Full Member
hide the treasure like you would your firearms and ammo if they were ever outlawed....and if you are foolish enough to tell ANYONE about finding a treasure you deserve to lose it
Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.Twisted Fork said:Wasn't it Jesus who said that If one finds a treasure in a field, to sell part of the treasure and buy the field from the owner?
If there is a real lode there, then the Spanish/Mexican surveys would have located it, earmarked it and landscaped it long ago.
If there is a real lode there, and the above can be visualized from some angle their markers present, then there is surely the temptation of acquiring a real metal detector and getting on with it since you are the key holder and there are caches to be had.
jeff of pa said:I take the 5th.
goverton said:Donate all to Obuma's campaign!
Then get a cush job in the WH
Don't pay taxes like them other bums in there WH( ta Big House) and be
a House slave!
Then go on welfare and food stamps
OR you could just change them coins for real "change and hope!"
and get some of them new fangled Fiat poop paper wipes called Euros
"What the What!" What were you thinkin dude?!
Cash gold to silver coins and go to Disney Land! with NY Giants Manning!