The Money Machine AKA MONOPOLIES
Rebel it is like the piston arm of a train..pushing and pulling....but it still makes the wheels go around and the train is picking up speed....
That is the Harmony..."the sound of the "great machine" running down the tracks hauling money and oil billowing pollution out its smoke stack on the poverty stricken general public that are all pitching in for the coal to fuel the engine......
In 1882 the Standard Oil Company and affiliated companies that were engaged in producing, refining, and marketing oil were combined in the Standard Oil Trust, created by the Standard Oil Trust Agreement signed by nine trustees, including Rockefeller. By the agreement, companies could be purchased, created, dissolved, merged, or divided; eventually, the trustees governed some 40 corporations, of which 14 were wholly owned. Founded in 1882, Standard Oil of New Jersey was one component of the trust; by design the Standard Oil Trust embraced a maze of legal structures,
which made its workings virtually impervious to public investigation and understanding.
John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust is one of the most famous industrial organizations ever. The break up of Standard Oil mirrors a more modern monopoly breakup - AT&T - a.k.a. The Bell System, "Ma Bell". Both developed ubiquitous brand names: Bell for telephone service, Standard for oil. Like the "Baby Bells", many of the "Baby Standards" kept the old company. Unlike the various Bell companies, they were restricted from using Standard name in each other's territory. They defended the exclusive territorial rights to the name vigorously. Both fractured entities rose again to dominate the market and became more valuable than the original parent. Among Morton’s brands are Morton Salt and Argo Starch. Morton also supported the development of the teletype and formed the Morkrum company with the inventor Howard Krum. The company was later renamed to Morkrum-Kleinschmidt, then to Teletype Corporation.
It was sold to American Telephone & Telegraph Company in 1930 for $30,000,000. This would coincide with the O.A.K. baling out and dissolving underground with very full pockets. They would regroup and re-assume leadership positions as always.
More Standard Oil Companies were created as some successor organizations declined to use the venerable Standard name in favor of pre-trust identities and the other Standards expanded into those marketing areas. As national advertising and travel blossomed, the various Standards ended up in competition, often adopting the names of smaller oil companies they had purchased. The goal of this site is to track the history of the Baby Standards, discovering what became of Rockefeller's petroleum powerhouse.
The marketing operations of the Standard Oil Company (Nebraska) as an independent
company from 1911-1939 in light of the new evidence is now understandable. The
Standard Oil Company began marketing in Nebraska as early as 1878. The company's
operations in Nebraska were incorporated in 1906, yet controlled by the Standard Oil
Company (New Jersey), a holding company, until 1911. In 1899, however, the company renamed its New Jersey firm Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) and incorporated it as a holding company. All assets and interests formerly grouped in the trust were transferred to the New Jersey company.
Standard Oil of New Jersey was found by the U.S. Supreme Court to be in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and
ordered to be dissolved.
As one of 34 companies that were cited in the dissolution decree, Standard Oil of Nebraska emerged as an independent company and assigned marketing operations within the State. Through its former affiliation with the Standard Oil combination, Standard of Nebraska was left with substantial holdings and rose to become Nebraska's dominant petroleum marketer.
National Salt Co. Officer
Third Vice President........Joy Morton
A.S. White President
George W. Young President U.S. Morgage & Trust Co.
Joy Morton of Joy Morton & Co. Chicago
F.B. Squire of Standard Oil Co. of Ohio
John Alvin Young Secretary Atlantic Trust Co. New York
You will find the same names and company names on the board of directors of many large organizations. This one is very incriminating once you compile the list of names that keep reappearing on the boards of directors lists of a lot of companies and trusts etc.. This one is my favorite because we knew they pulled in
Robert Todd Lincoln for what ever reasoning.
Chicago Commerce - Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry - Google Books
I believe when R.T. Lincoln became involved with men in the organization that had his father assassinated, his mother found out about it and was very distraught....Robert chose the Millions and had his mother committed and said she was completely nuts.