- #21
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oh where does the dirt go ?
Probably in the Walls
Or on the Base and the reason roads & Aerial views change so Much there
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When one owns a machine that makes money, paying people to work is not a problem. I live in Pahrump Nv which is close to Area 51. People love working on the local bases as it is premium pay and benefits.Kidnap People For forced Labor or Testing chemical & other weapons on . People who would basically be jailed on a Particular Floor
with no way out. All they would need is food and Sleep.
may be veach's fate.
When I saw the Old area 51 Sign at the cave site, My immediate thought was,
Purchased at the Lil'alien and brought up there for effect. but when I saw what
may have been the same cave with a plug, naturally I thought why ? it was a
Very Small Benign looking cave.
Who's hiding What ? there were deeper caves there still open.
Lepricons ? pure Fantasy
Rainbows go on forever till they Dissipate. No gold at the ends