer and Scuba gear......so nothing is going to hold back the mission.....

Cant wait to see you guys come up to the Vault......I will take you there personally

ECS wont be climbing on my lines though......

You have to see them to believe they are there.....lol

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.



But Again ECS.......its all about that Carving Interpretation Theory of Mine......

Vault Detail.webp

And what is really hidden in these pictures from the Beale era.....as these secrets were the talk of the K.G.C. and O.A.K......... from OAK I>S>L>A>N>D


ECS, REBEL, FRANKLIN.......Love the way you assume the KGC existed all by themselves and that the OAK never was a part of these mysteries.....and that everything I found was a fabrication.....tying in the two mysteries......

How you think that I fabricated the whole story, even though the OAK were around Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, and the KGC around Bedford, VA.

No coincidence there huh.....??


Having worked in gummint I can just imagine the CIA regional office assigning a priority to the Oak Island or New Ross events.

"Ok team, today we have to decide whether to assign Bob to infiltrate a foreign country and monitor terrorist activity of border penetrations by terrorists from Canada into the US or look at ley lines with this guy who sees leprechauns at some pile of rocks on the Canadian coast. Show of hands for the leprechauns?"
Well, like "Fox", I wanna believe... LOL!

But Again ECS.......its all about that Carving Interpretation Theory of Mine......

View attachment 1396413

And what is really hidden in these pictures from the Beale era.....as these secrets were the talk of the K.G.C. and O.A.K......... from OAK I>S>L>A>N>D

View attachment 1396414

ECS, REBEL, FRANKLIN.......Love the way you assume the KGC existed all by themselves and that the OAK never was a part of these mysteries.....and that everything I found was a fabrication.....tying in the two mysteries......

How you think that I fabricated the whole story, even though the OAK were around Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, and the KGC around Bedford, VA.

No coincidence there huh.....??

NO PROOF of what YOU say in Bedford, Va.

But Again ECS.......its all about that Carving Interpretation Theory of Mine......

And what is really hidden in these pictures from the Beale era.....as these secrets were the talk of the K.G.C. and O.A.K......... from OAK I>S>L>A>N>D

ECS, REBEL, FRANKLIN.......Love the way you assume the KGC existed all by themselves and that the OAK never was a part of these mysteries.....and that everything I found was a fabrication.....tying in the two mysteries......

How you think that I fabricated the whole story, even though the OAK were around Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, and the KGC around Bedford, VA...
Don't know or care how you fabricated your story, be it Reavis, Peralta, Templer, Beale "TJB" initials across America, KGC, Oak, and whatever else connexion you can imagine, it is still manipulation of several legends combined to create this fantasy theory.

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