If this is going to be a ghost story while metal detecting thread, here is mine.
The most uncomfortable feeling I got from a place recently (around a month ago) was on an old abandoned road too. I was with my mother, because she is close by and thought she might like checking out the site when I told her. We parked at the parking area, when we got out of the car we noticed that someone had literally crapped on a tissue and thrown it right in the middle of the trail. We were both disgusted by that, but continued on anyway. We went down the trail (abandoned road) to tried to locate the 3 or 4 cellar holes that I found on it while researching. There was a little intersection between two old stonewall lined roads. There were also two cellar holes within 50 feet of each other at this intersection. I decided to take some time to explore the cellar holes and the woods around them. I felt a very negative dark feeling in this area, but decided that potentially finding a potentially untouched cellar hole was well worth feeling uncomfortable. I went back to the middle of the intersection and noticed big turkey feathers sticking out of stumps around the area, I figured that it was probably from kids, but my mom says there was something "weird and off " about them. The only odd thing I noticed about them being there was that the whole day, until an hour before, there was a huge storm that would have easily removed them. My mom kept begging to leave, she didn't explain why at the moment, she just kept asking if we can please leave. I told her I just needed 10 minutes to find another cellar hole down the road, I did feel very uncomfortable, but this cellar hole didn't appear on any maps going back as far as the 1850's so I knew it might be really good. My mom came with me, not wanting to be alone at the intersection, and kept asking if I feel what she does at this location. I told her it wasn't the happiest location, but really want to find a good cellar hole. After walking around a quarter mile, I was feeling really creeped out by the place, the feeling got worse as a walked down the road, so I decided to turn around too. We actually ran until we got to the intersection because of how bad it felt there. We were in the intersection again and my mom told me that she picks up that Satanists have been hanging around these woods, and that is why the place feels so dark. I told her that sounds a little bit too cliche for the type of place we were at (old abandoned road in the woods), and that we were probably just having anxiety. I noticed a little clearing in the woods near the intersection (the place had a lot of them, due to logging), and glanced over at it. The thing that was really weird about it was that I saw a bunch of beer cans, most of them still upright, making up a circle around 7 feet in diameter. Any upright beer cans would probably have been knocked over in the heavy storm we had earlier so they had to be very recent. We ran back to the car and drove away. I still think my mom's theory of satanic worshipers is a little far fetched, but I guess you could try to make a case for it based on some of the stuff there. Either way, I decided to try to find another place to metal detect instead of going there, just to be safe. When I get a bad feeling from a place I try to avoid it, metal detecting is mean't to be fun. It is very rare though that I get a negative feeling from a place, for every 15 cellar holes that I go to, maybe 1 or 2 might feel somewhat negative, but normally not overwhelming, just mild sadness (and I will find nothing at probably 10 of them
