Oh? And how did i go about that? He said in one of the first posts the thread can be locked at anytime...but nobody had hardly said anything by then.So all i did was ask why he'd say that at that time?
If i was playing mind games as you put it, then i'd have pulled his "facts" to pieces and explained things to him as i did the first time he came up with that stuff!

Oh? And how did i go about that? He said in one of the first posts the thread can be locked at anytime...but nobody had hardly said anything by then.So all i did was ask why he'd say that at that time?
If i was playing mind games as you put it, then i'd have pulled his "facts" to pieces and explained things to him as i did the first time he came up with that stuff!

I don't know you from Adam,but,I do know how people think,kinda like reading your mail.

It depends what you mean by "takeover". Some might say that any form of government, puts you under a definition of being already taken over. Then there's some who are willing to sacrifice their alcohol, guns, and other freedoms for the government and be fine with that.

Takeover is such a broad term. You must go into detail to explain what kind of freedom(s) we would be losing, so we could justifiably argue those points.

The government is going to turn everyone into slaves.
The government is going to take away one or more specific freedom.
The government is going to attempt to reduce the population.

It depends what you mean by "takeover". Some might say that any form of government, puts you under a definition of being already taken over. Then there's some who are willing to sacrifice their alcohol, guns, and other freedoms for the government and be fine with that.

Takeover is such a broad term. You must go into detail to explain what kind of freedom(s) we would be losing, so we could justifiably argue those points.

The government is going to turn everyone into slaves.
The government is going to take away one or more specific freedom.
The government is going to attempt to reduce the population.

Wow,that was quite a mouthful,kinda like a FREE thinker.

Glad to join, I worked for the government for some time and I can honestly say that a take over is a pipe dream. I am all for regulations and laws. My life has not been impacted at all, I still have my freedoms, same ones my father and grandfather had. For the last 20 years I have been hearing all this talk of take over and yet here we are 20 years later and it still hasn't happen. I bet in 20 more years it still would not have happened and the same 20 years after that. So yeah I'm not one of those who think this is or will happen.

Crispin, I am sorry for detracting from your intent,I know you have all good intentions,my,you are left in a dilemma aren't you.:laughing7:

Glad to join, I worked for the government for some time and I can honestly say that a take over is a pipe dream. I am all for regulations and laws. My life has not been impacted at all, I still have my freedoms, same ones my father and grandfather had. For the last 20 years I have been hearing all this talk of take over and yet here we are 20 years later and it still hasn't happen. I bet in 20 more years it still would not have happened and the same 20 years after that. So yeah I'm not one of those who think this is or will happen.

Welcome ,and you are in the right place..

I don't know you from Adam,but,I do know how people think,kinda like reading your mail.

As usual, you can't answer simple questions intelligibly..not that it surprises me with you anymore!

Originally Posted by worldtalker

I don't know you from Adam,but,I do know how people think,kinda like reading your mail.
As usual, you can't answer simple questions intelligibly..not that it surprises me with you anymore!

See post #651


Sorry and world only play mind games...apparently! :tongue3:

Looks just like the tower over at Tonopah.


Uganda... There was a movie made about this place, with this exact control tower. The bullet holes from the original action are still in it.

Charles Bronson starred in it, with lot's of other big names of the time.

L.o.l., poor guy on screen not getting past 4 meter mark with my help! (Practice pre argument,just in case.)

Uganda... There was a movie made about this place, with this exact control tower. The bullet holes from the original action are still in it.

Charles Bronson starred in it, with lot's of other big names of the time.

"Raid on Entebbe". Good film. "Dr Fieldmarshall Idi Amin Dada...don't ya know!" lol.

Biggest muscle I've ever endured was a Dodge 440...goin' round and round in one spot....



Oh yeah, and a Mustang 5.0 that tore out the motor mounts when tromped.....:laughing7:

To me, it's all about, "Getting there."
All this talk of the old mopar 440's kind of has me wishing for my 1969 Dodge charger back.....


Loved my little '67 Galaxie 500 with the 289.

Always started quickly, even in the coldest of Kansas winters, never a problem
until some jackass head-on smacked me overnight on July 4th while it was parked on the street.

Never got a cent from that. The joker was never caught.
About 1978-1979? :icon_scratch:

I still drove that car for two more months even after the insurance company listed it as totaled....

I digress....Forgive me....

Perhaps an idea for another thread?




Believe it or not, the story gets much wilder after this.....:tongue3:
Any requests for details?

(It involves family scandals...the things that television shows now cater to....)
Sounds like a great story! I for sure want to hear the details!!!!

1993 crate 6.2. one of the last slated for the Humvee before they went ot the 6.5:dontknow:. .60 over, sleeved backed down to .40 Multifuel injector pump. Ported and polished heads, HiPop injectors, and stainless ceramic coat headers. Built this in 97 before they had a such thing as "diesel performance"
I miss the old girl, but they took the sulfur out and that was what made them indestructible. Now they have these micro particulate low sulfur ozone killers so they can charge twice as much for fuel. I got 25 mpg's to the gallon city with 4.56's and 33's. with a 50/50 K-1 to #1 fuel ratio the Durmax LBZ got to see taillights. The few chipped ones that got ahead of me put out so much smoke I couldn't see anything until I passed them around 90mph and 2600rpm. NO SMOKE. It was the closest Gm ever came to matching that hunk of iron in your rig. Their problem is that they couldn't leave well enough alone. I installed a Sidewinder, but at sea level it just bogged down. I turned the pump up a few degrees and WOW.With the exception of that engine their best was the 1970's era 250 straight 6. Not that the 305H.O wasn't something. But what the hell is the point of building great engines if they're obscure? And oyou can't even remember what you put them in?

I love the video!! Looks like a fun Blazer to own! I know what you mean about these newer trucks with the filters.....puke! They get less miles to the gallon and blow smoke during clean how is that better for the enviroment :icon_scratch: There is no sound sweeter than the sound of a diesel! I have my old 12 valve with a number 6 fuel plate, timing at 15*, tabbed kdp, swiss cheesed air box and silencer ring m.i.a., gutted cat and over 400,000 miles still going strong getting about 21 mpg! A new one gets maybe 12 mpg or so? About the worst newer diesels out there are the 6.0 and 6.4 ford powerstrokes....I have already blown one 2008 6.4 up at about 43000 miles.....pathetic! :laughing7:

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