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How I broke the Solve in 30 minutes with a few books online and with Google Earth.
Clues found in Horse Stone are locators of the astrological and beginning points of reference.
1) Yo Pasto Al Norte Del Rio......I stopped north of the river (telling a tale of impending attack and the hiding place to avoid discovery)
2) He drew the map from this point as he was in the Church located at the old Mining Town below the Goldfield Mines as shown on the map, signified by the bend in the Salt River under the present day Saguaro Dam.
View attachment 1031238
3) The Horse is facing north and the Horse's Ass can be seen as the shape of the rock face that is behind the horse if it were standing facing north at this old church, which today is a Horse Ranch below the dam.....
View attachment 1031239
4) The numbers and the spacing is set into the stone as if you were holding it up to face the sky and the dots are actually the position of stars in the sky at that time. The word RIO is scribed at the point of a dry river below a ridgeline, that shows four stars and it lists the constellation as having 5, the fifth star at that time is obscured by the ridge line, and the two dots on the map below the ridge line are the mines listed in those locations, with the Omega/Sombrero located there as well. The other numbers to the right signify the other clusters of stars on the chart at that time, for their points of date/time/direction of the ridge lines as compared to the stone drawings on the hill.
Clues found in the First Map Stone leads from the start with the same location as the arrow drawn on the river above
1) Cross the river until you find the first guidestone marker labeled "X" on the stones. This is a clue for the first points of reference.
2)To the left are the four peaks
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3) and to the right are the M shaped Peaks
View attachment 1031228
4) The symbol on the stone is mistaken for an upside down # 4, when it really is a cross laid on a sloped hill
View attachment 1031240
To the right of the M shaped peaks, there is a point on the stone, this is the point in the center of the cross that is featured in the terrain and the trails for this shape.
5)The Curving line is the Sun and the number 8 is the time at night that they were passing through when aligning the stars to the map when the sun was setting over the knife edge of the ridge line.....
6) In the upper middle area of the First Stone is the cave looking black dot/point and further to the left is the number three...these markings are both noted on this photo
View attachment 1031243
7) You will then be on the trail to the next "X" which has its symbolic clue laid in the next stone.
Second Stone is the continuation through the clues to the next X marker
1) The next symbol on the stones we find is the gash looking or tear looking marking with a safety pin through it......the Needle....(dont be confused with the Weaver's needle though, Jacob Waltz said "No Miner will find my mine" in relation to hinting at not traveling by Miner's Needle on the way to Weaver's Needle. He specifically said that "You Have To Look Through The Eye Of The Needle). This needle can be seen as the "eye" or horizontal shaped Elephant Arch
View attachment 1031244
2) One also finds another strange clue in this area along the way that may be natural, but looks as though there is a man made perfect spherical cave that is silhouetted by a cross shaped saguaro, and a chest shaped box at the bottom.......very symbolic to me
View attachment 1031245
3) The trail on the stone leads in the same direction as the stream bed in the Google Earth photos, and we approach a round bend to the left and an "X" marker on the right. this is marked to be the viewing point from which on can clearly see the "Sombrero" shaped Omega symbol or end of the trail of clues.
View attachment 1031246
4) From the X Looking at the "Sombrero"
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5) The point etched on the stone as an arrow shows the location of the "Bottom of the Heart", and the valley's points of reference all fit the clues as to the shape of the rivers and ridge lines
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Jacob Waltz said that there's a face in the rock where his mine is located....Got It
View attachment 1031255
You'll know you've found the "Heart-Shaped Box" Canyon when you "Find the Apache Thunder God".......Got It
View attachment 1031253
Take the Latin Heart Translations and find the layouts to match the descriptions on the back of the second Heart Stone to the terrain of the area and you have found ...........
View attachment 1031256
My Treasure.........................LOL !!! No seriously, you'll never get out of the Valley with my trove.......they outlawed all Treasure Trove Permits except by special Permission from Superiors.......
I have already alerted the Spanish Embassy, The S.E.E.M. Society in Spain, and numerous others at Princeton's Anthropological Dept, and also the Smithsonian.
Hopefully, this will all go down smoothly........so,
I leave you with the tale told about the Peralta Treasures I found in 30 minutes..........hey .......520,000+lbs of bullion and a 900lb cross?/? Not many guys here can make that claim.......
So if you want to join my adventure hunt after we are granted the area to look for treasure...let me know .....just send me your email and I will notify you when we get going......will need a few other guys to move the stone that sits in the way of the Dry Waterfall Cache..........!!!! The Biggest of 'em all
Clues found in Horse Stone are locators of the astrological and beginning points of reference.
1) Yo Pasto Al Norte Del Rio......I stopped north of the river (telling a tale of impending attack and the hiding place to avoid discovery)
2) He drew the map from this point as he was in the Church located at the old Mining Town below the Goldfield Mines as shown on the map, signified by the bend in the Salt River under the present day Saguaro Dam.
View attachment 1031238
3) The Horse is facing north and the Horse's Ass can be seen as the shape of the rock face that is behind the horse if it were standing facing north at this old church, which today is a Horse Ranch below the dam.....
View attachment 1031239
4) The numbers and the spacing is set into the stone as if you were holding it up to face the sky and the dots are actually the position of stars in the sky at that time. The word RIO is scribed at the point of a dry river below a ridgeline, that shows four stars and it lists the constellation as having 5, the fifth star at that time is obscured by the ridge line, and the two dots on the map below the ridge line are the mines listed in those locations, with the Omega/Sombrero located there as well. The other numbers to the right signify the other clusters of stars on the chart at that time, for their points of date/time/direction of the ridge lines as compared to the stone drawings on the hill.
Clues found in the First Map Stone leads from the start with the same location as the arrow drawn on the river above
1) Cross the river until you find the first guidestone marker labeled "X" on the stones. This is a clue for the first points of reference.
2)To the left are the four peaks
View attachment 1031227
3) and to the right are the M shaped Peaks
View attachment 1031228
4) The symbol on the stone is mistaken for an upside down # 4, when it really is a cross laid on a sloped hill
View attachment 1031240
To the right of the M shaped peaks, there is a point on the stone, this is the point in the center of the cross that is featured in the terrain and the trails for this shape.
5)The Curving line is the Sun and the number 8 is the time at night that they were passing through when aligning the stars to the map when the sun was setting over the knife edge of the ridge line.....
6) In the upper middle area of the First Stone is the cave looking black dot/point and further to the left is the number three...these markings are both noted on this photo
View attachment 1031243
7) You will then be on the trail to the next "X" which has its symbolic clue laid in the next stone.
Second Stone is the continuation through the clues to the next X marker
1) The next symbol on the stones we find is the gash looking or tear looking marking with a safety pin through it......the Needle....(dont be confused with the Weaver's needle though, Jacob Waltz said "No Miner will find my mine" in relation to hinting at not traveling by Miner's Needle on the way to Weaver's Needle. He specifically said that "You Have To Look Through The Eye Of The Needle). This needle can be seen as the "eye" or horizontal shaped Elephant Arch
View attachment 1031244
2) One also finds another strange clue in this area along the way that may be natural, but looks as though there is a man made perfect spherical cave that is silhouetted by a cross shaped saguaro, and a chest shaped box at the bottom.......very symbolic to me
View attachment 1031245
3) The trail on the stone leads in the same direction as the stream bed in the Google Earth photos, and we approach a round bend to the left and an "X" marker on the right. this is marked to be the viewing point from which on can clearly see the "Sombrero" shaped Omega symbol or end of the trail of clues.
View attachment 1031246
4) From the X Looking at the "Sombrero"
View attachment 1031248View attachment 1031249
5) The point etched on the stone as an arrow shows the location of the "Bottom of the Heart", and the valley's points of reference all fit the clues as to the shape of the rivers and ridge lines
View attachment 1031250View attachment 1031251View attachment 1031254View attachment 1031252
Jacob Waltz said that there's a face in the rock where his mine is located....Got It
View attachment 1031255
You'll know you've found the "Heart-Shaped Box" Canyon when you "Find the Apache Thunder God".......Got It
View attachment 1031253
Take the Latin Heart Translations and find the layouts to match the descriptions on the back of the second Heart Stone to the terrain of the area and you have found ...........
View attachment 1031256
My Treasure.........................LOL !!! No seriously, you'll never get out of the Valley with my trove.......they outlawed all Treasure Trove Permits except by special Permission from Superiors.......
I have already alerted the Spanish Embassy, The S.E.E.M. Society in Spain, and numerous others at Princeton's Anthropological Dept, and also the Smithsonian.
Hopefully, this will all go down smoothly........so,
I leave you with the tale told about the Peralta Treasures I found in 30 minutes..........hey .......520,000+lbs of bullion and a 900lb cross?/? Not many guys here can make that claim.......
So if you want to join my adventure hunt after we are granted the area to look for treasure...let me know .....just send me your email and I will notify you when we get going......will need a few other guys to move the stone that sits in the way of the Dry Waterfall Cache..........!!!! The Biggest of 'em all