Beginners Luck and 520,000lbs of gold later !!!


Jul 7, 2014
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How I broke the Solve in 30 minutes with a few books online and with Google Earth.

Clues found in Horse Stone are locators of the astrological and beginning points of reference.

1) Yo Pasto Al Norte Del Rio......I stopped north of the river (telling a tale of impending attack and the hiding place to avoid discovery)
2) He drew the map from this point as he was in the Church located at the old Mining Town below the Goldfield Mines as shown on the map, signified by the bend in the Salt River under the present day Saguaro Dam.
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3) The Horse is facing north and the Horse's Ass can be seen as the shape of the rock face that is behind the horse if it were standing facing north at this old church, which today is a Horse Ranch below the dam.....
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4) The numbers and the spacing is set into the stone as if you were holding it up to face the sky and the dots are actually the position of stars in the sky at that time. The word RIO is scribed at the point of a dry river below a ridgeline, that shows four stars and it lists the constellation as having 5, the fifth star at that time is obscured by the ridge line, and the two dots on the map below the ridge line are the mines listed in those locations, with the Omega/Sombrero located there as well. The other numbers to the right signify the other clusters of stars on the chart at that time, for their points of date/time/direction of the ridge lines as compared to the stone drawings on the hill.

Clues found in the First Map Stone leads from the start with the same location as the arrow drawn on the river above

1) Cross the river until you find the first guidestone marker labeled "X" on the stones. This is a clue for the first points of reference.
2)To the left are the four peaks
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3) and to the right are the M shaped Peaks
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4) The symbol on the stone is mistaken for an upside down # 4, when it really is a cross laid on a sloped hill
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To the right of the M shaped peaks, there is a point on the stone, this is the point in the center of the cross that is featured in the terrain and the trails for this shape.
5)The Curving line is the Sun and the number 8 is the time at night that they were passing through when aligning the stars to the map when the sun was setting over the knife edge of the ridge line.....
6) In the upper middle area of the First Stone is the cave looking black dot/point and further to the left is the number three...these markings are both noted on this photo
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7) You will then be on the trail to the next "X" which has its symbolic clue laid in the next stone.

Second Stone is the continuation through the clues to the next X marker

1) The next symbol on the stones we find is the gash looking or tear looking marking with a safety pin through it......the Needle....(dont be confused with the Weaver's needle though, Jacob Waltz said "No Miner will find my mine" in relation to hinting at not traveling by Miner's Needle on the way to Weaver's Needle. He specifically said that "You Have To Look Through The Eye Of The Needle). This needle can be seen as the "eye" or horizontal shaped Elephant Arch
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2) One also finds another strange clue in this area along the way that may be natural, but looks as though there is a man made perfect spherical cave that is silhouetted by a cross shaped saguaro, and a chest shaped box at the bottom.......very symbolic to me
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3) The trail on the stone leads in the same direction as the stream bed in the Google Earth photos, and we approach a round bend to the left and an "X" marker on the right. this is marked to be the viewing point from which on can clearly see the "Sombrero" shaped Omega symbol or end of the trail of clues.
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4) From the X Looking at the "Sombrero"
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5) The point etched on the stone as an arrow shows the location of the "Bottom of the Heart", and the valley's points of reference all fit the clues as to the shape of the rivers and ridge lines
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Jacob Waltz said that there's a face in the rock where his mine is located....Got It
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You'll know you've found the "Heart-Shaped Box" Canyon when you "Find the Apache Thunder God".......Got It
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Take the Latin Heart Translations and find the layouts to match the descriptions on the back of the second Heart Stone to the terrain of the area and you have found ...........
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My Treasure.........................LOL !!! No seriously, you'll never get out of the Valley with my trove.......they outlawed all Treasure Trove Permits except by special Permission from Superiors.......

I have already alerted the Spanish Embassy, The S.E.E.M. Society in Spain, and numerous others at Princeton's Anthropological Dept, and also the Smithsonian.

Hopefully, this will all go down,

I leave you with the tale told about the Peralta Treasures I found in 30 minutes..........hey .......520,000+lbs of bullion and a 900lb cross?/? Not many guys here can make that claim.......

So if you want to join my adventure hunt after we are granted the area to look for treasure...let me know .....just send me your email and I will notify you when we get going......will need a few other guys to move the stone that sits in the way of the Dry Waterfall Cache..........!!!! The Biggest of 'em all

congratulations. I can see you put a lot of work into that.

The only problem I see, in my opinion, there is no lost mine, Waltz was a high-grader living off a cache of ore that he stole years earlier from the Vulture mine.

I thought this was proven years ago.....I could be wrong, good luck with your recovery.:thumbsup:

How I broke the Solve in 30 minutes with a few books online and with Google Earth.

Clues found in Horse Stone are locators of the astrological and beginning points of reference.

1) Yo Pasto Al Norte Del Rio......I stopped north of the river (telling a tale of impending attack and the hiding place to avoid discovery)
2) He drew the map from this point as he was in the Church located at the old Mining Town below the Goldfield Mines as shown on the map, signified by the bend in the Salt River under the present day Saguaro Dam.
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3) The Horse is facing north and the Horse's Ass can be seen as the shape of the rock face that is behind the horse if it were standing facing north at this old church, which today is a Horse Ranch below the dam.....
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4) The numbers and the spacing is set into the stone as if you were holding it up to face the sky and the dots are actually the position of stars in the sky at that time. The word RIO is scribed at the point of a dry river below a ridgeline, that shows four stars and it lists the constellation as having 5, the fifth star at that time is obscured by the ridge line, and the two dots on the map below the ridge line are the mines listed in those locations, with the Omega/Sombrero located there as well. The other numbers to the right signify the other clusters of stars on the chart at that time, for their points of date/time/direction of the ridge lines as compared to the stone drawings on the hill.

Clues found in the First Map Stone leads from the start with the same location as the arrow drawn on the river above

1) Cross the river until you find the first guidestone marker labeled "X" on the stones. This is a clue for the first points of reference.
2)To the left are the four peaks
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3) and to the right are the M shaped Peaks
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4) The symbol on the stone is mistaken for an upside down # 4, when it really is a cross laid on a sloped hill
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To the right of the M shaped peaks, there is a point on the stone, this is the point in the center of the cross that is featured in the terrain and the trails for this shape.
5)The Curving line is the Sun and the number 8 is the time at night that they were passing through when aligning the stars to the map when the sun was setting over the knife edge of the ridge line.....
6) In the upper middle area of the First Stone is the cave looking black dot/point and further to the left is the number three...these markings are both noted on this photo
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7) You will then be on the trail to the next "X" which has its symbolic clue laid in the next stone.

Second Stone is the continuation through the clues to the next X marker

1) The next symbol on the stones we find is the gash looking or tear looking marking with a safety pin through it......the Needle....(dont be confused with the Weaver's needle though, Jacob Waltz said "No Miner will find my mine" in relation to hinting at not traveling by Miner's Needle on the way to Weaver's Needle. He specifically said that "You Have To Look Through The Eye Of The Needle). This needle can be seen as the "eye" or horizontal shaped Elephant Arch
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2) One also finds another strange clue in this area along the way that may be natural, but looks as though there is a man made perfect spherical cave that is silhouetted by a cross shaped saguaro, and a chest shaped box at the bottom.......very symbolic to me
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3) The trail on the stone leads in the same direction as the stream bed in the Google Earth photos, and we approach a round bend to the left and an "X" marker on the right. this is marked to be the viewing point from which on can clearly see the "Sombrero" shaped Omega symbol or end of the trail of clues.
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4) From the X Looking at the "Sombrero"
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5) The point etched on the stone as an arrow shows the location of the "Bottom of the Heart", and the valley's points of reference all fit the clues as to the shape of the rivers and ridge lines
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Jacob Waltz said that there's a face in the rock where his mine is located....Got It
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You'll know you've found the "Heart-Shaped Box" Canyon when you "Find the Apache Thunder God".......Got It
View attachment 1031253

Take the Latin Heart Translations and find the layouts to match the descriptions on the back of the second Heart Stone to the terrain of the area and you have found ...........
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My Treasure.........................LOL !!! No seriously, you'll never get out of the Valley with my trove.......they outlawed all Treasure Trove Permits except by special Permission from Superiors.......

I have already alerted the Spanish Embassy, The S.E.E.M. Society in Spain, and numerous others at Princeton's Anthropological Dept, and also the Smithsonian.

Hopefully, this will all go down,

I leave you with the tale told about the Peralta Treasures I found in 30 minutes..........hey .......520,000+lbs of bullion and a 900lb cross?/? Not many guys here can make that claim.......

So if you want to join my adventure hunt after we are granted the area to look for treasure...let me know .....just send me your email and I will notify you when we get going......will need a few other guys to move the stone that sits in the way of the Dry Waterfall Cache..........!!!! The Biggest of 'em all

I must say thank you for leaving the coordinates attached to your G.E. images and I'm sure those folks you contacted will have some people keep in touch with you soon.

I wonder if Art Brown gets tired of people using his pictures.

The numbers on the other side of the Latin Heart are not indicating quantities of gold cached at each location. The numbers are geographical elevations.

I leave you with the tale told about the Peralta Treasures I found in 30 minutes..........hey .......520,000+lbs of bullion and a 900lb cross?/? Not many guys here can make that claim.......

You wanna bet?? You obviously haven't been around this forum long - I'd say we average 3-7 claims like this per year. Welcome to the club

Well I was planning on leaving this forum, but it only lasted about 24 hours.told myself I would only post info that could contribute to the cause. But I just had to jump on this thread. It was just too good to pass up. I figure I will throw out my 2 cents on the crap threads and leave the rest to you guys unless I run across something.

I feel so used :(

But lets talk about 520,000 pounds, otherwise known as approx 7,584,308 Troy.

Today's worth @ ~1290 = ~$9.8 TRILLION with a T.

Immagonna go get my shovel and get me some of that :)

I am going to have to start taking massive quantities of hallucinogenic drugs to keep up with this story!


I found the Treasure Trove permit file for the Peralta Treasure in the Superstitions.


Allright here's some more spooky stuff to boot.....

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This is something of an ancient and modern legend, wrapped into a tale of numerous telephone games that I have figured out thoroughly, and deciphered the locations of every single marking on the map, to lead to the area that Peralta settled in and formed a mining town around, as he was known to have been in the area for some time. It took me 30 minutes on Google Earth to match the river on the map with the ridge, the rest of the time I have been pinpointing the clues along the trail I have found. It has been uncovered through a little bit of leg work from a few journeys in meditation as well as factual diggings to clarify the actual confirmation I know is true in my own head.

520,770 lbs is a lot of gold, so it has been more of a logistical nightmare than an adventure so far. :coffee2:

The stones were found in the 50's. There was only one other person who knew about the people who mined the areas before Waltz found a single mine, and he had a hand drawn map.....
.....given to him by a descendent of the Peraltas. Waltz got sick in one flood and the lady who helped him on his deathbed, was then relayed info about a single mine. This woman tried to follow the clues there ...... she didn't find it, but it was not the map to the Peralta Troves and the Church of Santa Fe Treasures, as the two maps are totally different......subsequent people died there looking for the Lost Dutchman loot and some came back with discoveries of other mines and deposits around the area, due to its vast stores of strata that is carrying huge volcanic veins. Some of the gold that Waltz brought back was basically encrusted into this volcanic strata, that borders on horizontal layers of rock with lighter sandstone and quartzite.....some went as far to try to analyze the gold to say it was from another Spanish mine in California that Waltz found before coming to AZ, causing the fusion of these tales of the Lost Dutchman into the Peralta Mines, but we do know Waltz was said to keep bars of gold under his bed......not just loose tailings, flakes, or nuggets, as numerous statements confirmed this.

According to legend, the Apache Thunder God was angered because of the excessive pillaging of the Cibola Mines that the Apache were hiding from the Conquistadors......the real City of Gold.....the real Main Vein, this area is legendary not just for the gold that comes from it, but there is a weird presence that gives it the name Superstitions...the area was hit with huge earthquakes and also was flooded numerous times, wiping out a lot of the settlements there...its said that the valley is watched by the Apache Spirit and only those who are supposed to be there will be given passage. Some say they see the shadow warriors and see the arrows fly by their faces.

Of course this was years ago and now the Parks and Rec plays the same game but with permits, fracking, and Chemtrails so.:dontknow:........ They wont let anyone do anything without full authorization from a superior over their BS agenda......prolly have to come from the Federal Department of the Interior, with attaches from the Apache Nation, The Kingdom of Spain, and the Smithsonian "Castle" .....they are really old school preservationists......I'm from Princeton, NJ by birth, and not a Bonesman from Yale.:headbang:

Also when I noticed the name Van Buren in a Phoenix area map, I looked into their dealings and how they were a part of a gold heist themselves, and it was in consideration of this time of financial and banking corruption, that was the timing that funded and supported this foundation of Martin Van Buren, and the Andrew Jackson Presidency. They had removed the Cherokee, and many other Bands, right after the discovery of Gold in the area surrounding Dahlonega, GA. When you look at the fact they moved out the Navajo and Apache as well, there had to be a reason and those are the only two lands that were stolen during the "Manifest Destiny" roundups, as they were trying to steal their mines. So if the Apache never gave up the location, and were allowing the Spanish to mine there for so long, yet were later moved away from the area by the US govt., that might have saved the trove from being taken after the massacres of the peralta men.

There is a strange likeness between the Ridge Lines of the Bulldogs near Saguaro Dam, and the picture crafted for Van Buren, which I added below, the mountain can be seen in the shadow above the table, set on a Masons Checkerboard Tile Floor, where he is holding a folded piece of paper (a map perhaps) and the prow of a great mountain with an ominous storm behind it. The "table top" has an unusually long tapestry draped over it, as compared to the other legs which are perfect to the bottom of the table, as if it were a Volcano flowing over. Now when I look at one of the telltale ridges of this shadowed mountain behind Van Buren on the Google Earth map, and rotate it with north facing upwards, it takes the shape of the cavern featured in the picture perfectly, as if they were here, and the clues are embedded here and the story was passed down through the four books that Van Buren has on his desk??, with the map in his hand folded like a note, and the fires of the storm kindled from the opening of the mines, that can be seen cracking lightning on the house behind him.

I recognized this as timing of the era with shows like the Mystery of Oak Island, and the Davinci Codes, and of the mystery of what was known and lost to the Templars and their clues, as famous artists have given clues to a treasure trove that holds another mystery as well in their works of art, so these Stones are as historical as the Knights Templar Treasure is. Also in consideration of this great find is another great legend......from Nostradamus....Who's strange foretelling of the coming days are about a retrieval of 2 grand treasures lost, and the destruction of many other fine devastating wars to be nice that he talked about two grand treasures, and that I have not only the trail of the gold mines of Peralta, but also the second trove location of the Money Pit Stones......NO **** I FOUND THE KEYSTONE>>>>>>ON ANOTHER ISLAND POINTED IN THE DIRECT LOCATION OF THE SEXTANT STONES HORIZON ON OAK ISLAND !!!! For another story of course after I nail this one down. The answer came from the clues on the stone drawing that features the word EGO engraved on it, with pointing fingers showing the location is Acadia.....but to find there were two treasures there in the area, one ancient, and one newer from Spanish as well.

Some time later after the federal reserve in the US was founded, there was a forced bankruptcy, a depression, a Business Plot by the grandfather of George Bush. There was a raiding party there years ago in the area by Prescott Bush and others, who were famed for stealing both Geronimo's skull and Pancho Villa's as well as were involved in fueling the Nazi's and even the "Business Plot" to take over the country.......there is also speculation that the reasoning behind the outlawing of the trove permits is to control the find till the day they want to perform "a miracle" after bankrupting the nations with their control over the economy......these Bonesman from Yale with their Jewish funny....

Its strange to think they outlawed the treasure trove rights in the Tonto recently when that area was a legacy of prospecting for the Goldfield Mines and many others in the past.....Maybe there is a reason for not uncovering something this large about a Royal Kingdom and its treasures that they fear, or giving the land of Cibola to the Apache......guessing they want to keep us all tourists. What I mean is that they might have known themselves, and be interested in finding out this info, so all ties that I find will be in the hands of the Apache and Spanish, leaving the US the contemplation of allowing mining there again for their true tourist goldmines!

This hack thinks that they may have found some or all of the trove partly because there is a completely illogical tourist map, with twisted interpretations, and the Peralta markings were easily interpreted by me in 30 minutes. So what many believe is some sort of theft of the land, the govt, and the banking structure that controls the ever fluctuating levels of gold stored in the depositories in the Federal Reserves, the Ft. Knox, and the rest of the economy, has discovered these treasures. Where does it all come from?......has to come from the earth somewhere,??? and they even tried to steal the Black Hills from the Lakotah for the gold and yellow cake uranium there, so my guess is they were on a raiding party at some point to these mines as well an that because of this squandering of the gold throughout the last fifty years since the "discovery" of the stones, they have done as much research with charts and maps in their CIA think tanks...Another compelling recent rumor is that they dont really have as much gold as they were claiming to have stored. Someone has been secreting the gold stockpiles to foreign nations, through "Foreign Trade"....they go there under this press release, but they really do business for the contractors that pay them the most in lobbies, and bribes with no-bid contracts offered to a favorite.......this has been used to drain the US of its Native Reserves to this day, and they use Fort Knox as a transfer point as they fill the vault with real gold, and then extract what they want, then leave fake ignots and other tungsten filled bars in place. They buy their way in then plant a "business plot" in each country through our reserves, and this alone causes the fluctuations in the economy, then we are fed the bullshit reports about the economy, based on volumes of "Private Investments" in a Public Marketplace.........this gold cannot be used for this reason.

The terrain in the area has some interesting shapes.....and one certain area underneath the "Bulldogs" takes the shape of the Cobollo De Santa Fe, at the base of the mountains, this is clearly seen from the outline itself. the horse is depicted on the stone as is the ridge line behind with the astrology of the time they went up there at 8am or 8pm. The starting point......with the description from placing the stone against the terrain and you will clearly see the land shaped like a pack mule. The rest of the clues read like clockwork. To follow the trail which has stacked stones along the way, and curves described as fitting both the numbers and letters on the horse, and on the trail stones as well. These curves in the trail, the mountains, and the three dots all line up to the trail stones with the exact features there in the terrain after getting to the heart of the Trove areas...There was a series of common clues on the stones that can easily be tracked to the areas.....and the heart stone has etchings that are numbered and coded words, which describe these locations of the magic. I have found almost every marking from Google Earth, and that didnt come around till 2006? so no wonder no one has been looking in the right place......everyone goes up the tourist trail from the massacre point....retracing the steps back through as if these maps were from the stash to the point of massacre??

Doesn't make sense......they wrote the stones when they were planning to leave, so they could stash some and return later if they had to....but they wouldnt have made the stones to make a trail back up from the massacre point......hardly anyone survived.

The Stone says he stopped north of the river, he says "This is Dangerous, Look For the Map, Look For the Heart", the heart of the Apache Thunder God .....But the R is missing???

Trickery is built into the stones to disorient most a full 180 degrees.....The map stone can be read as the thicker and solid line being the base, and the top lighter line being the ridge line with the knife edge pointed down in a "dangerous" looking manner.........BUT.......the map must be read with the knife standing on its base, like the shape of the main Bulldog at the river's bend under the dam, and the knife has a line showing you have to go over that bulldog to the other side by following the trail, but the arching over line has the number 1 scribed into it at the start to tell you to go there first....on the Horse Stone the eye seems to be smiling a little, or is very sly looking, as if the horse is hiding something, and if you notice the word RIO appears twice on this stone. There is a random R on the Map Stones, and missing R on the Priest Stones where the word CORAZON is meant to be spelled. This helped to spawn the confusion, and with the knife stabbed into the ground, as men held the R as signifying RIO or salt river, in the place of the thicker lines, showing the dry river beds that came down the mountain, they all converged where they thought the massacre happened. If you look at the ranch area and gold mine town there by the dam, you will find the history of the area holds that there is an old spanish church ruin in the place right below the dam. With the "double cross" having been found with the smirking burro, we know the symbol was the church there where the small river and arrow are marked, and we were all fooled to looking elsewhere by the massacre grounds.

How funny this is the area that is called Peralta Canyon, so they all chase right up there and miss the real goldmine around to the Northwest by the Saguaro Dam. To most this obviously this is the RIO, the RIO they talked about being the old salt river, further around the bend, which had no dam then, but in reality it is the ridge line that has the R on it for the location of the Missing Heart of gold. So you are supposed to place the heart there in that vicinity on the ridge ..... Waltz lived near McDowell Mountain to the immediate west so it would be real likely they came from that area and traveled back quickly after hiking up the ridge there to get what he needed and return with is very convenient for a man back then through town and well traveled roads when the city was pretty new then.

Think that you might need one of these

You can rent one at the ranch there at the base of the mountain.......let me know what youve found when you go out there......

I know you're going to get the "Valley Fever" REAL BAD !!!!! LOL

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Seven Cities of Cibola??? Was noticing this might be the area known as Cibola, due to the visitation by Coronado and his men, and there might be confusion over the peaks as being the "cities" on individual hills.....??

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These are the post holes drilled in the stones...they are matching in the rock and terrain as holes that were picked open.......

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