Think you may want to head over to the special collections dept. at the Arizona State Univ. library. They have the mine payroll records of many of the mines you speak of and the Dutchman's name is on a couple of them as an employee. I was a grad. student at Texas Tech, working with their History of Engineering Dept.(summer job), who had a contract with Arizona to do historic field work and I was searching records on my own looking for a disertation topic for a PhD.. Had checked copper records, then looked at gold just for the heck of it. On some new stuff that they had just gotten in(1982 at the time) was a payroll record for a mine or mines in Globe. I recognized the name, showed it to the lady there and she didn't care. I never gave it a second thought until tonight when I read this stuff, but I bet I'm not the only one that has seen that. Old parchment, poor handwriting, musty old records. Maybe there is more than one Jacob Waltz? Don't know, too old to care, have posted about the LDM, wouldn't really put too much stock in all that, but you feel free. Bet Terry is right on though...