You know youre a scrap metal redneck when you...........


Jr. Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Golden Thread
You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you..........

Pour all your beer in a gallon milk jug so you can go ahead and stockpile the cans.

Find something metallic in a parking lot and instinctively pull a magnet from your pocket to determine the metal type.

Can't pass a public trashcan without checking the contents

Learned how to speak Spanish from the guy at the scrapyard

Place your best find , (like a cat from a foreign car)on the mantel of your fireplace

Name your children after precious metals

Visit a scrapping website daily, first thing in the morning

Whatever..what do ya'll do that qualifies you as a scrapping redneck?

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Dosamigos said:
You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you..........

Learned how to speak Spanish from the guy at the scrapyard

Now, that's funny! We'll sit down and play "copper chess", swapping pieces from the #1 and #2 piles until we're both satisfied. One thing we agree on....."It's cervaza time!"

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Dosamigos said:
Find something metallic in a parking lot and instinctively pull a magnet from your pocket to determine the metal type.

I pick it up and ask questions later. :wink:

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you're going down the highway and pass a car accident and almost cause another accident, not because you were rubbernecking the car wreck but because of the scrap pile on the other side of the road.

You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you take the family out to a birthday dinner and the kids say,
" Dad, please dont look in the dumpster when we go in "

You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you're wife threatens divorce because...." We never take the car anymore. I'm not riding in that nasty truck. "

You KNOW you're a scrap metal redneck when you look for aluminum cans on a crowded beach in the middle of summer. At this point consider counciling.

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

You know you're a scrap metal Redneck when.... you go to a party and all you can do is stare at all the cans people are drinking from.

You know you're a scrap metal Redneck when.... you're late to work because you keep stopping your car alongside the road and checking to see if that reflection you saw was a hubcap.

and finally

You know you're a scrap metal Redneck have that continuous impulse to dumpster dive in every trash bin you see!

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Oh yea Kansas, how bout this......

You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you're at a party and say, " Hey, y'all just throw those cans in the back of my truck, I'll clean up"

You know you're a scrap metal redneck're kid says, " I gotta go number two" and you start figuring number two prices per pound.

You know you're a srap metal redneck when..... you have three trailers and can't use any of them because each one is designated for accumulating a specified metal.

You know you're a scrap metal redneck when.....You start figuring the scrap value of an item that has more value as is. ( There has to be a name for this because I do it all the time. )

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

You take the prize Dosamigos. You had me ROTFLMAO on the price per pound for #2.

I must be tired because the one below is all I can come up with tonight.

You know you're a scrap metal Redneck when..... your internet home page is set for the "Scrap Metal" Forum on

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Didn't know there were any kind of rednecks up north.. Kansas, good time brother scrap redneck.

What does your wife think of the homepage?

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

What she doesn't know won't hurt her! Ha

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

...when you carry a back pack when your walking the dog so you can pick up all them metal along the road

...when you dream of getting new PVC pipes in your basement so you can scrap all the copper pipes

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Still laughing....

.....when you think you are showing off by stacking all of your "stuff" in the front yard, and cant figure out why the city wants you to clean up.

.......when your wife says, "drink all you can, stay out as late as you want, but do NOT drag another piece of junk home."

....when you come home and tell your wife that you were complimented today, yea they are starting to call me the can man at work.

.....find it hard to have a conversation with a bikini clad young woman at the beach and keep your eyes off of ............ that can she is drinking from...... I dont think I'm there yet.......well, I guess I am

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Dosamigos said:
.....find it hard to have a conversation with a bikini clad young woman at the beach and keep your eyes off of ............ that can she is drinking from...... I dont think I'm there yet.......well, I guess I am

that actually happened to me, except when she was talking i was trying to figure out how much her gold chain weighted, but she thought i was looking somewhere else on her chest :D

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Funny, dirty old man or scrap metal redneck

Re: You know you're a scrap metal redneck when you...........

Dosamigos said:
Funny, dirty old man or scrap metal redneck

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