
Sr. Member
Jul 28, 2008
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Golden Thread
My discovery of "literary steganography" outlined in "National (Beale) Treasure....At Red Knee".
Published within this book is the alternate text of the first three Sonnets attributed to Shakespeare.
Here is the alternate text:

“By reason of most promising human beings, our wish to become greater those nearby qualities, risepower to dominate, not ever to cease to exist; yet to the same degree, by that one who slashes shall,through the agency of a definite portion of duration, die; he of delicate quality, who takes or displaysthe qualities of some forerunner, may show visibly him, one who is remembered, that you cause to drawtogether near, your belonging quick-witted, attentive observations. Nourish your mental or spiritualinsights' ardor from an individual considered as the subject of his own consciousness and of real worthand importance; whatever sustains or heightens emotions contributes to improvement any dearth to asituation to which a plentiful or overflowing supply exists. You! Your enemy aiming at your gentile andwinning qualities, any attribute, more than sufficiently causing mental or physical suffering you, as aresult, are at once that universes newly received person regarded as a source of honor or credit, as wellas, for one purpose alone, bearer of important news directed toward that garish cause to happen,interiorly your, to the exclusion of others, immaturity conceals your subject matter; moreover, yieldingeasily to a rude or surly person causes devastation within the confines of parsimony. Grief or painawakened in that human inhabitants of the earth, either in a different time or place, that is near orpresent, actual or in thought, one who has a great capacity is intending to consume that mankind'sattribution through the agency of that end and final loss to you... ^ which time a chief number ofperiods of time, marked by cheerlessness, will lay siege to your countenance, moreover, bring out bycareful study difficult to understand creations existing as a property of your qualities that please andgratify the whole extent of knowledge, research and study; your young man's high mettle outward appearance, in such a manner, looked steadily upon in the immediate future, shall actually becomeragged token of mourning characterized by diminutive value or excellence of any kind to clasp. Soonafterward, potentially put a question to: to what end the entire extent of your quality, that pleases andgratifies, continues? To what end, the entire extent of that which is regarded as precious and valuablecoming from your robust periods of accomplishment, intending to utter? Inside the heart yourbelonging difficult to understand hungry capacities to see or discern with discrimination, are oneentire and bothering sense of degradation as well as non-vigorous expression of approval. At whatprice a remarkable thing, which exceeds expression of approval, earned your qualities that please andgratify for the accomplishment of a purpose? Provided you are able to act in response to these justproduct coming from I, should result us to have worth as well as bring about mine, familiar throughlong use, to free from adverse or hostile criticism, showing to be true or genuine him, one who isbeautiful, by way of a following! The idea about to be made clear is about beingrecently discovered and different from that which is previous, assured of success or fortune as soon asyou are skilled through long experience, moreover, understand your vital force, dangerous as soon asyou experience the force of its frigidity. ^ Gaze within the limits of your diaphanous material object:reveal in that surface of a coin your object of action at once being in that definite portion of duration,as a result, the surface of a coin shall present itself different, it retaining original vividness conditionafter repairing in the event that in the immediate future you in no way cause to continue in effect andcommence again, you do defraud by that human inhabitants of the earth; deprive of good fortunecertain particular one not specifically designated to claim authorship. In order to find to what end wasbeing previously mentioned, consequently, properly open to attack that certain cavity viewed asenclosing something considers unworthy of one's notice in that cultivation of land at a distance fromyour management of household affairs. Indicating uncertainty which person was that person accordingto the truth of what is declared confidently as fact, consequently, cherished command is in thattombstone commemorating the dead, included among one belonging tendency that leads one to seek his own well-being, intending to cut off future generations. You are your authors' mirror as well as theywithin you. Summons into the past in that beautiful month before their most flourishing stage in themanner indicated. You, by means of things likened to a window in appearance from you particularperiod of history, shall meet and converse with active opposition from ingenious, indirect or artfulmethods as about to be mentioned; your most excellent period yet, granting that you escapedestruction; reminded! Destruction in comparison is to suffer death only one a consequence,your representation of a real person suffers death at the same time as you! ^"

Copyright: Kenneth Andrew Bauman/2007.

All 154 Sonnets are hidden text.

This is just the beginning. The pot of water of great revelation may be just beginning...but don't watch the pot boil.

Any person with a brain and a keen eye will see the intimation to the Beale Papers in this series of videos by the great investigator: Petter Amundsen.

You still know nothing. I'm just warming up.

Oh good lord....:laughing7:.....nobody saw this coming, right. Oh wait, sure we did. Another classic case of a claimant explaining how he arrived at his solutions and the process he created which allowed him to manufacture the entire sense of reason. In the end, however, still not a sign shred of anything that can be directly connected to the narration. So, yes, pretty much the same type of nonsense we're seeing going on at Oak Island. "The Beale Papers can be anything anyone desires them to be." Pretty easy to do when you're dealing with complete unknowns. :icon_thumleft:

My discovery of "literary steganography" outlined in "National (Beale) Treasure....At Red Knee".
Published within this book is the alternate text of the first three Sonnets attributed to Shakespeare.
Here is the alternate text:

“By reason of most promising human beings, our wish to become greater those nearby qualities, risepower to dominate, not ever to cease to exist; yet to the same degree, by that one who slashes shall,through the agency of a definite portion of duration, die; he of delicate quality, who takes or displaysthe qualities of some forerunner, may show visibly him, one who is remembered, that you cause to drawtogether near, your belonging quick-witted, attentive observations. Nourish your mental or spiritualinsights' ardor from an individual considered as the subject of his own consciousness and of real worthand importance; whatever sustains or heightens emotions contributes to improvement any dearth to asituation to which a plentiful or overflowing supply exists. You! Your enemy aiming at your gentile andwinning qualities, any attribute, more than sufficiently causing mental or physical suffering you, as aresult, are at once that universes newly received person regarded as a source of honor or credit, as wellas, for one purpose alone, bearer of important news directed toward that garish cause to happen,interiorly your, to the exclusion of others, immaturity conceals your subject matter; moreover, yieldingeasily to a rude or surly person causes devastation within the confines of parsimony. Grief or painawakened in that human inhabitants of the earth, either in a different time or place, that is near orpresent, actual or in thought, one who has a great capacity is intending to consume that mankind'sattribution through the agency of that end and final loss to you... ^ which time a chief number ofperiods of time, marked by cheerlessness, will lay siege to your countenance, moreover, bring out bycareful study difficult to understand creations existing as a property of your qualities that please andgratify the whole extent of knowledge, research and study; your young man's high mettle outward appearance, in such a manner, looked steadily upon in the immediate future, shall actually becomeragged token of mourning characterized by diminutive value or excellence of any kind to clasp. Soonafterward, potentially put a question to: to what end the entire extent of your quality, that pleases andgratifies, continues? To what end, the entire extent of that which is regarded as precious and valuablecoming from your robust periods of accomplishment, intending to utter? Inside the heart yourbelonging difficult to understand hungry capacities to see or discern with discrimination, are oneentire and bothering sense of degradation as well as non-vigorous expression of approval. At whatprice a remarkable thing, which exceeds expression of approval, earned your qualities that please andgratify for the accomplishment of a purpose? Provided you are able to act in response to these justproduct coming from I, should result us to have worth as well as bring about mine, familiar throughlong use, to free from adverse or hostile criticism, showing to be true or genuine him, one who isbeautiful, by way of a following! The idea about to be made clear is about beingrecently discovered and different from that which is previous, assured of success or fortune as soon asyou are skilled through long experience, moreover, understand your vital force, dangerous as soon asyou experience the force of its frigidity. ^ Gaze within the limits of your diaphanous material object:reveal in that surface of a coin your object of action at once being in that definite portion of duration,as a result, the surface of a coin shall present itself different, it retaining original vividness conditionafter repairing in the event that in the immediate future you in no way cause to continue in effect andcommence again, you do defraud by that human inhabitants of the earth; deprive of good fortunecertain particular one not specifically designated to claim authorship. In order to find to what end wasbeing previously mentioned, consequently, properly open to attack that certain cavity viewed asenclosing something considers unworthy of one's notice in that cultivation of land at a distance fromyour management of household affairs. Indicating uncertainty which person was that person accordingto the truth of what is declared confidently as fact, consequently, cherished command is in thattombstone commemorating the dead, included among one belonging tendency that leads one to seek his own well-being, intending to cut off future generations. You are your authors' mirror as well as theywithin you. Summons into the past in that beautiful month before their most flourishing stage in themanner indicated. You, by means of things likened to a window in appearance from you particularperiod of history, shall meet and converse with active opposition from ingenious, indirect or artfulmethods as about to be mentioned; your most excellent period yet, granting that you escapedestruction; reminded! Destruction in comparison is to suffer death only one a consequence,your representation of a real person suffers death at the same time as you! ^"

Copyright: Kenneth Andrew Bauman/2007.

All 154 Sonnets are hidden text.

This is just the beginning. The pot of water of great revelation may be just beginning...but don't watch the pot boil.

Any person with a brain and a keen eye will see the intimation to the Beale Papers in this series of videos by the great investigator: Petter Amundsen.

You still know nothing. I'm just warming up.

I will at this time apologize to you and for some of my post. I wish you the best in your endeavors. I watched all three of those videos. I find them enlightening because I am interested in that sort of thing. I have been studying Maria Bauer and her anagrams for a long time. This is exactly what I have been looking for and then some. I have been searching for a certain Bible that tells the world's history---past, present and future. I found where it is located but I have not gotten there to study it. There is only one in the world. Maybe that is what the search is for in the RC writings. I will continue to study the given in those three youtubes and more if I can find them. I hope they are on to something at Oak Island as well and I do wish you luck. I will not judge another again with evidence. Thank you.

I will at this time apologize to you and for some of my post. I wish you the best in your endeavors. I watched all three of those videos. I find them enlightening because I am interested in that sort of thing. I have been studying Maria Bauer and her anagrams for a long time. This is exactly what I have been looking for and then some. I have been searching for a certain Bible that tells the world's history---past, present and future. I found where it is located but I have not gotten there to study it. There is only one in the world. Maybe that is what the search is for in the RC writings. I will continue to study the given in those three youtubes and more if I can find them. I hope they are on to something at Oak Island as well and I do wish you luck. I will not judge another again with evidence. Thank you.

You are very welcome, Franklin. It is quite large of you to make the public statement that you have. I am, quite honestly, impressed. PM to you soon to arrive.

As impressive as the work might be, it's still just a theory with nothing conclusive in the end. If this is the big reveal then sure, it confirms that you have a theory and a process, but it reveals nothing that confirms the claim of conclusive solve, which has been the subject of the your prior post for many years now. But there exist many such impressive theories and works out there in regards to the Beale narration, each of these lacking anything conclusive as well. So, just another in a long line of existing theories without any means of confirmation. Certainly not a conclusive solve with confirmation.

OH, no....not the "big reveal". You're not off the hook that easy, Bigscoop.

As impressive as the work might be, it's still just a theory with nothing conclusive in the end...
Petter Amundsen, a professional church organist from Oslo, Norway has presented an interesting thesis, but as with the National "Treasure" at Red Knee, is based on opinion with questionable provenance.
The "great investigator", Legrand, is just another amateur pursuing his personal interest as so many. :thumbsup:

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OH, no....not the "big reveal". You're not off the hook that easy, Bigscoop. the hook for what, exactly? Everything I've stated is 100% accurate. All you've done here is to confirm that you have a theory with a solution and a process for arriving at that solution, still absolutely nothing to confirm any factual direct connection with the Beale narration. You've simply presented "one man's theory" as to what "he personally believes" the correct solution is. You're confusing yourself as to what actual conclusive proof is and it's not, "one man's personal theory and/or process for having arrived at his proposed solution." If that was the case then, here again, we would have many-many vastly different existing accurate solves. :thumbsup:

... I have been studying Maria Bauer and her anagrams for a long time. This is exactly what I have been looking for and then some...
Maria Bauer Hall was involved with the excavation of the Bruton Parish Church looking for Nathanial Bacon's secret vault of treasure brought to Virginia from England.
She claimed to have discovered a code from headstones in the graveyard of Bruton Parish Church and from the 1635 EMBLEM BOOK of George Withers, an English poet and satirist who became a strict Puritan.
Some of the emblems from Withers' book:

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Maria Bauer Hall was involved with the excavation of the Bruton Parish Church looking for Nathanial Bacon's secret vault of treasure brought to Virginia from England.
She claimed to have discovered a code from headstones in the graveyard of Bruton Parish Church and from the 1635 EMBLEM BOOK of George Withers, an English poet and satirist who became a strict Puritan.
Some of the emblems from Withers' book:

If that is all you got out of her stories, well. I will end it there. Myself I was quite impressed. She was a remarkable woman. I am still reading her works.

Something to think about though is that our founding fathers were RC's and for whatever reasons most of their documentation was done in Philadelphia, PA. Why? I stand open to every door until I can see clearly on the other side. One of those doors may the correct door to enter. And I will keep searching as long as I can.

I must also add, do you not find it rather odd that Robert Morriss died at Roslin. Can you imagine Roslin in Bedford County, Virginia where also the Beale Treasure is said to be located and buried by a man by the name of THOMAS JEFFERSON Beale. Doesn't Thomas Jefferson standout and was he not an RC?

Nah, it was Sir Francis Bacon's stuff that MBH was "into"...wife & I were at BP, and saw the head-stones; we also saw TWO excavations at BP at different times. NOTHING found. I do have MBH's booklet, and MANY of her husband's (Manly P. Hall) books; he was 33rd Degree Free-Mason; I was 32nd (not "active", now). His books ARE recommended... AND! GW was a teacher of TJ at W&M, and a known ILLUMINATI (GW). BTW, did you know that the Friedmans wrote a book on the Codes of FB...? I have it... VERY interesting!

If that is all you got out of her stories, well. I will end it there. Myself I was quite impressed. She was a remarkable woman. I am still reading her works.

Something to think about though is that our founding fathers were RC's and for whatever reasons most of their documentation was done in Philadelphia, PA. Why? I stand open to every door until I can see clearly on the other side. One of those doors may the correct door to enter. And I will keep searching as long as I can.

I must also add, do you not find it rather odd that Robert Morriss died at Roslin. Can you imagine Roslin in Bedford County, Virginia where also the Beale Treasure is said to be located and buried by a man by the name of THOMAS JEFFERSON Beale. Doesn't Thomas Jefferson standout and was he not an RC?
Well "said", "F"... TJ WAS a member of the OLD ORDER RC, while he was serving as Secretary, in France; even Sally Heming was there. There is TJ's RC "Code" among his papers as DOODLINGS; I saw such as a member (RC/AMORC) in my younger days; "googling" Thomas Jefferson's RC Doodlings MAY help YOU find it... DUNNO.

George Wythe was quite the teacher. Did you know that CSA Navy Captain James Semple was the last person buried in that cemetery. His wife is not buried there? James Semple was a son in law of President John Tyler and was even seeing and paying for John Tyler's wife upkeep at the Astoria Hotel in New York where she was called the "Rose of New York"

President Thomas Jefferson did have a cabin behind the store and gas station at the Peaks of Otter Lodge.

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If that is all you got out of her stories, well. I will end it there. Myself I was quite impressed. She was a remarkable woman. I am still reading her works...
When one discusses Maria Bauer Hall, a self claimed clairvoyant, one must also discuss her husband, Manly Palmer Hall, considered as a Hollywood cult leader and charlatan.
Their works and views are highly questionable and subject to debate.

When one discusses Maria Bauer Hall, a self claimed clairvoyant, one must also discuss her husband, Manly Palmer Hall, considered as a Hollywood cult leader and charlatan.
Their works and views are highly questionable and subject to debate.

Already this thread has evolved into more unsupported speculations, rumors, legends, myths, and known sources of propaganda, etc. Already someone has referenced the totally unsupported "Thomas Jefferson Beale" name in regards to the narration's actual use of only, "Thomas Beale" or "TJB." And still not a single directly connecting fact to the narration itself....:laughing7: How easily people lose sight of the real facts whenever treasure is involved, regardless the type of alleged treasure. No doubt that many days from now there will still be nothing presented that actually establishes that direct connection to the narration, just like always, just as it has always been. The addition of more or new rabbit holes don't make it so, my friends, nor do they make the rabbit real. :icon_thumright:

When one discusses Maria Bauer Hall, a self claimed clairvoyant, one must also discuss her husband, Manly Palmer Hall, considered as a Hollywood cult leader and charlatan.
Their works and views are highly questionable and subject to debate.

Everything is questionable and debative. I still like their work and I will continue to study it. I also like what Petter Amundsen did in those youtubes. All of their work has PROVENANCE and I really really like that. I hate debates back and forth with no substance, now that is what I do not like. Not referring to you in particular, but I like to see clear cut answers. And Marie Bauer Hall and Petter Amundsen are pioneers in a new field of study. I think I will plow that field for a spell and just see what grows?

Everything is questionable and debative. I still like their work and I will continue to study it. I also like what Petter Amundsen did in those youtubes. All of their work has PROVENANCE and I really really like that. I hate debates back and forth with no substance, now that is what I do not like. Not referring to you in particular, but I like to see clear cut answers. And Marie Bauer Hall and Petter Amundsen are pioneers in a new field of study. I think I will plow that field for a spell and just see what grows?

Very sound reasoning, Franklin. I like that.

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