Persher Code


Silver Member
Apr 19, 2003
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New Mexico
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Why hasn't the LDM been located despite so many clues available as to it's whereabouts? Let's open our minds a wee bit about treasure and treasure stories. As you see from this message below (written several years ago by a well-known researcher), if the truth ever comes to light, the LDM and many other targets may have solutions hidden in plain sight, so to speak.

The persher code. That the Knight Templar invented this code to send messages back and forth during the crusades, is the stated purpose. It is not actually a code, but a style of writing where the true message is hidden within the obvious story being told. After the KT "went to sleep", persher was used in most of their writing. This continued right up through the early 20th century by the old Confederate Knights and is still being used today by authors wanting to record a message to those initiated and keep it secret from others who may read the story.

Many of the books about the Confederacy, old west and war history might be written in this style. If you pick up a newspaper from the 1870-1920s reporting weird or unbelievable stories, especially if they pertain to Lost mines or buried treasure, they are most likely written in persher. Take most of the Spanish treasure tales and analyze them carefully, looking for clues and you'll come away knowing they are coded.

In order to read between the lines you must already know what you are looking for or it willl just sound stupid or silly.

The Lost Adams Diggings is a prime example of persher. The true story is there but everyone takes it at face value. The first few lines of a later version of story, after the first newspaper mention in the 1890s introduces Gotch Ear the Mex-Ind that led them to the gold. If you are looking for the code and know that Jesse James was the Comptroller of the KGC the name would trigger you to think of JJ. Got-ch or Got yah! with the ear. Every serious JJ researcher ought to know that the Missouri Jesse James had a deformed ear. If you study a few different photos of him this is apparent. Note also that few of his photos show his right ear.

So that is persher. Adams had no front name was said by J. Frank Dobie in his version of the story. Of course any astute KGC researcher would know that Adams County, Mississippi was the HQ of the KGC as long as Gen. John A. Quitman was alive. It was from Ft. Adams in Adams County or Natchez that the first KGC agents were sent to California at the beginning of the gold rush in 1849. Jesse James father, also a KGC agent, went to the gold fields in 1850 to join up with other KGCs already there who were establishing KGC control there. Another conection with Adams county is Jacob Waltz, the original Dutchman of AZ LD fame, he also hung out in Adams County when the KGC was getting its feet on the ground. It might interest some of you to know that the Jacob Waltz's base of operations at a time was Adamsville, AZ and that it got its name from a man named Adams that had a grist mill on the Gila. Several other KGC treasure areas are at places named Adams. It goes on and on in this.

Much persher is used in dealing with the Lost Dutchman. Hmmmm! did you know there was a Dutchman with Adams? Does that make you wonder about anything? You do know the route Adams party took would have led them very close to the Superstitions. I know some of you will argue that point but if you read carefully Drago's version of the story, which is pure KGC persher, you will see I'm right on this. I won't go so far to tell you the Adam's deal is the same as the LD, but I'll hint that they may be connected

Yo! ;D Sticking with the topic of "Persher Code", I asked on another Treasure Hunting web-site if anyone else had heard of it... THANKS, Springfield, I thought I was "losing my Mind', 'cause I KNEW I had heard/read of it SOMEWHERE... You are correct, and that is where the saying comes from... "reading between the lines..." I was researching the Beale Codes/Treasure of Bedford County, Virginia at the time. P.C. was to be used, when reading the BEALE STORY/PAPERS... dunno, NEVER tried it. Date it from @ 1885, when Beale Pamphlet came out or something, is all I remember. Hmmmm... ???

djui5 said:
Problem with this is that both Waltz and Adams told people, physically, not in writing, about their mines/gold. It's not like these stories were passed down through books and newspapers, they were both started with word of mouth.

Exactly, dj. And so the legend begins.

thats not so unbeleiveable . i found the date 1888 at the ldm...i told someone else here at the site where i found that date but i will not give their name here ...

but they know i stated it some time ago..

djui5 said:
the blindbowman said:
no this is cut in to a timber in the pit it self .

Really! Did you get a photo of it? If it's in the pit itself you could post it without giving away a location.

I thought he had made you aware of the magnetic field that wiped his camera randy


It would need to be one hell of a magnetic field to destroy your flash card memory. Probably ruin the camera as well.

Did it yank your sidearm from it's holster? Did you feel a powerful pull on your fillings? What about your glasses.....did they just go flying into the cave? Good thing none of your stuff got rocketed into that nitro.:D

I have to admit, magnetic fields fit right in with this whole story. Do you think the Holy Grail might be in there ??? ??? ??? Think that may be the one thing you have not far.


CJ in fact it did destory the camera and that camera was not mine , and so far i have not been able to get it to work again ... that little magnetic feild you are all jokeing about cost me $650 . that time .. the other 2.0 just had the card blanked ...

none of this matters you prove your piont ... i got lots to do latter ...

Codes are great fun, but trying to tie together the lost Adams diggings (placer gold, location area E Arizona/W New Mexico) with the lost Dutchman mine (lode gold, location probably Superstition mountains, south-central AZ) by the name 'Adams' or the mention of a "Dutchman" is not too strong a case. A lot of German immigrants were known as "Dutchman" in those days, and there were quite a few Adams, and of course not all are related.

Then tying in to a shadow organization which is difficult to prove they even existed, is really skating into that thin ice area. It is a fun story but not one I would expend money and time on with an expectation of ever finding anything other than pretty scenery and good exercise.

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


OOOOPS! Sorry. I started reading until I hit the Templars/Dutchman part. Gotta go!

;D ;D ;D


Re: Persher Code... ALRIGHT!!!

Yo! ;D Springfield, can you come over to Rockhound's New Treasure Hunter's Forum - The Beale Ciphers "board", PERSHER CODE "thread"? "Post" what you did and MORE on P. C. there; I don't have ANY problem with the K.T. "connection"... PROBABLY came to USA from Scotland... some became PIRATES (and buried TREASURE...); Swift's Silver Mine(s) is probably "connected"... and your "explanation" PERSHER CODE
fits as POSSIBLE solution to the Beale Papers/Pamplet (1885) as KEY to the Beale Code(s). ;) THANKS!!!

gollum said:
OOOOPS! Sorry. I started reading until I hit the Templars/Dutchman part. Gotta go!


Closing your mind is your choice.

Re: Persher Code... ALRIGHT!!!

Rebel - KGC said:
Yo! ;D Springfield, can you come over to Rockhound's New Treasure Hunter's Forum - The Beale Ciphers "board", PERSHER CODE "thread"? "Post" what you did and MORE on P. C. there; I don't have ANY problem with the K.T. "connection"... PROBABLY came to USA from Scotland... some became PIRATES (and buried TREASURE...); Swift's Silver Mine(s) is probably "connected"... and your "explanation" PERSHER CODE
fits as POSSIBLE solution to the Beale Papers/Pamplet (1885) as KEY to the Beale Code(s). ;) THANKS!!!

Thanks Rebel, but I don't know anything about the Beale deal or have anything to add to the discussion

just one question for you all . if the templar were the ones to make the stones do you think they would have not used there own codes for the stones ,,, ???

these are people that did not trust anyone after what the chruch had just done to them years before the dates in question ..

i only stand to reason that this is the true reason the stones have not been translated till now ...

Since your question was aimed at "everyone" I will try a reply.

IF the Templars created the stone maps, then yes it makes perfect sense that they would use their own codes. That is a mighty big IF however, and will take a great deal of proving up.

So not to be one of those pooh-pooh'ers, I do try to keep an open mind; so convince me:

That the KGC did not disband soon after the Civil War ended,

That the KGC used Persher code (some examples)

That Jesse James was ever in Arizona,

That the lost Adams mine and lost Waltz mine are one in the same,

That the Templars made the Peralta stones;

I really would be happy to change my mind, if presented enough evidence to warrant it I certainly will. Thank you in advance,


Oroblanco said:
Since your question was aimed at "everyone" I will try a reply.

IF the Templars created the stone maps, then yes it makes perfect sense that they would use their own codes. That is a mighty big IF however, and will take a great deal of proving up.

So not to be one of those pooh-pooh'ers, I do try to keep an open mind; so convince me:

That the KGC did not disband soon after the Civil War ended,

That the KGC used Persher code (some examples)

That Jesse James was ever in Arizona,

That the lost Adams mine and lost Waltz mine are one in the same,

That the Templars made the Peralta stones;

I really would be happy to change my mind, if presented enough evidence to warrant it I certainly will. Thank you in advance,


Oro can you give me a quick rundown on the Adams mine. What are the known facts of tell us they fit the lost Dutchman site..... I am confident I can answer those questions

Greetings Blindbowman,

There is a fair rundown of the Adams diggings on Wikipedia:

There are quite a number of books and articles on this famous lost placer, located somewhere up around Fort Wingate, even a Hollywood western movie (McKenna's Gold, great movie with Gregory Peck starring, loads of action and even some skin, thin on fact) so there is a lot of material available, if you are curious.

I have personally hunted the Lost Adams, and just my opinion but I could see no reason to believe it connected with the Lost Dutchman in any way other than both were gold mines (of two different types however) and both are lost today. They may not even be in the same state, as some believe the Adams is in New Mexico, not Arizona.

Thank you for the reply, I look forward to the answers - it is possible to change my view, if I can see good reasons why.

your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco


It's interesting that bowman is trying to find some kind of tie-in between the Lost Adams Diggings and the LDM. A more logical connection could be made to the Pen-Hach-A-Pe mine. ;)


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