Silver Member
Yes Marchas I am aware of your stackability. Are you also predicting the yankee dollar to go belly up?
I am no fan of the Fed under Bernacky but the entire world is dependent on the dollar to survive. Why
don't you bugs just say I like the feel of silver instead of creating an impression on young investors they
must stack and hoard assets that produce no income?
I just prefer capitol to earn its keep, give me a decent return. That way when you are too old to work
you sit back and enjoy the return without dipping into the vault.
PMs can appreciate in value and preserve buying power over time. I would agree with you though in part if you are talking about buying productive land that earns income via rentals or such when you refer to capital that can earn its keep, but if you are talking about stocks, there is no guarantee to that.
Stock promoters always using historical averages to try and infer a person would have made an equal return if they held stocks during that time period, but that is not how it works unless a person is strictly buying a vehicle that moves in lockstep with the averages. Most people own mutual funds or individual stocks that may not go up simply because the dow and S and P are going up, etc.
There is a time for most types of investments. I won't be a PM bull forever most likely, but I see nothing better for the majority of my investment money for the next 5 years. But there will be a time to sell, but it ain't now.
Just my opinion.