What Bit Me, a Spida? Need Help.


Sapphire Member
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Golden Thread
South Florida
Detector(s) used
70's Whites TM Amphibian, HH Pulse, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Something appears to have bitten me on the leg in 4 places. Each one left a red rosie about size of dime or penny. Two of the bites have almost healed. The lower leg bite is very painful with a underlying cyst or puss about the size of a golf ball. I can see what appears to be a puncture in the center of each rosie. I also have a mild temperature of just under 100. I dont remember feeling anything but it may have happened in my sleep. Could these be a spider bites or what?


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Go to the Doc and have it checked out......put some kind of triple antibiotic cream on it for now...

Yikes! I could have went all day and not seen that... and been just fine!

Cy! I'd have it checked... after traveling the world I know that most bites are no-biggie. But dang some spiders can screw you up bad!

Ooooffff.... good luck.

Get to a doctor right away, don't wait. Pus and pain associated with a bite is not a good sign, obviously.

Thanks guys. Im tempted to stick a pin in it. I thought I was through with doctors for a while, but it is getting worse and keeping me awake. I wish I saw the bug that did it. I dont know what happened, but I was kneeling in the grass.

Well, I'm no doctor, but if I were you, I'd make myself an appointment, or drive to the ER. Here's why:


Also, those things are pretty small...check it out:


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Don't delay, go to the doc and have it checked. A friend had been bitten by a spider and as a result of not going to the doc created serious problems.


It didn't make you spill your curds and whey did it? :D

I hate when that happens. 8)

Get better.


sure looks like a spider bite. i agree go get it looked at, if for nothing else to keep it from getting infected.

my 9 year old niece last summer woke up with one on her cheek,face :D anyways it started off really hard but being a kid she wouldnt let it alone no matter how much we all grumbled and cleaned it ,she ended up with an infection ,now not a major outbreak,but an annoyance..she was given antibiotics and it was confirmed a spider bit. They itch like heck-take forever to disappear,and I prolly would stick a pin in it,but thats stupid me,dont do it.. oh and not to long ago her older sister walked into one in the yard,or it landed on her..it got her right on the side of her nose,in the crease.. it drove her crazy..but she left it be..I teased her some ::) said it looked like her first boil errrr pimple..lol.. took like 2 weeks til it totally went away.. they get really hard like a cyst.. dang things.. If it gets to itchy(before you scratch it open) dap rubbing alchol on it with cotton..

bigcypresshunter said:
I'm tempted to stick a pin in it. I thought I was through with doctors for a while, but it is getting worse and keeping me awake. I wish I saw the bug that did it. I dont know what happened, but I was kneeling in the grass.

Don't even attempt to stick a pin in it!!! Get to the doctor ASAP! This sort of looks like what my husband had on his elbow. After 2 days, he decided to go to the doctor and come to find out it was staph infection...I'm not going into details but it was bad.

Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go to The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go to The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go to The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go to The Doctor
Go To The Doctor
Go To The Doctor

Repeat as necessary

I second Gypsy's motion.....and everyone else's from the looks of it....go get it checked! Some spider bites can be very serious!

Medical advice on T-net? Marc's gonna need to start a new board LOL. Go to the Doc. bigc, you don't want to wake up dead. Good luck, I hope it's nothing.


River Rat said:
bigcypresshunter said:
I'm tempted to stick a pin in it. I thought I was through with doctors for a while, but it is getting worse and keeping me awake. I wish I saw the bug that did it. I dont know what happened, but I was kneeling in the grass.

Don't even attempt to stick a pin in it!!! Get to the doctor ASAP! This sort of looks like what my husband had on his elbow. After 2 days, he decided to go to the doctor and come to find out it was staph infection...I'm not going into details but it was bad.
I wish you hadnt told me, but Im glad you did...what are friends for? ;Dthanks. It may not be a bite at all. It appears to fit as a staph infection boil, or Cellulitus...red spot, hard painful boil, fever in early stages,..etc. I should be glad its not on my face. ::) I have some anti-biotics and started taking them and it seems to have stabilized but no real improvement yet. It seems if something bit me this hard, I would have awakened no matter how drunk. ;) :D

What Gypsy said.
What Gypsy said.
What Gypsy said.
What Gypsy said.
and show us an I'm all right now picture. Please.


Take it from a fella who does not like doctor's either. I finally went and now I'm in trouble with the doctor and my wife. Two women mad at me is two too many.

The first thing that popped into my mind was brown recluse spider bite. Not saying that it is one, but the first thing. River Rat brought up another great option as well, a staph infection.

I do like the idea of the rubbing alcohol, but that is more for an infection as it will help kill the bacteria. Either way, please go see a doctor. Brown recluse spider bites can get real nasty real quick.

A few years ago, I would never have gone to the doctor over this, but with no improvement, and not knowing whats up, I may have to go today. :(

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