You Can Call Me a Doomer, You Can Call Me Whatever You’d Like

Aug 20, 2009
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You Can Call Me a Doomer, You Can Call Me Whatever You’d Like

You can read Mac Slavo’s many articles on his site, where this first appeared.

August 21st, 2013

(SHTFPlan) – If you follow alternative news and share or discuss it with your friends, family and acquaintances, there is a strong possibility that you’ve been treated to rolling eyes, laughter and total disbelief.

Many of us have, for years, warned those closest to us about the overreach of government, the expansion of the surveillance state, globalization, and economic unsustainability. In the majority of instances, our diatribes, citations and impassioned arguments have likely fallen on deaf ears.

You’ve probably been called a doomer, conspiracy theorist or worse on numerous occasions.

Are you crazy?

Or is it possible that the majority of people in this country, even many of our loved ones, have become so enthralled with the paradigms of consumerism, government dependence and apathy that they are purposefully being ignorant of what’s happening around them in an attempt to remove themselves from reality?

The team at leading alternative news hub, which includes Rory, Peter and Sean, recently discussed this very phenomenon.

(Video below)

You can call me a Doomer, you can call me whatever you’d like. It really doesn’t matter. When I read a story… these are facts… how can you say that I’m a doomer? I’m just looking at reality.

This is unsustainable.

That is the reality. That’s not being a doomer to address that reality.

It’s being an informed, concerned citizen in a Republic that is quickly deteriorating and being an informed, educated citizen who realizes he, she, all of us must take some steps in an effort to protect our families for what is clearly coming.

Citing five recent headlines, SGT Report highlights how the real story can only be found in alternative media, while the mainstream simply sugarcoats it.

Was it the mainstream media that told us we were on the brink of a total collapse of our financial system? Or that the NSA was surveilling every American? Or that despite the promises made in Washington, unemployment would rise and tens of millions would be added to food stamp rolls? Or that the government was systematically locking down our country, militarizing our police departments and gutting our Constitution?

Yes – they told us. But by the time most Americans were made aware of it, it was already after the fact. They were, as always, a day late and a trillion dollars short.

Had you listened only to “legitimate” TV news sources, you’d likely have bought a new house, a new car, taken the kids to Disneyland and borrowed thousands of dollars in credit to fund your American dream.

Why? Because they told you everything was fine.

Had you been paying attention to reality, you would have known otherwise.

This is one to share with those who simply refuse to believe that there is more out there than they’re being told.

Watch SGT Report on Doomer News vs. Reality:

You can embrace the corporate mockingbird media’s half-truths and outright lies, or you can attempt to stay informed via proven alternative media sources whose trees continually bear fruit. It’s a case of “Doomer” news VS. Reality.

Your a Doomer :laughing7:

first let me say Yes all these little things going on on Washington & around the country (world)
are leading to more & more Restrictions. I have no doubt on that.

My problem with all these "The end is near" , doomsdayer warnings are right there with the story of Chicken little.
they go on & on , and on and guess what, they go on & on , and on...........

at what point can I say "See, you were wrong. I got up , & did the exact same thing I did yesterday" ?

or "gee, You were right ???"

Yes there are good points to being a doomsdayer, you keep the sheep
& the Herders on their toes... at least till the day the fox actually gets in the henhouse,
Then everyone will Laugh & say
Yea Right :tongue3: butThe sky's still above us

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...................just dont call me late for supper..:laughing7:

Sorry to say , Over self opinionated remarks based on unsubstantiated and mis-information creatively manipulated into hysteria and paranoia is called B.S

Over self opinionated remarks based on unsubstantiated and mis-information creatively manipulated into hysteria and paranoia is called B.S

Name some

LOL in spite of your giving permission to call you a name, I pass. Last time I got banned for it, but of course you never get banned. Have at it.

You Can Call Me a Doomer, You Can Call Me Whatever You’d Like

wasn't that what you said?

LOL in spite of your giving permission to call you a name, I pass. Last time I got banned for it, but of course you never get banned. Have at it.

Jeff, Red will tell you he has had a couple timeouts....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

wow, that restores my faith a bit. Thanks

LOL in spite of your giving permission to call you a name, I pass. Last time I got banned for it, but of course you never get banned. Have at it.

Despite your ability to speak every time there is a thread, I can tell you are a short timer. I think Red may have been banned more often than any member on TNET.

Unfortunate, because he usually has something interesting to say. Or has been called out by someone. Nearly reminds you of the old West doesn't it?

but of course you never get banned. Have at it.

Jeff, Red will tell you he has had a couple timeouts....

See what happens when you listen to the disinformation in the lib thread,whoops.You can take your foot out of your mouth now Jeff.

Or has been called out by someone. Nearly reminds you of the old West doesn't it?

I'm still here,theyre not.that should tell you something Jeff:evil6:

yeah go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

and yes Dave I can speak on many topics, ( if that is ok with you?)

LOL red I'm your huckleberry..

I think it's a hoot Jeff. But I don't see why you areconstantly after Red either. Many times you and I disagree, but I do not hunt you down and just spew nonsense. What was the last one I saw tonight? Yada Yada Yada,, or blah blah blah, something like that. Sure it helps your discussions count, but does it actually serve a purpose?

Looks like baiting to me. If Red did that to you all of the time do you think you would take it as well?

Sorry about the rant, but I really have a hard time relating to you when you do this, At times you are very entertaining. I have even found some of your posts to be enlightened.

LOL in spite of your giving permission to call you a name, I pass. Last time I got banned for it, but of course you never get banned. Have at it.

Good idea to pass Jeffers.. don't take the bait!!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

I think it's a hoot Jeff. But I don't see why you areconstantly after Red either. Many times you and I disagree, but I do not hunt you down and just spew nonsense. What was the last one I saw tonight? Yada Yada Yada,, or blah blah blah, something like that. Sure it helps your discussions count, but does it actually serve a purpose?

Looks like baiting to me. If Red did that to you all of the time do you think you would take it as well?

Sorry about the rant, but I really have a hard time relating to you when you do this, At times you are very entertaining. I have even found some of your posts to be enlightened.

no worries Dave, we are good and I think deep down Red knows I'm ok with him personally. It's just the constant copy and paste of nonsense intended to scare people. If the Gov was half as bad as he says he would be in a deep dark prison by now.
If I thought he actually believed the stuff he posts I would be worried. And I don't have to hunt him down, every evening he starts like five threads.

It's just the constant copy and paste of nonsense intended to scare people. If the Gov was half as bad as he says he would be in a deep dark prison by now.
If I thought he actually believed the stuff he posts I would be worried. And I don't have to hunt him down, every evening he starts like five threads.

If its nonsense,disprove what i post.Its that simple.As for prison,I post what is already readily available for reading by anybody on the internet :laughing7:

every evening he starts like five threads.

Since you like them so much lets up the ante to say 8 to 12 threads a night,sound good?

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Its not the climate change that concerns me. You can't
fight mother nature. The government will end most peoples
lifestyles way before that happens, with their never ending
policy of over taxing, over regulating, & an endless campaign
of corruption to their benefit. Red is correct, its all in print,
& available to the public. As years go by, the gov is doing its
best to control the general public on an ever increasing scale.
There is a law/reg. for EVERYTHING.!!!!!

I won't rise to the bait either, Red. You have some good qualities, and I think you're a decent guy take it all around.

Here's the culprit that took down the world economy in 2006, enabling the big money boys to strip tens of trillions from the world economy, bringing the financial systems to their knees. I'm not sure why they didn't take it all the way down, but I am sure that it wasn't because there was any kindness involved. Probably they just couldn't bite off the entire economy, just too complex.

Credit Default Swaps: Still Here, Still Able to Wreak Havoc - DailyFinance

Anything else is just a diversion.

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