You know your addicted to MDing when . . .

...when you try to ground balance your weedeater.

...when you refer to the telephone dial tone as the "threshold."

...when you've got more detectors than your dealer.

...when your kids' names are DFX and MXT.

...when you buy batteries by the case direct from the factory.

...when you realize you've just memorized the latest issue of Western & Eastern Treasures.

...when you check for key-date coins in the collection plate at church.

...when you start using your detectors' serial numbers as passwords.

...when you hear the smoke alarm go off and think, "Pulltab!"

...when you sign a check with your TreasureNet username.

when you drive by your local park and see what you thought was another metal detectorist
swinging a coil but turns out to be a person walking a dog (with a thick leash),or a kid with
untrimmed backpack straps swaying in the breeze.

you know your tetanous shot is due but you go detecting in a rusty nail infested cellar hole
with no gloves instead.

you swing your coil over that black snake just in case it is hoarding a pile of barbers.

sometimes you dig that hole a little deeper just in case then say "what am I doing".

you have old maps and research material stacked on the floor in front of your toilet and
has footprints on them for being there so long.

you slip and fall from ice and with detector held in the air you worry about it more than
any injuries or the 20ft plus drop next to you.

when you trudge thru waist deep mud 100 yds to get to that sand bar for broken propeller
shards and an old bullet.

when you dig a chest deep hole only to realize you have been digging in the center of
an old wagon wheel rim near the surface(just picture this in your mind).

you go to home depot for something and you stop and check out the latest nail pouches.

you keep spare batteries everywhere.

you mow and weed your test garden only.

you get abducted by aliens and you ask them if there mind control technology will work
on park rangers and nay saying property homeowners.

the libray or historical society is sick of seeing you.

if you did not follow the code of ethics your local park would look like the beaches of
normandy minus the bodies(no disrespect to veterans).

your mentioned on the news "some guy with fake id,s tried to gain acces to the white house lawn with an assault rifle" then later report "I repeat the assault rifle was in actuality
a metal detector of some sort,reports are still coming in".

you sneek in people,s houses at night and cut coin sized holes in pant pockets(this is very productive just kidding).

you think the sounds your detector makes should be on that mix tape you are making.

during a home invasion you grab your detector before going into the panic room,or if armed
you act like a human shield for your detector.

when you watch star trek you think those handheld tricorders would make awesome
metal detectors(watch out garret treasure imaging).

you dread the next ice age.

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