
Hero Member
May 27, 2006
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i have been asked by the author, who is also a member here , to provide a link to an online store that has a certain book available . I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in Aztec Treasure in North America . There are some of the members here that already have this book , but for anyone else interested please check this out for yourselves. :thumbsup:

o heck the book is only 20 bucks. i would think you got that much just from the gold dust that has collected on the bottom of your shoes. :laughing7:


Real de Tayopa said:
Sheehs $300,000 ? And here I gave away the actual location of Azatlan for nothing in here. sigh ehheehh

Don Jose de La Mancha

Besides that Real , if you gave away the "actual location of Azatlan " how come I found the bent top hill ,Coihuacan {curl mountain} ????? and it was not where you said it was.

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And you can still hear me singin to the people who don't listen to ......

Good morning my good friend Kanabite: Let's compromise. Atlantis / Aztlan no. one lies under 12,000 ft of water. After the survivors left that region, coastal Spain / France, some 1000's of years later, they emigrated to YOUR Aztlan. The one which you have located and which is extremely interesting. Possibly the one the present decedent's wish to return to.

Fascinating how close they maintained the original name Atlantis with Aztlan.

However, if Montezuma / The Aztecs sent a treasure north, it would be at YOUR AZATLAN.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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With that being said , Real ,i think you would really enjoy the book, it is my favorite one....... :hello2:

Kanabite and Don Jose,

Pursuing this line of thought, is it your contention that the Nahuatl language and the root meanings of the name/words Aztlan, are somehow related or connected to Sanskrit and the root meanings of the name/words for Atlantis?

If so, could you explain how you make that connection.

Thanks in advance,


man CJ ,i am not sure about that . you might try something by Gloria Farley , or Berry fell for stuff like that .i'm just a poor dumb country kid . :dontknow: all i can tell you is its a big puzzle and it goes back allot further in time than the Aztecs / GIANTSERPENTS BOOK helped me when i was out of answers ......its more about the truth than a treasure hunting manual. :sign13: here, lets play a game , how many "natural" elephant looking rocks and or ledges can you find in this picture ? :thumbsup: just like looking at clouds :thumbsup:
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Shucks CJ, mi future coffee drinking buddy: there are many words in all languages that did not have their origin in that language, so cannot be tracked down by analyzing the roots and growth of that, or an allied language. In fact many have their roots in the tech. and religious advances of that time.

If it was possible, I am sure that you would find many other words that came down from Atlantis which were used as the base for Aztec wording.

One only has to look at the computer language of today in the different languages of the world for present examples of wording which has no bearing upon the structure of the present language.. It is simply adapted and added to the language.

As for Atlantis -->

Regarding Atlantis, I found it last year. It is on the African plate at the junction of the African, North American, and Asian plates. It is a giant Caldera. It is under the American plate, This explains why it was submerged so quickly, and also why it may rise again as predicted. (2012 ?)
The present theory holds that the African plate is being subsumed under the American plate. While rotating counter clockwise at the apex, near Atlantis, thus moving apart in the more southern, lower areas from the American plate. I calculate that this subsuming will only proceed to a certain point then it will shear and the main plate will then override the American plate causing the overriding part to rise.thus possibly resurfacing Atantis again and in the process change Africa completely..

Don Jose de La Mancha

P.S. Let me know if I am wrong in any way, say in 3012.


HOLA amigos,

This was going to be just a "tag" post but have to butt in for this bit,

cactusjumper wrote
Kanabite and Don Jose,

Pursuing this line of thought, is it your contention that the Nahuatl language and the root meanings of the name/words Aztlan, are somehow related or connected to Sanskrit and the root meanings of the name/words for Atlantis?

If so, could you explain how you make that connection.

I realize this is not directed to me specifically, but the closeness of the two names is fairly obvious even to the un-educated like me. ;D I am sure that a philologist could discern a common root, and that another philologist could find that the two names are utterly unrelated. Nahuatl is an interesting language, but to directly link that language to the Greek-version Atlantis would be fairly difficult. There are clues that this linkage does exist however, such as the Nahuatl "Teo-" for "gods" which is so close to the Greek Theos. I know that we have covered much of this ground before, but Nahuatl also shows some "affinity" for Semitic languages, especially Phoenician/Punic. Is it coincidence that a place is named Xochimilco in Nahuatl, and has the full name of a Punic explorer Himilco? (I could point out that in Punic, the "H" in Himilco is a "hard" H, more like the "ch"found in Xochimilco; I could also point out that Himilco explored in the Atlantic.) The origin of Plato's Atlantis story comes from Phoenicians, as he explained without naming them specifically it can be deduced from this bit:

To his twin brother, who was born after him, and obtained as his lot the extremity
of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now called the region of Gades in that part of the world, he gave the name which in the Hellenic language is Eumelus, in the
language of the country which is named after him, Gadeirus.

Gadeirus is a Phoenician name.

<Plato explaining about the names: quote
Yet, before proceeding further in the narrative, I ought to warn you,
that you must not be surprised if you should perhaps hear Hellenic names given to foreigners. I will tell you the reason of this: Solon, who was intending to use the tale for his poem, enquired into the
meaning of the names, and found that the early Egyptians in writing them down had translated them into their own language, and he recovered the meaning of the several names and when copying them out again translated them into our language. My great-grandfather, Dropides, had the original writing, which is still in my possession, and was carefully studied by me when I was a child. Therefore if you
hear names such as are used in this country, you must not be surprised, for I have told how they came to be introduced.
end quote from Critias>

The similarities of the story of Atlantis and Aztlan are compelling, but inconclusive at this point.
Sorry for the intrusion, please do continue gentlemen. :thumbsup:

Well, if I may, Oroblanco is closer to the Truth than Don Jose, since I am the Author and do concurr that the Aztec Gods (as well as many mesoamerican civilized cultures of Mexico) have a distinct relation with the Old World Cultures, namely the Cradles of Civilization Cultures. I never put down Ficticious Evidence, just the opposite. There is HARDCORE EVIDENCE. Does the blood that flows through your body and gives you life, your Hardcore Evidence that you exist? Let me put it to you this way, there is a Isolated Mountain within the California Mohave Desert Wilderness Area (now, thanks to the Late Senator Alan Cranston (author) and Senator Diane Feinstein (supporter), a Mountain unlike many area's that have the Principal Remains of a Highly Developed Ancient City on it, that contain over 2,000 buildings wrought out of stone, principally Olivine Basalt, round, square, rectangular, many are small (8 to 12 feet across), some are large (12 to 20 feet across), then there are some that are Temple Size (100 to 500 feet Long by 50 to 200 feet wide), some of the base ruins resemble Tower Complexes. Olivine Basalt is a Very Hard Stone, there are Many CARVED STONE HEADS (see Book), GIANT CARVED STONE HEADS (see Book), ALPHABETS (see Book), MEGA-LITHIC STONE STRUCTURES (see Book), CARVED STONE CHAIRS, THRONES OF THE SUN KINGS (see Book), Petroglyphs & Pictographs (see Book), GEO-GLYPHS (see Book). This "City" or "Town" was originally discovered in the 1880's by American Prospector's. Let me Quote from Page 51 of My Book, which is a Quote from "this Book"...."HISTORIC SPOTS IN CALIFORNIA", 1948 Edition, by Mildred Brooke Hoover, Hero Eugene Rensch, Ethel Grace Rensch, Published by Stanford University Press, Stanford, California...I QUOTE......"GARLOCK'S PREHISTORIC VILLAGE, On Black Mountain, about five miles northwest of Garlock, at the edge of the Mohave Desert, are the remains of a prehistoric Indian village, discovered in the 1880's. From the nature of these ruins, scientists have concluded that no recent tribes of Indians could have erected the village. On the inside of one of the doorways are stone carvings resembling those found on the famous Posten Butte near Florence, Arizona. From this evidence it is believed by some that the village may have been occupied centuries ago by the same race of men that built the extinct and buried cities of Arizona and Mexico."...Un-QUOTE..... then there's a add-on in the Revised Edition of 1966 and I QUOTE..."Other authorities hold that the site was not a true village but rather a religious center used during certain periods of the year and not otherwise occupied. A large scale archaeological investigation of this area is planned." UN-QUOTE........I have more, A LOT MORE...but it's in the Book...I once was a Member of ISAC or the Institute for the Study of American Cultures, when Dr. Joe Mahan was alive, over a period of years we became Friends and over those years, he recieved massive amounts of my exploration and pictures. Many of these Letters are in the Book, but not all of them..I don't have enough time this morning to keep on going on this, so please forgive me. My Friend Kanabite Bob, THANKS AMIGO, for the Help...computers are bothersome for me, hee,hee...Darrell

Good morning Happy trails, kanabite, I find no fault in your data on the lost city in Calif, with the possible exception of the 'origin' and identity of the people that built and lived there. We are speaking of two vastly different time periods of a people that just may (probably are) the same, but, separated by lapsed, lost historical data of migrations over vast periods of time. Crudely as follows.

A) Jerusalem -> Atlantis.

B) Atlantis -> Coastal areas of Spain and France, after Atlantis sank.

C) Coastal areas of Spain / France > North America.

D) Migrations from the original settlements of Eastern North America --> The western states,

E) Further migrations from the "Green Serpent " area (?) down south to Mexico.

One must take into consideration that the climate and conditions were vastly different from today. There are huge ruins from as late as the Roman period in North Africa which indicate a much more inhabitable country than today. There are drawings in caves showing boats etc, this in an area that probably hasn't seen rain, or surface water in thousands of years.

Also how would you rationalize the extremely close verbal relationship of the words Aztlan / Atlantis, temp. excusing the vital factor of the differences of writing it in the distant, as well as the recent past, in English. However, it is reasonable to assume that the translations were on a verbal context, or similarity..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Darrell: I wish you the best on your book. We are not at odds, but only of a different time factor. When they arrived in the North American continent, I figuratively lost track of them and their subsequent migration across the continent both in actuality and time wise.

You probablaly have filled in that gap. Congrats.

Get Cj Oro and the others involved, they can be of a tremendous advantage in filling in / out the invariable rough spots.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well, Time Periods and Timelines are Important, being a History buff, I'm well aware of the other side of the world and they are Very Important. Good Tidings and Goodwill Gestures, Smoking the Peace Pipe are equally Important as well, and I Thankyou for it. Timelines, let us not forget some of the most important work that has been conducted in the New World, in Our World, in Our Country, America. Let us not forget the "Calico Man Site" (see the BLM Calico Man Site), Lake Manix, the Late Dr. Louis B. Leakey and his Son, Richard and the plus or minus age of the Stone Tools....200,000 years or the Burial of the "Yuha Man", 21,000 to 30,000 years. I never put these in my book although I was aware of these finds. I refer to the Historical Spots in California many times in my book because of the Archaeological Data which is listed by Counties. This is a Big RED FLAG for me and a good lead. Always interested in the "authorities" and just exactly who these people were or are and how they were Funded and in some cases, what were their Political Stance. Or why has the field of archaeology and their discoveries been Classified?...So, I like this Book of Historic Sites alot, but the New one's or new editions don't have alot of the Old Information, how come? Getting back to the Timelines, page 82 of my book, I refer to it again to page 317, under the San Bernardino County section and a Report from Dr. Malcom J. Rogers (one of my hero's) of the "PUEBLAN SETTLEMENT", and I QUOTE..."Archaeological Investigation of the Mohave Desert continues and research indicates that man may have lived there as long as 30,000 years ago." Un-Quote. Again, Same Page of My Book, this is the South end of Black Mountain and adjacent to it, another area I know quite well, this is From the "NATIONAL REGISTRY BULLETIN of 1976" under the Kern County section and it say's VERBATIM...I QUOTE..."Johannesburg Vicinity. LAST CHANCE CANYON, 7,000 B.C. - 1870's. - Desert area rich in archaeological sites, including open campsites, house-ring complexes and major petroglyph sites. Recorded in site surveys by UCLA, 1962 - 1970. FEDERAL/BLM/PRIVATE." Un-QUOTE...7,000 B.C. or 9,000 years ago. A Archaeological Report that I never put in my book because I was trying to trace down a Key Figure in it, by the time I had found Her, she had already passed away and I talked to her Brother in length about the Report, but the Book was already done by then, but that Report comes from the "Museum of Man", San Diego and it states the Report of the Precipitation or Rainfall was not significant enough in that part of the Mohave Desert as a supplement of Agriculture of the Inhabitants of and until 7,500 B.C.. Yet, on Black Mountain, there's Aquaducts and Drainage Systems in Place. (Malcom J. Rogers also worked out of the Museum of Man). Then on Page 88 of my book, there's the 10,000 year old Archaelogical Human Habitation Site with a "Most Unusual Discovery" and I QUOTE...."INITIAL STUDIES OF THE ROCK DESIGNS WITHIN THE LITTLE LAKE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE AREA, By Stanely R. Berryman and Judy A. Berryman (PACIFIC COAST ARCHAELOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY, Vol. 15, No. 2, April 1979, Page 51, Introduction)....A program of mapping and surface evaluation of the site area immediately surrounding the body of water known as 'Little Lake' in Inyo County, California was begun in 1975 (Fig. 1). At that time a program was established that has since developed into a research project. The entire area within the Little Lake complex contains numerous habitation sites, cave sites, camp sites and extensive areas of rock art. The Little Lake area and its immediate environs has been a focus for human activity from 10,000 years ago to the present. Most unusual was the discovery of house floors, outlined by an eliptical pattern of post holes. These houses are some of the earliest yet discovered in North America." Un-QUOTE....And there's more, so Yes I rely on alot of this critical information. Little Lake is like 30 miles NorthWest of Black Mountain....If you saw the color pictures that's in my book that I took of all of these mega-liths and stone heads and such, realizing that Stone Tools cannot Carve Olivine Basalt, realizing that the native population according to the history books ran around naked in the summer and in the winter wore rabbit pelts, lived in wiki-ups, used stone tools and immigrated in and out of this area in haphazard ways, then who is responsible, for the building of these structures?...And Why were the SPANISH CONQUISTADORE EXPEDITIONS HERE, EARLY?. I have 3 DATES, but only put one in my book, 1716, the other 2 dates are much earlier. And Names as well...All Lost in History. Is the Truth in History Important? Or is the Fabrication? My Prospectin' Partner has My 3rd Edition of the Historic Spots, but the 1st Edition stays with me...It once belonged to Mr. Frank L. Fish, a Major Hero of Mine, met him when I was 12 years old. Darrell

Oro , what exactly is a "tag" post ? I think all you guys have some good input on this one . and you are most welcome Darrell, anytime....

Well, I guess I could post a little more. In my early years of exploration (pages 44,45,46,47,48), I'm collecting data and research material, books, anything that will give me a lead about this section of California, so everything is on my list, Prospector Shops, Museums, Libraries, Book Stores, Junk Shops, etc.. Then I run across this Reference Book, "THE JOURNALS OF EL DORADO" by Karl Von Mueller and Estee Conaster which is a listing of other books from a to z, dealing in everything from Ghost Towns, Treasure, Legends, Lore, Mythological, American Indians, American Government and the list just goes on and on. Published by RAM Publications, 1971. Researching this Book I find this Listing and no matter how odd it sounds and even ficticious it could be, I go to work looking for it, "AZTEC GOLD OF RED ROCK CANYON" by Sarah Rasbaugh & Meredith Corning, 1937, Soft Cover, 24 Pages, map, photographs, 5X8 inches, Story of a Huge Cache of Gold hidden by the Aztecs near Los Angeles. Probably Fictional. Fine Illustrations by Corning. M. Corning - Publisher...Now I got a lead, it says it's probably fictional, but I had already seen stuff that was fictional EXCEPT IT WAS REAL....Well, Sarah had wrote another little book a year before, "AZTEC CAVE OF GOLD IN THE BORREGO DESERT" Published by Meredith Corning, San Diego, 1936, Soft Cover, 27 pages, map, sketches, photographs, 5X8 inches....listing note*** Appears to be Reprints of two articles by Rasbaugh that appeared in "PATHFINDER MAGAZINE"....So now I go to work on looking for the Books and Magazine. As it turns out, I never find the Book, still to this day, I've never seen it, but I found one man in Kansas that had one and I offer him $10,000.00 for it. ( I didn't have $10,000.00, I didn't have $10.00 on me), but I wanted to see if he would relinquish it for money. No Dice, he wasn't interested. (If you go to the e-bay store and see the ME at the top of the page and read what I put down for myself, you'll read that my original book was 2800 Pages, but I cut it way down to what it is today or edited myself, so there's alot of stuff I never put in the CD book and some of what I'm talking about here is in the CD Book and some isn't.) And although I never see the book, throughout the years and the course of tracking down people and interviewing them, I find out alot about this book and Sarah. Sarah's Father was a Prospector/Miner, when Sarah was a little girl and her siblings, her Mom and Dad or the whole Family lived in RANDSBURG, Sarah's Dad was a Mining Engineer of some sort, worked for a time in the YELLOW ASTER, Randsburg. Moreover the years, I find out who once had it, it appears that she & Meredith didn't make alot of them or the books were'nt a big hit at the time and quite a few of them were hand outs. (I can relate to that, hee,hee). In 1985, I find something so Bizarre and yet so Fantastic it gears me into a different direction (page 49). I'm up on the MTN. and real close to where I had first initially seen the GIANT SPANISH CROSSES, I was back-tracking at this point and skirting the edge of this Ancient City when I found an old rock monument with a little glass jar that was sealed at the bottom of it. Pulling out the piece of paper carefully (I expected a claim marker, claim papers), holding it in almost dis-belief, there was a sketch, a drawing and the Man's Name and Date at the bottom of it.......FRANK FISH....1959...more later, time to go to work....Darrell


"man CJ ,i am not sure about that . you might try something by Gloria Farley , or Berry fell for stuff like that .i'm just a poor dumb country kid . all i can tell you is its a big puzzle and it goes back allot further in time than the Aztecs / GIANTSERPENTS BOOK helped me when i was out of answers ......its more about the truth than a treasure hunting manual."

While I know about the late Ms. Farley's work, I have not purchased any of her books. I do read some of the unqualified published opinions, but prefer to stick with the professionals. I have read some of Barry Fell's books, but find his flights of fantasy hard to swallow. Susan R. Martin, someone who's opinion and expertise I trust, had quite a bit to say about Mr. Fell, but I will just quote a small portion of her opinion:

"....Fell wrongly identified copper tools as made of the alloy bronze. Yet despite careful, published analyses (Wayman, King, and Craddock 1992), proving without question that North American copper artifacts are not bronze alloys, the Fell myth lives on. The alleged inscriptions and their translations are without evidence according to scholars such as Williams (1991:285). There is equally strong refutation for every single bit of Fell's alleged evidence about Bronze Age use of American copper."

There is much more in Susan's book, "Wonderful Power: The Story of Ancient Copper Working in the Lake Superior Basin", but Mr. Fell's book, "Bronze Age America", is much more exciting to read and a good deal more commercial. Personally, I place it right up there with.........."Harry Potter". :read2:

Having been in the hospital since Thursday, I missed this very interesting conversation. Please carry on.

Take care,


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