is blood type related to personality traits ? (talking with spirits ?)


Bronze Member
May 12, 2005
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Golden Thread
Drake, Costa Rica
kinda fascinating, the time others have invested in this - for real?

O- shown,
each blood type apparently will have as many words (is there an overall summary, a wheel of blood traits?)

In Japan type o negative blood types were asked to describe their best qualities, a large amount of people surveyed responded that their good qualities included:

  • Being responsible
  • Strong drive to achieve
  • Decisive
  • Organized
Self-perception among Type O people is much more keen than that among other blood types. It was also determined through years of collecting data that Type O people have a higher standard that they hold themselves to than the standard of all the other blood types combined.

wow, I'm not Japanese but seems a bullseye; will dig more (by Wikipendejo)
here is another, but for O
still a hit, but written like that astral projection crap
rat personality, now we're moving; seems junk, way off - it is crap


here is our wheel of personality, from
junk ? (I am NOT sociable!)

but none of these address the psychic stuff ??

edit: in Japan they will ask the blood type during a job interview

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this one is good enough to post

Blood is blood, right? Well, yes and no. Human blood is made of the same basic elements, but within that realm there are distinctions that account for four different blood types (further dinstinguished by negative and positive). What makes the four types of blood groups different is their antigens — the immune defense systems — on the surface of the red blood cells.

In 1930, a Japanese professor by the name of Tokeji Furukawa published a paper claiming that the individual blood types — A, B, AB and O — reflected the personalities of those who possessed them. Since then, blood type categorization, “ketsueki-gata,” has become firmly entrenched in Japanese culture. Much like astrological horoscopes, Japanese television and newspapers offer blood type horoscopes, and books that detail the link between blood type and personality are perpetual bestsellers. There are even matchmakers who specialize in finding future spouse based on blood types. But much like astrology, a scientific correlation between blood type and personality remains unproven.

That said, there’s been plenty of research detailing how blood types can reveal patterns of personal health — and that's fascinating in and of itself. It’s thought that different blood types may protect us from different diseases; scientists have been finding links between blood types and illness since the middle of the 20th century. With that in mind, here’s what the science has to say about your blood type. And for fun, we’ve thrown in a little ketsueki-gata as well.

If you have blood type A
Type A only has A antigens on red cells and B antibodies in the plasma; if you have type A blood, you can donate red blood cells to types A and AB.
The makeup of a person’s antigens on red blood cells can determine how much of a certain hormone gets released. If you have type A blood, you're more likely to have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, according the National Institutes of Health. There are a number of health risks that are associated with type A blood, such as a 20 percent higher chance of developing stomach cancer compared to types O and B, and a 5 percent increased risk for heart disease compared to those with type O.
In addition, if you have type A blood, you are at higher risk for several types of cancer, such as some forms of pancreatic cancer and leukemia; according to the BBC, you are also more prone to smallpox infections and severe malaria. Ironically, those with type A also have been found to be less magnetic to mosquitoes — so there's reason to rejoice!
According to ketsueki-gata, if you have blood type A, you have some great traits. You are earnest, creative, sensible, reserved, patient and responsible (even if you are also stubborn and tense).

If you have blood type B
If you have type B blood, you only have the B antigens on red cells and A antibodies in the plasma; you can donate red blood cells to those with types B and AB blood.
Those with type B have an 11 percent increase in risk of heart disease over those with type O. A study at Harvard University found that women with AB or B blood have a raised risk of developing ovarian cancer, but if you have type B, it’s not all bad news. Those with type B blood have up to 50,000 times the number of strains of friendly bacteria than people with either type A or O blood, which means all kinds of good things.
And in terms of ketsueki-gata? You can be proud of your passion, active nature, creativity and strength. On the other hand, you’re also selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving and erratic.

If you have blood type AB
Those with AB blood have both A and B antigens on red cells, but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma. If you have AB positive blood, you are universal plasma donor.
People with type AB have been found to have a 23 percent increased risk of heart disease over those with type O blood. Having AB blood may double the liklihood that a pregnant mother will suffer from the blood pressure condition called pre-eclampsia.
One intriguing blood type study published in the journal Neurology found that those with type AB blood were 82 percent more likely to have cognitive difficulties — specifically in areas like memory recall, language and attention — than people with other blood types. The researchers suspect that the clotting protein known as coagulation factor VIII is to blame. “Since factor VIII levels are closely linked to blood type, this may be one causal connection between blood type and cognitive impairment,” said study author Mary Cushman.
When it comes to ketsueki-gata, if you have type AB blood you're cool, controlled, rational and adaptable … and critical, indecisive, forgetful and irresponsible.

If you have blood type O
If you fall into the O blood group, you have neither A nor B antigens on your red cells, but both A and B antibodies in your plasma. O positive is the most common blood type; O negative is the universal donor type, meaning those with this blood type can donate red blood cells to anybody.
For those with type O, it’s a mixed bag. If you have type O, you are more likely to get ulcers — and believe it or not, to rupture your Achilles tendons. You are also at higher risk of cholera. The good news is that people with type O blood are at a lower risk for pancreatic cancer and face a lower risk of dying from malaria than people with other blood groups; that said, if you have type O, you are twice as likely to be a mosquito magnet than those with type A blood. (wow, this is a hit!!!!)
If you have type O blood, ketsueki-gata suggests that you are confident, self-determined, strong-willed and intuitive; unfortunately, you are also self-centered, cold, unpredictable and potentially a workaholic. (jeez, another spot on)

Do you know what your blood type is? Does any of this ring true to you?

now I'm getting really curious, if I may be so bold . . (that's a given, lol)

Tom, what is your blood type ?

and other requests to come, hang loose

edit: ok, time's up; AARC what is your blood type ?
this is going to be great sport


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well horse pucky (and worse is ment)
Tom of CA is banned?

edit: does Tom have any friends? (a joke) - perhaps one would ask Tom what his blood type is ? (am unable to pm)
we have more than enough posts to mess around

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ok, step up REBEL - blood type?

probably gonna ask every poster here

edit: we are only gonna try to get in your head, lol

we're in the same boat REBEL, do mosquitos feed on you in preference to others ?
(they will fly against a 40 kt headwind to puncture me)

GARLIC will keep 'em away; I LOVE it (put it on EVERYTHING!) & wife is NOT amused...

ok, step up REBEL - blood type?

probably gonna ask every poster here

edit: we are only gonna try to get in your head, lol
U a Psychologist...? I am, JMU: Maj. in Psychology, Min. in Religion, AND! Masters in Counseling Psychology...

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brother has a PhD, I hung out and kinda know the jargon
and I have a Doctor of Divinity, no - really it cost me $17.00 some 50 years ago (a DoD ?)

edit: and are we all not practicing psychologists ? (perfectly/imperfectly)
unless we live in a cave, and even then . . .

edit2: will up my garlic intake

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Well, I am also ordained... a SPIRITUAL HUMANIST! INTERFAITH... BUT! This is NOT a "Religion Thread"...

not good; it seems that personality blood typing is equated with astral projection, of which I have an abysmal opinion based on experience.
yet astral projection would appear to be a part of the psychic package that I seem to lack

will look for references re the psychic stuff

I have blood but no personality. Heading to OZ to see the Great Wizard.

Wikipendejo reporting; the wiki is not positive but it had these tidbits

Brain waves and light topography

Kim and Yi (Seoul University of Venture & Information) measured brain waves of 4,636 adults. They reported that type O people were most stress-resistant.[SUP][31][/SUP] In addition, an experiment using light topography instruments by Munetaka Haida (Tokai University School of Medicine) suggests the possibility that activated parts of human brain are different according to blood types. i.e. type A's left brain is superior to the right, while type B's right brain is superior.[SUP][32]


Blood type harassment, called "bura-hara" (wasei-eigo: a portmanteau of "blood" and "harassment"), has been blamed for bullying of children in playgrounds, loss of job opportunities, and ending of happy relationships.[SUP][43][/SUP]
Many people have been discriminated against because of their blood type. Employers ask blood types during interviews despite the warnings they have been given. Children at schools have been split up according to their blood type. The national softball team has customized training to fit each player's blood type. Companies have given work assignments according to their employee's blood type.[SUP][44][/SUP]
However, these episodes are thought to be more or less exaggerated–as well as horoscope addiction in Europe or the US, which is sometimes reported in Japan. No blood-type harassment trials have been reported, so far. In reality, most Japanese people don't think blood types determine their personalities, but affect it in some degree.[SUP][36][/SUP][SUP][37]

for the RH negative wanting some feel-good strokes (off topic: anyone remember TA - Transactional Analysis, Erick Berne ?)

and here is DiT's dopamine connection from

8. Immediate “Fight or Flight” Response
This can cause episodes of excessive anger, hyperactivity, temper tantrums, and chemical imbalance bringing about manic experiences. Blood Type O individuals are also vulnerable to destructive behaviors when exceedingly bored, tired or depressed, due to the synergistic relationship between feelings of reward and release of dopamine.

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Well Rebel, remembering back to the old 2nd Amendment days, even though we opposed each other, you & I still got along.

Maybe we have more understanding of why now? Stay safe my friend!

kinda fascinating, the time others have invested in this - for real?

O- shown,
each blood type apparently will have as many words (is there an overall summary, a wheel of blood traits?)

In Japan type o negative blood types were asked to describe their best qualities, a large amount of people surveyed responded that their good qualities included:

  • Being responsible
  • Strong drive to achieve
  • Decisive
  • Organized
Self-perception among Type O people is much more keen than that among other blood types. It was also determined through years of collecting data that Type O people have a higher standard that they hold themselves to than the standard of all the other blood types combined.

wow, I'm not Japanese but seems a bullseye; will dig more (by Wikipendejo)
here is another, but for O
still a hit, but written like that astral projection crap
rat personality, now we're moving; seems junk, way off - it is crap

View attachment 1712950

here is our wheel of personality, from
junk ? (I am NOT sociable!)

but none of these address the psychic stuff ??

edit: in Japan they will ask the blood type during a job interview

Thanks for putting this out there Bill,
Good information.

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