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as you all know i am not an e and are only my deucated geologist , any thing i know in regards to this theory is self taught and only my conclusions please keep an open mind then at the end believe or disbelive make your own conclusions the followering is my 2 cents worth . as i try to put 2&2 together and read between the lines of the geology of ky. we all know many eastern states were at one time were under water this is proved by the massive limestone deposits ,most have read according to geologists and geological reports the appalation mts. were supposed to be higher than the alps. the reports state because of erosion they wore down and eventually created the pene naula of florida and left DISAGREEthe appallation mts. as we know them today . [ I TOTALLY DISAGREE ] THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE AND IS MY THEORY AND IS WHY SILVER AND GOLD IS FOUND IN KY. AND BORDERING STATES. we start with the tectonic plate movements into the western u.s, coast line , this created the rocky mtns. the seria nevedas and others this also caused many fault lines giveing avenues for the magmatic waters to accend uppwards to deposit the known deposits of precious metals at the same time creating an overthrust belt and forming the st. andreas fault line thru california during this period i belive the forces were so great they actually pushed the entire continent of the us upon an eastern plate at this time the the area of the east being under water there were many faults created for salt waters to decend into the depths of areas of hottre porphry depositsthis creating chlorine laden alkaline low sulfadation systems as these waters heated the clorine laden waters dissolved any precious metals avaiable as the waters accended up these being of higher specific gravity spread out over the bottom settelling into what is called manto blanket and sheet deposits . as the plate movements continued pusing the contonent east the east coast began to rise at the same time we had the glacial melt happening this brining in sediments covering organics building sandstones, slates , shales , and others when the forces were great enough forming the coal beds of the area about this same time there was minor volcanic activity these show evidence through out ky. as the movement continued itstarted to give rise tostart forming the mtn. ranges when this became high enough the currents of the glacial melt was diverted southward carring sedements and formed florida as the plates continued to move this flow was cut off finally forming our river systems as we know them today leaveing mountain ranges and valleys as they are now as this occured it created many faultsboth major and minor possibly even the new madrid fault of the mississippi valley . the precious metal deposits are found mostly at higher elevations these i have found in horozontal sheets or viens in chlorides oxides and carbonates i have found all of these formations these are what i found in the mines i found metal dectors will not find this type deposits as they are in chemical compounds . this is what i believe drained the swamp. sorry about couple of lines being messed up new computer tommorow.
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