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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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John Brown was mental.Voices told him what to do.

John Brown was mental.Voices told him what to do.

I used to be under that same impression until I uncovered the "Radical Republican" agenda in my area and tied them to several other hits (assassinations) of prominent slave owners. They had an inner circle of secret members just like the K.G.C. It was like the counter intelligence agency of the 1800's. There is a reason and some good evidence that I have uncovered that will lead to John Brown's attack in Osawatomie and the men that he chose to kill. It will lend a hand to the speculation that he may have received a list of names.
Thanks for posting that, L.C.

L.C. Baker:

There is a pattern in John Brown's actions - the complete lack of a plan. What was the attack on Harper's Ferry going to accomplish? Obviously, Brown had hope - but no exit strategy.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

L.C. Baker:

There is a pattern in John Brown's actions - the complete lack of a plan. What was the attack on Harper's Ferry going to accomplish? Obviously, Brown had hope - but no exit strategy.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I beg to differ, (Radical Black Republicans / abolitionist or John Brown's exit strategy was the Radical Republican belief that the local negroes and abolitionist near Harpers Ferry would take up the arms that he captured and help him fight his way out. They were then to continue the Radical Republican / abolitionist fight with the newly emancipated negroes and local abolitionist who would be armed with weapons from the acquired arsonal. as far as the complete lack of planning, there is new evidence that he was being fueled by an "Inner Circle of Radical Republicans/ abolitionist/ Republicans in office"
This is why I want to expose these people for what they did and why they did it. your view of john brown and his actions are based on the information available to you.(what they are calling history) If you had all of the eggs in your basket it would not weigh the same on the scale of justice.
Thanks for posting your view, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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L.C. Baker:

You help make my point. What were the plans for the uprising - other than the anticipation that it would happen? Reminds me of the City of Oakland and Country of Alameda bringing the Raiders back from Los Angeles. No marketing study, no formal plan - just the notion that it would work.

Were agents planted in the plantations around Harpers Ferry? Were wagons standing by to distribute the arms? Or to bring the runaway slaves to the guns? How was word going to be spread that the time was ripe for such action?

A.P. Hill proved that spot could be isolated very quickly.

I would certainly agree with your statement that my views are based on available information (although I will point out I don't think I'm alone in that position - leaving out the folks who don't base their views on reliable information). You asked the question - do you have facts that have not yet seen the light of day?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

L.C. Baker:

You help make my point. What were the plans for the uprising - other than the anticipation that it would happen? Reminds me of the City of Oakland and Country of Alameda bringing the Raiders back from Los Angeles. No marketing study, no formal plan - just the notion that it would work.

Were agents planted in the plantations around Harpers Ferry? Were wagons standing by to distribute the arms? Or to bring the runaway slaves to the guns? How was word going to be spread that the time was ripe for such action?

A.P. Hill proved that spot could be isolated very quickly.

I would certainly agree with your statement that my views are based on available information (although I will point out I don't think I'm alone in that position - leaving out the folks who don't base their views on reliable information). You asked the question - do you have facts that have not yet seen the light of day?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Yes I do, and I know if you / or anyone interested knew what I knew it would not prove what I'm saying beyond doubt, but it would make you look into the possibility with a better understanding and doubt about what has been portrayed to the public about the subject. I agree 100% with you that it was a lot of wishful thinking on their part. A very poorly planned operation no doubt, but they did have a grand plan. The first big let down to them was when the local negro slaves and abolitionist did not rise up and join Brown in the fight for emancipation like the Radical Republicans thought they would. It all fell apart rapidly after that point.
I truly feel that if you knew the whole truth about what took place in Osawatomie, Kansas , you / and everyone else would have a different feeling about the attack on Harpers Ferry being solely John Brown's idea. He had support, a lot of it until after the killings. Then the abolitionists / Radical Republicans shied from Brown do to the implications (guilt by association) and doubt's about the killings being the "Christian" thing to do.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter, I hope to release the information we have concerning John Brown soon.
L.C. Baker

Proceedings of the Convention of Radical Political Abolitionists This may help you see the truth about these people becomeing terrorist in the name of God. Think of them like you think about a guy with a turban about to board your flight, because in their time that is the way they were thinking about the U.S. Governments controlling party. They were just not as sophisticated as terrorists of this day and age. The bulk of abolitionist were good hearted God fearing christians....and then there were these Radical Abolitionist that figured the slave owners blood was on his own hands and it was glorious to God and country to eradicate them from the earth.


L.C. Baker:

I look forward to that!

Here's a comparison that is probably more appropriate. The abolitionists (at least some of them) had many years experience with the Underground Railroad. It was well organization - "conductors" to go South and bring passengers North, stations along the way, etc. - detailed plans and experience moving people mostly in one direction, but in reality both ways.

Would people with that background under their collective belts buy into Brown's half-baked scheme?

Please rest assured I'm keeping an open mind on this one.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

AGREE. Remember Nat Turner Rebellion...

Nat turner was a BLACK SLAVE driven internally by persecution, he and John Brown looked nothing alike, nor did they live the same lifestyle. I'm afraid that is not and apples to apples comparison.:dontknow:

Who did the Radical Republican terrorist squad leader John Brown and his squad of armed terrorist [/B]attack in the night, using a stealthy terroristic plan of attacking a sleeping enemy. and then hack to them to pieces with swords as they begged for their lives.? Just some random slave owners?

When the K.G.C. sent their hit man squad of assassins to kill Lincoln and his cabinet members they had chosen specific targets. Wouldn't you think that logically the opposition may have done the same thing when they sent their squad of hit men to kill their enemy targets?

Q: Did Booth and his men go into Fords theatre guns blazing, looking for a big body count and maybe getting the president?
A: NO, just the chosen, by a terrorist attack at night during a time of leisure

Q: Did John brown go into one of the local slave owners hang outs and hack up as many slave owners as he could?
A: No, just the chosen, by a terrorist attack at night during a time of leisure.

Who got killed by John Brown:icon_scratch:

!st one killed was the most important one right? wouldn't want him to catch wind of you coming and get away?

In 1855, Brown learned from his adult sons in the Kansas territory that their families were completely unprepared to face attack, and that pro-slavery forces there were militant. Determined to oppose the advances of pro-slavery supporters, Brown left for Kansas, enlisting a son-in-law and making several stops just to collect funds and weapons. As reported by the New York Tribune, Brown stopped en route to participate in an anti-slavery convention that took place in June 1855 in Albany, New York. Despite the controversy that ensued on the convention floor regarding the support of violent efforts on behalf of the free state cause, several individuals provided Brown some solicited financial support. As he went westward, however, Brown found more militant support in his home state of Ohio, particularly in the strongly anti-slavery Western Reserve section where he had been reared.
Brown, taking advantage of the fragile peace, left Kansas with three of his sons to raise money from supporters in the north.
By November 1856, Brown had returned to the East, and spent the next two years in New England raising funds. Initially, Brown returned to Springfield, where he received contributions, and also a letter of recommendation from a prominent and wealthy merchant, Mr. George Walker. George Walker was the brother-in-law of Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, the secretary for the Massachusetts State Kansas Committee, who later introduced Brown to several influential abolitionists in the Boston area in January 1857. Amos Adams Lawrence, a prominent Boston merchant, secretly gave a large amount of cash. William Lloyd Garrison, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Theodore Parker and George Luther Stearns, and Samuel Gridley Howe also supported Brown. A group of six wealthy abolitionists – Sanborn, Higginson, Parker, Stearns, Howe, and Gerrit Smith – agreed to offer Brown financial support for his antislavery activities; they would eventually provide most of the financial backing for the raid on Harpers Ferry, and would come to be known as the Secret Six and the Committee of Six. Brown often requested help from them with "no questions asked" and it remains unclear of how much of Brown's scheme the Secret Six were aware.
On January 7, 1858, the Massachusetts Committee pledged to provide 200 Sharps Rifles and ammunition, which were being stored at Tabor, Iowa. In March, Brown contracted Charles Blair of Collinsville, Connecticut for 1,000 pikes Sounds to me like a terrorist organisation getting geared up for some terrorist actions. All being fueled and coached by the Radical Republican Inner Circle!
In the following months, Brown continued to raise funds, visiting Worcester, Springfield, New Haven, Syracuse and Boston. In Boston, he met Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. He received many pledges but little cash. In March, while in New York City, he was introduced to Hugh Forbes, an English mercenary, who had experience as a military tactician that he gained while fighting with Giuseppe Garibaldi in Italy in 1848. Brown hired him to be the drillmaster for his men and to write their tactical handbook. They agreed to meet in Tabor that summer. TRAINING the now funded terrorist for radical actions against the enemy.
On August 7, he arrived in Tabor. Forbes arrived two days later. Over several weeks, the two men put together a "Well-Matured Plan" for fighting slavery in the South. The men quarreled over many of the details. In November, their troops left for Kansas. Forbes had not received his salary and was still feuding with Brown, so he returned to the East instead of venturing into Kansas. He would soon threaten to expose the plot to the government.
The Secret Six feared their names would be made public. Howe and Higginson wanted no delays in Brown's progress, while Parker, Stearns, Smith and Sanborn insisted on postponement. Stearns and Smith were the major sources of funds, and their words carried more weight.
To throw Forbes off the trail and to invalidate his assertions, Brown returned to Kansas in June, and he remained in that vicinity for six months. There he joined forces with James Montgomery, who was leading raids into Missouri. On December 20, Brown led his own raid, in which he liberated eleven slaves, took captive two white men, and looted horses and wagons. On January 20, 1859, he embarked on a lengthy journey to take the eleven liberated slaves to Detroit and then on a ferry to Canada. While passing through Chicago, Brown met with Allan Pinkerton who arranged and raised the fare for the passage to Detroit:icon_scratch:
during the night of May 24 and the morning of May 25, 1856. In reaction to the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas by pro-slavery forces, John Brown and a band of abolitionist settlers — some of them members of the Pottawatomie Rifles — killed five settlers north of Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County, Kansas. Allen Pinkerton pays the fare for these known terrorist murderers three years after the Osawatomie massacre?:icon_scratch:
Some time after dark, the party left their place of hiding and proceeded on their "secret expedition". Late in the evening, they called at the house of James P. Doyle and ordered him and his two adult sons, William and Drury (all former slave catchers) to go with them as prisoners. (Doyle's 16-year-old son, John, who was not a member of the pro-slavery Law and Order Party, was spared after his mother pleaded for his life.) The three men were escorted by their captors out into the darkness, where Owen Brown and one of his brothers killed them with broadswords. John Brown, Sr. did not participate in the stabbing but fired a shot into the head of the fallen James Doyle to ensure he was dead. Certainly sounds to me like there was a deffinite reason that John Brown shot Mr. Doyal between the eyes with a definite kill shot to make sure he was dead.'DOUBLE TAPPED" if you would, like a true PAID hit man would do.

PS: WHY JAMES P. DOYLE??????? it is the answer to how we know John Brown was told who to kill, and funded to do so. And for some reason never charged and even aided later on by Allen Pinkerton future secret service agent for the United States Government.

THE DEATH OF Gov. BURT - The Omaha (Nebraska) Arrow extra, of Oct. 18th, contains the following particulars of Gov. Burt's death: Francis Burt, governor of Nebraska, died at the old Presbyterian Mission House, at Belleview, at about 3½ o'clock this morning, retaining at the last hour a realization of his situation, and surrounded by the friends who accompanied him from his Carolina home. Immediately upon his arrival in 'the territory he was confined to his bed by sickness, occasioned by the long and tedious journey hitherward, commencing, we are informed, upon reaching the limestone country bf Tennessee in his overland journey to Louisville, Ky. Retaining, about an hour previous to his death, a consciousness of his situation, he called his friend, Mr. Doyle; who had accompanied him from South Carolina, to his bedside, and gave such directions concerning his private matters as the urgency of the case seemed to demand,

Doyle became a slave catcher after Burt died and had been chosen to come with Burt to inforce slavery into Nebraska territory where S.F. Nuckolls had established Nebraska City where Burt stopped and spent his first night in the territory. The K. G. C. planned to make Nebraska City the Capitol city but the radical republicans poisoned him before he could name the capitol. The such directions concerning his private matters as the urgency of the case seemed to demand were what put Doyle at the top of the Radical Republicans hit list for Brown.

Think about it, L.C. Baker

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If that is not a mirror image of the K.G.C. then I don't know what is! :occasion14: The Black Republicans Hired a mercenary to train the hit squad. Perhaps the K.G.C. learned from these Radical Abolitionist terrorist in 1856 and applied there own mercenary leader to the terrorist assassin squad they put together 1865.:dontknow: Maybe it is in the "HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HIT MEN" manual.......:laughing7:L.C. Baker

It is obvious to the trained mind that the "BLACK REPUBLICAN /RADICAL ABOLITIONIST" organisation existed under no specific name. They propagated terrorist actions on fellow Americans, including murder and treason. They had inside help from secret donations and political support. Arms donated and accommodation supplied as well as conducting secret meetings inside government offices. Franklin Pierce and his fellow Knights had an enemy force against their every move. It was like a chess match for keeps.


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If that is not a mirror image of the K.G.C. then I don't know what is! :occasion14: The Black Republicans Hired a mercenary to train the hit squad. Perhaps the K.G.C. learned from these Radical Abolitionist terrorist in 1856 and applied there own mercenary leader to the terrorist assassin squad they put together 1865.:dontknow: Maybe it is in the "HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HIT MEN" manual.......:laughing7:L.C. Baker

It is obvious to the trained mind that the "BLACK REPUBLICAN /RADICAL ABOLITIONIST" organisation existed under no specific name. They propagated terrorist actions on fellow Americans, including murder and treason. They had inside help from secret donations and political support. Arms donated and accommodation supplied as well as conducting secret meetings inside government offices. Franklin Pierce and his fellow Knights had an enemy force against their every move. It was like a chess match for keeps.


Racist thing...?

Racist thing...?

Not 100%, but it was an underlying factor in any K.G.C. members decision process. It was more of a money and "large amounts of property thing" Property meaning large land holdings and slaves. It was personal between all three of these knights and Abraham Lincoln. Two of them were really unsavory venomous characters and would have pulled the trigger on Lincoln their self, if they didn't have so much to loose personally by the repercussions. They also had a personal vendetta against local abolitionist and John Browns underground railroad friends. They raved about Brown's demise in Harpers Ferry in conveyance to each other that we have found and read. They celebrated his hanging.....:occasion14:


Not 100%, but it was an underlying factor in any K.G.C. members decision process. It was more of a money and "large amounts of property thing" Property meaning large land holdings and slaves. It was personal between all three of these knights and Abraham Lincoln. Two of them were really unsavory venomous characters and would have pulled the trigger on Lincoln their self, if they didn't have so much to loose personally by the repercussions. They also had a personal vendetta against local abolitionist and John Browns underground railroad friends. They raved about Brown's demise in Harpers Ferry in conveyance to each other that we have found and read. They celebrated his hanging.....:occasion14:


PRE-advertising yer book, eh...?

Just want people to look for the truth themselves by pointing in the right direction. I could talk until I am blue in the face :sadsmiley: and they won't believe it until they see the evidence for themselves. The book will be the rest of this winter before it is complete. That doesn't mean that it will ever see print. That is a row to hoe that I know nothing about. I'm sure it will take time to accomplish. I don't know if I would be better off to publish it myself so that I own the copyrights, or seek out a publisher. I write on it almost every day at least an hour or two. I am a crappy typist and speller! THANK GOD for spell check!:laughing7:
With the implications we have on Lincoln's conspirators that were never convicted or mentioned for that matter, I think people will want to know the truth about who killed the president and why they did it, more than the K.G.C. caches and relics that led to the truth about them. It's hard to say, I'm just an amature historian.


Consider a CD Book; You have already typed it. Others can show you how; in @ 20 years... ALL books will be on CD; to be read on computer, etc.

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Consider a CD Book; You have already typed it. Others can show you how; in @ 20 years... ALL books will be on CD; to be read on computer, etc.

That is a thought. I did purchase my copy of Jesse james was one of his names" on CD (waste of money) but an interesting read.

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