
Lots of thoughtful info in your let's see where I fit in.....

IQ 140.....I passed the mensa test....but I'm a bit like Spart that way.....any club that wants me as a member....I'd rather not join.....exception being the detecting sites.....I've had buddies black, asian, etc....over the years....

I go from liberal to extreme right depending on the issue..... meanwhile my wife who is super rational thinks I'm nuts and Crispin has his doubts at times

Now I'm getting myself confused again......

Regards + HH


bill from lachine said:

Lots of thoughtful info in your let's see where I fit in.....

IQ 140.....I passed the mensa test....but I'm a bit like Spart that way.....any club that wants me as a member....I'd rather not join.....exception being the detecting sites.....I've had buddies black, asian, etc....over the years....

I go from liberal to extreme right depending on the issue..... meanwhile my wife who is super rational thinks I'm nuts and Crispin has his doubts at times

Now I'm getting myself confused again......

Regards + HH


Just an article I thought worth passing along - not my study.

Ivan, nice piece. Hex i believe the oldest. Sniper the familiar here any way bent bolt. As many were modified its neat you got ahold of an early unmolested.

I just don't see the need for this type of crap ... It's just ignorant pure and simple and does not belong on a public board.

Originally Posted by onfire

Dano I like your sig. pic. You have a African Lion We have a lien African.

I agree. But they don't see it as harmful, they think it is funny. They fail to realize that people like the ones who murdered James Byrd, and Matthew Shepherd made similar jokes. I'm not always politically correct or sensitive, but at least what I say is funny.

No stopping someone from thinking or saying but i just don't think it belongs on treasurenet. What folks want to say in their own home is their biz.

They fail to realize that people like the ones who murdered James Byrd, and Matthew Shepherd made similar jokes.

I know people who have said racial/insensitive jokes and they haven't killed anybody.

(and he wasn't white either)

G.I.B. said:
I know people who have said racial/insensitive jokes and they haven't killed anybody.

(and he wasn't white either)

My only point is that I do not believe it belongs on a public board such as this. That's all.

I know people who have said racial/insensitive jokes and they haven't killed anybody.

(and he wasn't white either)

Not appropriate. matter how anyone tries to justify posting that kind of JUNK!!

No stopping someone from thinking or saying but i just don't think it belongs on treasurenet. What folks want to say in their own home is their biz. long as it is within MY boundaries of what I think?

Who does Crispin pick as the 'Official Censor'?

No, no government takeover please. Let's keep some of our freedoms, even if some people don't like what they may hear sometimes.

No stopping someone from thinking or saying but i just don't think it belongs on treasurenet. What folks want to say in their own home is their biz.

Thats the problem with public forums. They are in their own home, and they are entitled to their own opinion. No matter how ignorant it is. All we can do is choose to ignore them, and out them for their bigotry. Or confront them. But you know as well as I do, they'll never change. If it's a violation of the TOS report him.

I would hope given the fact that one is not allowed to use swears in their posts that racist language would be covered also.

I know people who have said racial/insensitive jokes and they haven't killed anybody.

(and he wasn't white either)

Not all bigots have the courage of their convictions. Most are two faced cowards who wouldn't dare say the same thing to the face of one of the objects of their misplaced anger. It might force then into a situation where they would have to defend their indefensible narrow minded views.

I would hope given the fact that one is not allowed to use swears in their posts that racist language would be covered also.

Does that include banning rap videos?

Where does it end.

I know where it ends...

It ends with 302 guy wearing a Bullseye BBQ sauce vest and sitting next to a bonfire~


Gotta go get sumptin to eat.

Last edited:
Does that include banning rap videos?

Where does it end.

I know where it ends...

It ends with 302 guy wearing a Bullseye BBQ sauce vest and sitting next to a bonfire


Gotta go sumptin to eat.

Ok..Ok As Minister of Equality..I now exercise my position. .no more excuses for bad taste please! !?

Does that include banning rap videos?

Where does it end.

I know where it ends...

It ends with 302 guy wearing a Bullseye BBQ sauce vest and sitting next to a bonfire~


Gotta go sumptin to eat.

It's gotta be Sweet Baby Ray's. Best BBQ sauce there is.

Mmmmmm- I'm so good I 'et myself

It's gotta be Sweet Baby Ray's. Best BBQ sauce there is.

Mmmmmm- I'm so good I 'et myself

Sweet Baby Ray's "The Sauce Is The Boss" I love that stuff.

Holy smokes anyways, I have been neglecting my duties here as Chief Chef and Culinary Advisor. This one is for the all the ladies.

BackBacon's (aka BackStrap) Chocolate, Peanut Butter And Banana Egg Rolls

Thaw a package of egg roll wraps.
Cut a banana in half vertically then cut the two pieces in half Horizontally. When done they should look like a half moon shape.
Lay out four wraps on a surface that is lightly dusted with corn starch.
Spread your favorite peanut butter on the wrap while leaving a one inch border around the wrap clean of any peanut butter.
place 1 half moon of banana in the center of the wrap directly on the peanut butter.
Place about 2 dozen of your favorite chocolate chips on top of the banana.
Then roll them up as per the instructions below.
Pre heat some vegetable oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fry the egg rolls on each side until they are golden brown.
Place on paper towel to drain any excess oil.
Place them on a plate and dust them with some powdered sugar.
Serve with Vanilla ice cream.

Just before the egg roll is completely rolled, brush some egg wash on the edges to help keep them sealed up.

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