All men are created equal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <-------------cover up for a clean political career and founding father....signer of the D.O.I....etc.

You won't find the truth published much when it comes to politicians..................

The truth about what Thomas Jefferson's Presidency was all about:

"This is and shall be a government of white men and for white men."
J.S. Morton was credited, or charged, with the construction of the platform; and after the republican press had heaped the matter-of-course partisan strictures and ridicule upon it, he took malicious pleasure in retorting that the preamble and first resolution were copied verbatim from the immortal Jefferson's first inaugural address.

Jefferson was a polymath and smarter than the average bear. His tendency to disregard his Irish roots publicly to me is no different than not publicly claiming to be a Freemason. A little research on his mother's side of the family shows some ties to "Adam and Eve" of Virginia. As far as Teddy goes...I will just say he had a vested interest in the West and plenty of support. He would groom Taft to "represent" as well.

P.S. That picture should have Jackson and Cass kicking the Indians in the @** and stomping on the old ones to be a more accurate depiction of "and justice for all"(white men?) I.M.O. Like you...I don't know if I want any part of it anymore now that the bold truth is being unveiled, but it is a machine that has left the station long ago and we are just along to stoke the fire whether we want to or not.


"People talk about the notion of mega-caches being hidden in National Parks, et al. Looks to me like keeping the population density low and land underdeveloped in the West, 'Wilderness Areas', preceded the notions of 'ol Teddy, who spent some time in the military in supposed K.G.C. Golden Circle 'territory'."

I believe that the parks use for the K.G.C. can be traced back to Jacob Thompson Sec. of Interior during president Buchanan's administration.

Jefferson was reported by Dr. Joseph Guillotin to have attended meetings of the Lodge of Nine Muses in Paris; that he had marched in a Masonic procession with Widow’s Son Lodge No. 60 and Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 on October 6, 1817, at the cornerstone laying of Central College (now the University of Virginia); that the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Louisiana held funeral orations and processions for him following his death on July 4, 1826; and that a Blue Lodge at Surry Court House, Virginia, was named Jefferson Lodge No. 65 in 1801.
Joseph-Ignace Guillotin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what I know to be fact...i wasn't there. :laughing7:


P.S. Jefferson expressed his firm belief in God in his writings. God is Creator and Nature’s God in the Declaration of Independence. In 1786, the Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom underlined the fact that Almighty God created the mind free. The letters to John Adams and the English scientist and theologian Joseph Priestley clearly showed Jefferson’s conviction that church and state must be separate, his opposition to creeds and dogma, and his insistence on tolerance and mutual respect among religions. In 1816, he authored The Life and Morals of Jesus. He would have heartily accepted the Masonic requirement of faith in the Great Architect of the Universe.
Thomas Jefferson may not have been a Brother in a Lodge of Freemasons, but he had all of the prerequisites for membership in the Craft. His life could serve as a role model for all Masons; and, like Voltaire, he fulfilled the obligations of our Fraternity. First and foremost, he was a Freeman.

Thomas Jefferson - Freemason?

TY, for "clarifications"; ANYTHING about FRENCH Freemasonry/Masonry "falls" under the Grand Lodge of France, back then; Grand Lodge de Orient, I think... THEY did NOT require a belief in Deity. Yes, TJ was a very "spiritual" person, a MYSTIC of the OLD Rosicrucian Order of France. I think TJ believed in the MANIFESTATIONS of Deity (nature, scientific laws, etc). Re "slaves"; yes, he freed many, except for Sally; DYK...? Sally was a light skin black woman; step-sister to his wife, Martha?
They had the SAME white father! 9 Muses Lodge in France was "open" to people like TJ; Ben Franklin was a MEMBER, who "vouched" for him. Marching with Masons from # 60 (been there) was nothing more than it being CENTRAL COLLEGE, part of UVA, which TJ FOUNDED. TJ is/was a GREAT man & MYSTIC; GREAT reason to have "funerals", etc for him for the same reason, including having "Blue Lodges" named after him. YES... TJ, like ALL Freemasons/Masons are FREE-THINKERS of the Enlightenment; STILL was NOT a member of ANY "Blue Lodge".

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Don't you think he would have been above the "Blue Lodge" in stature?...as compared to The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and it's "Supreme Council?"

Thanks for your thoughts, L.C.

Don't you think he would have been above the "Blue Lodge" in stature?...as compared to The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and it's "Supreme Council?"

Thanks for your thoughts, L.C.

OF COURSE, he was/is! MORE in "line" with "across the little pond" Secret Societies Aristocracy. BTW, YOU may like the book, AMERICA'S SECRET ARISTOCRACY by Stephen Birmingham; has names, info on $$$$$$$$$ "investments", POWER! "Smells" like O.A.K.!

Like Father like son........The acorn doesn't fall far from the oak that produced it.

Paul Morton......Paul Morton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first fifty years of the Equitable life assurance society of the United ... - Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States - Google Books

He served as the Secretary of Navy between 1904 and 1905. Here he is celebrating it at Arbor lodge with a bunch of monopolist. Notice who is standing and who is sitting. I don't think it was because they were taller than everybody else there....
View attachment 1028152

Previous to this, he had been vice president of the Santa Fe Railroad. When it came to light that the Santa Fe had given illegal rebates under Morton, he was forced out of the cabinet to avoid scandal, though Roosevelt maintained that Morton himself was unaware of the improprieties. After leaving government service, Morton was President of Equitable Life Assurance Society.

Where do you think ELAS got the idea for that Squirrel?:icon_scratch::laughing7:

The day that the Jekyll Island Club came to celebrate in Nebraska City.....no wonder Teddy looks so nervous in this picture,,,,:laughing7: pretty incriminating group for the "TRUST BUSTER" to be standing in getting drunk and partying. The 1903 note says the party lasted for two days at the Morton's Arbor Lodge mansion. I am guessing they never ran out of beer money!

teddy.webp Richard Teller Crane.webp View attachment 1044154

Andrew Carnigie.webp

How many of these guys were in the O.A.K...........well they were invited



  • Morris.webp
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  • James Stillman.webp
    James Stillman.webp
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Rebel I hold a slightly different opinion. That the people of the south having heard the stories of death and destruction that the north was inflecting on the south. Millions and Millions of dollars and valuable were hid. Some never to be recovered. Whether by K.G.C./O.A.K. call them what you want. The Treasure is still there and some has to be in the beginning K.G.C. People in the late 1800's didn't trust banks and after the great Depression They sure didn't trust them. FDR confiscating all the gold out of the safe deposit boxes. No wonder that people use the Earth Bank like they have for centuries. Quick story to make my point. A old lady in N.W. Iowa lost her husband she went to the cemetery almost every day to tend his grave and talk to him. The town thought that she was touched. On her death bed she told here kids to dig up around Daddies head stone. They did and found over $50,000 buried. She had been thur the Great Depression and didn't trust the banks. True story I knew here son well. If that can happen with in the last 15 years how many died with out telling any one about the treasure buried out under the tool shed or behind the big tree in the grove.

Who ever buried this treasure did so by at least leaving a trail to follow. No matter how cryptic, it will lead some where and if you know how to find the right markers and read them right your fortune awaits you.



BINGO meant that Senior Deacon is Exactly Right about Earth Banks....BOA...B of E...

It was and for some still is the only way people felt/feel they had/have any security and control of their assets or heirlooms.

Sometimes there would be accounting and personal documentation of these BoE deposits and withdrawals in the jars.

I posted about a documentary to watch called 'Stories Under The Stone'. It has a small part showing jars buried by tombstones. It's a great one hour documentary to watch online telling about meanings of tombstones and the people who designed them.

This documentary also tells of Rocks that are either laying flat on the ground or Standing Up...I've read where people have been told this is a KGC Pointer Sign...The documentary explains that most are grave markers and shows what they look like.

That's not an uncommon practice for people to leave messages in jars buried under the surface of the ground on graves or at the base of a tombstone.

I am in no way advocating or suggesting digging around a grave ...I'm just saying it's not an uncommon practice in some families or communities to do this. Even organizations have been known to bury a ring, medal or lapel pin belonging to the deceased close to the stone.

This should go without saying, but if anyone is caught poking around a Grave that they do not own themselves or have not inherited ownership of in a plot...The penalties are very large. In most cemeteries it's even illegal to put cremains on an existing grave.


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BINGO meant that Senior Deacon is Exactly Right about Earth Banks....BOA...B of E...

It was and for some still is the only way people felt/feel they had/have any security and control of their assets or heirlooms.

Sometimes there would be accounting and personal documentation of these BoE deposits and withdrawals in the jars.

I posted about a documentary to watch called 'Stories Under The Stone'. It has a small part showing jars buried by tombstones. It's a great one hour documentary to watch online telling about meanings of tombstones and the people who designed them.

This documentary also tells of Rocks that are either laying flat on the ground or Standing Up...I've read where people have been told this is a KGC Pointer Sign...The documentary explains that most are grave markers and shows what they look like.

That's not an uncommon practice for people to leave messages in jars buried under the surface of the ground on graves or at the base of a tombstone.

I am in no way advocating or suggesting digging around a grave ...I'm just saying it's not an uncommon practice in some families or communities to do this. Even organizations have been known to bury a ring, medal or lapel pin belonging to the deceased close to the stone.

This should go without saying, but if anyone is caught poking around a Grave that they do not own themselves or have not inherited ownership of in a plot...The penalties are very large. In most cemeteries it's even illegal to put cremains on an existing grave.


How many of them had a coded letter from the K.G.C. and a lead cross with a K.G.C. cipher included in the jar that would lead to treasure sites in the midwest? I believe you are a little bit off subject Kace.

Treasure originals 066.webp

In 1882 the Standard Oil Company and affiliated companies that were engaged in producing, refining, and marketing oil were combined in the Standard Oil Trust, created by the Standard Oil Trust Agreement signed by nine trustees, including Rockefeller. By the agreement, companies could be purchased, created, dissolved, merged, or divided; eventually, the trustees governed some 40 corporations, of which 14 were wholly owned. Founded in 1882, Standard Oil of New Jersey was one component of the trust; by design the Standard Oil Trust embraced a maze of legal structures, which made its workings virtually impervious to public investigation and understanding.
John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust is one of the most famous industrial organizations ever. The break up of Standard Oil mirrors a more modern monopoly breakup - AT&T - a.k.a. The Bell System, "Ma Bell". Both developed ubiquitous brand names: Bell for telephone service, Standard for oil. Like the "Baby Bells", many of the "Baby Standards" kept the old company. Unlike the various Bell companies, they were restricted from using Standard name in each other's territory. They defended the exclusive territorial rights to the name vigorously. Both fractured entities rose again to dominate the market and became more valuable than the original parent. Among Morton’s brands are Morton Salt and Argo Starch. Morton also supported the development of the teletype and formed the Morkrum company with the inventor Howard Krum. The company was later renamed to Morkrum-Kleinschmidt, then to Teletype Corporation. It was sold to American Telephone & Telegraph Company in 1930 for $30,000,000. This would coincide with the O.A.K. baling out and dissolving underground with very full pockets. They would regroup and re-assume leadership positions as always.
More Standard Oil Companies were created as some successor organizations declined to use the venerable Standard name in favor of pre-trust identities and the other Standards expanded into those marketing areas. As national advertising and travel blossomed, the various Standards ended up in competition, often adopting the names of smaller oil companies they had purchased. The goal of this site is to track the history of the Baby Standards, discovering what became of Rockefeller's petroleum powerhouse.

The marketing operations of the Standard Oil Company (Nebraska) as an independent

company from 1911-1939 in light of the new evidence is now understandable. The

Standard Oil Company began marketing in Nebraska as early as 1878. The company's

operations in Nebraska were incorporated in 1906, yet controlled by the Standard Oil

Company (New Jersey), a holding company, until 1911. In 1899, however, the company renamed its New Jersey firm Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) and incorporated it as a holding company. All assets and interests formerly grouped in the trust were transferred to the New Jersey company.
Standard Oil of New Jersey was found by the U.S. Supreme Court to be in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and ordered to be dissolved. As one of 34 companies that were cited in the dissolution decree, Standard Oil of Nebraska emerged as an independent company and assigned marketing operations within the State. Through its former affiliation with the Standard Oil combination, Standard of Nebraska was left with substantial holdings and rose to become Nebraska's dominant petroleum marketer.

National Salt Co. Officer
Third Vice President........Joy Morton
A.S. White President
George W. Young President U.S. Morgage & Trust Co.
Joy Morton of Joy Morton & Co. Chicago
F.B. Squire of Standard Oil Co. of Ohio
John Alvin Young Secretary Atlantic Trust Co. New York

You will find the same names and company names on the board of directors of many large organizations. This one is very incriminating once you compile the list of names that keep reappearing on the boards of directors lists of a lot of companies and trusts etc.. This one is my favorite because we knew they pulled in Robert Todd Lincoln for what ever reasoning. Chicago Commerce - Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry - Google Books

I believe when R.T. Lincoln became involved with men in the organization that had his father assassinated, his mother found out about it and was very distraught....Robert chose the Millions and had his mother committed and said she was completely nuts.

L.C. :thumbsup:

Ahh Standard oil.
G.m. ' s founder Durant flattened by a 1920 margin call, allowing DuPont to step him down.( Speaking of DuPont...what would supplying half the powder the Union used during the " Civil" war do for business?)
Where upon demand for profit meant turning away from ethanol and going backwards to Thomas Midgley's use of lead .
Thomas ran a charade. Suffered lead poisoning as a result ,and eventually died by an unrelated contraption of his own device....but not before adding to the worlds woes of leaded fuel that was not necessary ...with his hand in developing freon. Making him a very destructive individual. And one bestowed with medals and honors by the chemical society. Never mind the suffering and deaths apparently!

Were either he or Kettering in the money , they were quite likely not in the actual money. Or the powers. But they made others money.......
Far more pawns than Knights on the board. Knights move in an L / 7 motion ,while pawns plunge into night.

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Ahh Standard oil.
G.m. ' s founder Durant flattened by a 1920 margin call, allowing DuPont to step him down.( Speaking of DuPont...what would supplying half the powder the Union used during the " Civil" war do for business?)
Where upon demand for profit meant turning away from ethanol and going backwards to Thomas Midgley's use of lead .
Thomas ran a charade. Suffered lead poisoning as a result ,and eventually died by an unrelated contraption of his own device....but not before adding to the worlds woes of leaded fuel that was not necessary ...with his hand in developing freon. Making him a very destructive individual. And one bestowed with medals and honors by the chemical society. Never mind the suffering and deaths apparently!

Were either he or Kettering in the money , they were quite likely not in the actual money. Or the powers. But they made others money.......
Far more pawns than Knights on the board. Knights move in an L / 7 motion ,while pawns plunge into night.

It is hard to say where the business began and the O.A.K. stopped. Some of those hostile take overs were planned mergers I believe. Big brother came up with the FCC and FTC in the early 1900's to do battle with a foe they really never recognized, but it would be hard to prove. I believe the money kept coming and the organization kept dieing off and regrouping. There are some companies out there that may not have any idea where their O.A.K. and K.G.C. roots came from not ever knowing that the links were in their foundations. One can speculate based on known facts and still not sew them up in the blanket so to speak.


How many of them had a coded letter from the K.G.C. and a lead cross with a K.G.C. cipher included in the jar that would lead to treasure sites in the midwest? I believe you are a little bit off subject Kace.

View attachment 1526998

Rebel I hold a slightly different opinion. That the people of the south having heard the stories of death and destruction that the north was inflecting on the south. Millions and Millions of dollars and valuable were hid. Some never to be recovered. Whether by K.G.C./O.A.K. call them what you want. The Treasure is still there and some has to be in the beginning K.G.C. People in the late 1800's didn't trust banks and after the great Depression They sure didn't trust them. FDR confiscating all the gold out of the safe deposit boxes. No wonder that people use the Earth Bank like they have for centuries. Quick story to make my point. A old lady in N.W. Iowa lost her husband she went to the cemetery almost every day to tend his grave and talk to him. The town thought that she was touched. On her death bed she told here kids to dig up around Daddies head stone. They did and found over $50,000 buried. She had been thur the Great Depression and didn't trust the banks. True story I knew here son well. If that can happen with in the last 15 years how many died with out telling any one about the treasure buried out under the tool shed or behind the big tree in the grove.

Who ever buried this treasure did so by at least leaving a trail to follow. No matter how cryptic, it will lead some where and if you know how to find the right markers and read them right your fortune awaits you.


LC...This is what I was replying to...My statements were completely on topic with SD's post...I believe.

They are off subject from your thread though since I can't say for sure what I've found at markers is KGC so I apologize...


Well, never heard of "Banks" by Headstones; NEW one for me...

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Trails to the WEST; I DO think that that the WEALTHY old men of O.A.K. had MANY battles with PRIVATE families WEALTH for "control of the WEST". O.A.K. owned much land, MANY banks (JJ & Gangs were amused), etc. The Feds were after the old KGC/ex-Rebs coalitions, protecting the "train-lines" (Rail-roads), etc. HA! AND! NEW slaves were utilized... CHINESE! NOTHING really CHANGED...

In terms of KGC $$$$$$$$$$ Trails; reconstruction & building up SOUTHERN cities all the way to California, & MAYBE North to the Canadian borders; MANY REBS, Ex-REBS, Outlaws, KGC, etc were in the NORTH-WEST America; hence, the GREAT NORTHWEST CONSPIRACY as FEARED by the FEDS... HA!

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