Young investor needs some advice

Yes Marchas I am aware of your stackability. Are you also predicting the yankee dollar to go belly up?
I am no fan of the Fed under Bernacky but the entire world is dependent on the dollar to survive. Why
don't you bugs just say I like the feel of silver instead of creating an impression on young investors they
must stack and hoard assets that produce no income?

I just prefer capitol to earn its keep, give me a decent return. That way when you are too old to work
you sit back and enjoy the return without dipping into the vault.

PMs can appreciate in value and preserve buying power over time. I would agree with you though in part if you are talking about buying productive land that earns income via rentals or such when you refer to capital that can earn its keep, but if you are talking about stocks, there is no guarantee to that.

Stock promoters always using historical averages to try and infer a person would have made an equal return if they held stocks during that time period, but that is not how it works unless a person is strictly buying a vehicle that moves in lockstep with the averages. Most people own mutual funds or individual stocks that may not go up simply because the dow and S and P are going up, etc.

There is a time for most types of investments. I won't be a PM bull forever most likely, but I see nothing better for the majority of my investment money for the next 5 years. But there will be a time to sell, but it ain't now.

Just my opinion.


Ben Franklin said " BUY LAND , They aren't making any more of it "

Jim like me and others you have probably bought stinker mutuals. It's all part of the learning process.

Sales of US Mint silver coins in 2013 have reached 24.03 million ounces and demand reached a monthly all-time high of 7.5 million ounces in January.
Demand remains at an “unprecedented level,” and sales of silver coins may reach an annual record this year, Richard Peterson, the acting director of the mint, said on June 5.
Silver coin sales were suspended in January for more than a week because of a lack of silver inventory. In April, purchases more than doubled from a year earlier after prices tumbled 16% in two days due to unusually aggressive selling on the futures market.
Silver futures have declined 28% this year in New York, the biggest loss among the 24 commodities tracked by the S&P’s GSCI Spot Index but the smart money is continuing to accumulate on the dip.

No Lastleg I'm not predicting the dollar will go belly up but what I do predict it will lose a lot of it's value. Hell the Fed just said today their going to continue printing in the coming months.( So the more you print the weaker it gets) By the way I never ever tell young investors they MUST stack and hoard as you are putting it and if you notice I very seldom suggest to anyone to invest in PM's in these threads. But what the Hey Keep Stacking
Also I'm no friend of the Fed period no matter who's in charge and as for the world being dependent on the dollar to survive, I think that's a little naive thinking that but that's only MO

Marchas, I didn't say they wouldn't survive. Heck they will all survive but for the world's foremost currency to
disappear would be catastrophic from an economic standpoint.
Let me ask you a question. How much of anyone's assets should be tied up in PMs percentage wise? I heard
Laura Ingram today reading a commercial for PMs. How did she and Beck and Hannity get paid royally to shill
for PMs? Are they really experts in finance? Are PMs the choice investment for conservatives? Is it un-American
now not to follow these political hacks investment advise? Or can democrats legally own PMs as well? Don't know
your party or care. I have none. I just distrust their sincerity.

Marchas, I didn't say they wouldn't survive. Heck they will all survive but for the world's foremost currency to
disappear would be catastrophic from an economic standpoint.
Let me ask you a question. How much of anyone's assets should be tied up in PMs percentage wise? I heard
Laura Ingram today reading a commercial for PMs. How did she and Beck and Hannity get paid royally to shill
for PMs? Are they really experts in finance? Are PMs the choice investment for conservatives? Is it un-American
now not to follow these political hacks investment advise? Or can democrats legally own PMs as well? Don't know
your party or care. I have none. I just distrust their sincerity.

It would seem that for some reason most folks who desire PMs now tend to lean politically away from the incumbent party in office. That might mean they are republicans, tea party(ers), libertarians, etc. Personally I cannot stand to listen to any of those you mentioned, and I am not a liberal nor dem (anymore that is). I would assume there are liberals that buy gold and silver too, but probably not as much as the other groups but that is probably impossible to tell.

Companies need to advertise where they will get the most for their advertising money. I doubt planned parenthood would be advertising on any of the shows you mentioned if they in fact advertised.

My question to you lastleg is why anyone who can think would blindly follow anyone's advice without doing their own due diligence and thinking? Everyone needs to make their own investment decisions, but many don't want to accept that responsibility because they need to have someone to blame besides themselves if the investment turns to crap.

PS There is a rather funny quote I read, I think it came from Mark Twain but I might be wrong: (paraphrased) "if you are 20 and not a liberal then you don't have a heart; if you are 40 and not a conservative then you don't have a brain", or something like that. Pretty true I have found.

All my opinion.


Marchas, I didn't say they wouldn't survive. Heck they will all survive but for the world's foremost currency to
disappear would be catastrophic from an economic standpoint.
Let me ask you a question. How much of anyone's assets should be tied up in PMs percentage wise? I heard
Laura Ingram today reading a commercial for PMs. How did she and Beck and Hannity get paid royally to shill
for PMs? Are they really experts in finance? Are PMs the choice investment for conservatives? Is it un-American
now not to follow these political hacks investment advise? Or can democrats legally own PMs as well? Don't know
your party or care. I have none. I just distrust their sincerity.

but the entire world is dependent on the dollar to survive. I agree 100% if the dollar losses lots of it's value then there will be turmoil in the world, that's why I'm stacking. Also Lastleg I'm a stacker not an investor and I don't listen to others to tell me what, when and how to stack. I just know that something horrible is going to happen in the future and I will be prepared. Are you? Keep Stacking and by the way the Keep Stacking doesn't just mean Silver.

Amen Don!

I wish several years ago that I had done my own research first instead of just listening to the battle cry of the silver bulls. I listened to them and accepted their beliefs because that is what I WANTED to believe. In the end it worked out ok for me because I bought most of my silver back when it was around $16-$18. But I can't imagine what I would be thinking right now if I had followed their advice and bought at any price thinking that silver was supposed to be $150 by now.

That doesn't mean that they were wrong and I am right. Far from it. They may end up being the ones that were right all along. But at least now I have my own opinions based on my own thoughts and research rather than just blindly following the beliefs of others. There are a lot of fallacies being slung by both sides of this argument and the best thing you can do is question everything and think for yourself. After all, both sides have a vested interest in making you believe what they want you to believe. YOU are the only one with a vested interest in making sure you make the right investment decisions for yourself.

yep, I'm right there with you on that. you I and everyone else was looking for silver to shoot to the moon - which is why it did. what we didn't see was the bottom falling out. I bought in at $31.50, I'm very glad I wasn't foolish enough to buy in the $40s which is where many people (non-precious metal enthusiasts) did. Of course that's also because I didn't have much more money :)

Funny story actually, I bought in at $31.50 planning to sell at $45, walking away with a cool $700, which as a student was not a bad deal. Long story short, during the final week of the silver rally, I was out working on a boat for 7 days or so. I saw silver pass my $45 mark, and go all the way up to $50. That was a friday or a saturday. I couldn't wait to get home and sell sell sell (my investment was physical so I couldn't sell from the boat)! I'da made nearly a grand. Anyways I get home saturday night, wake up sunday morning to see it crashed!!! I mean really, what luck.

Fortunately for myself I CRHed hard for the next two years and got my average silver price down to about $10/OZ, so when I sold at $29 I still made good money. Now I'm sitting on the rest of my CRH finds since then wanting to sell so i can invest in other markets, but there's no freakin way I'm selling at these prices, profit or no profit (it's all CRH finds now, so my average buy in is probably a few bucks per ounce).

Marchas, then you mean gold? Looks like you have a buying opportunity today with gold down $94.
Stack away my man.

Marchas, has anyone told you that you look like Steve Martin, only blockier?

Marchas, has anyone told you that you look like Steve Martin, only blockier?

LMAO Blockier? Is that a nice way of saying heavier? LMAO

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