John Wilkes Booth's body, or"
A Dead Body of a person shot at Garrett's barn. sewn into a blanket") was taken back to Washington and then put aboard the USS Montauk. Once aboard the war ship it was decided by Secretary of War E. Stanton that an autopsy. should be performed on the body that was delivered by the secret service agents, still "sewn into a blanket", until it was opened below the ship's deck, out of sight, except for those men present in the room at that time.
AUTOPSY?? Why?.....
a. Sergeant Boston Corbett fatally shot the man in the neck through a crack in the side of the barn, in front of 25 or more uniformed witnesses in the bright light of a blazing barn. the wounded man died at aprox. 7:00am On April 24, 1865, 10 days after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Cause of death....bullet through the neck.
a. There is logically no other reason to autopsy the body
a. Once aboard the Montauk Booth's remains were laid out on an improvised bier (a rough carpenter's bench). The horse blanket was removed, and a tarpaulin was placed over the body.
A number of witnesses were called to identify the body.
b. the body which was haggard from 12 days of riding, rowing, and hiding in underbrush. had now been disfigured by the autopsy knife pealing it's face off, removing the brain, head and in the process dissecting a large section of spine from the remains, several people
who knew Booth personally positively identified the body. Really

imagine what the stinking pile of flesh looked like at that point.

c. One of these people was Dr. John Frederick May. Some time prior to the assassination, Dr. May had removed a large fibroid tumor from Booth's neck. Dr. May found a scar from his operation on the corpse's neck exactly where it should have been. Neck? what neck?
d. Booth's dentist, Dr. William Merrill, who had filled two teeth for Booth shortly before the assassination, pried open the corpse's mouth and positively identified his fillings. If
Charley Sheen had just shot the President of the USA,and then got shot through the neck and killed, do you think they would have to identify him by dental records

e.Charles Dawson,
the clerk at the National Hotel where Booth was staying, examined the remains, saying "I distinctly recognize it as the body of J. Wilkes Booth - first, from the general appearance, next, from the India-ink letters, 'J.W.B.,' on his wrist, which I had very frequently noticed, and then by a scar on the neck. I also recognize the vest as that of J. Wilkes Booth." (As a boy Booth had his initials indelibly tattooed on the back of his left hand between his thumb and forefinger.) Thousands of fans and they ask the desk clerk to identify him? which is confirmed by a small tattoo of J.W.B. on his hand? in india ink? (postmortem tattoo?) "from the general appearance,"


b. the body which was haggard from 12 days of riding, rowing, and hiding in underbrush. had now been disfigured by the autopsy knife pealing it's face off, removing the brain, head and in the process dissecting a large section of spine from the remains, several people
who knew Booth personally positively identified the body. Really

imagine what the stinking pile of flesh looked like at that point.
How about his next of kin?? maybe they would know him
why not have the famous actors family come on board and identify the remains of the man killed in Garrett's barn
L.C. Baker
The administration, led by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, ordered that a single photograph be taken of Booth’s corpse on April 27, 1865, It hasn't been seen since, and its whereabouts are unknown.