Yesterdays Bottle Dig


Sr. Member
Oct 15, 2008
Tulsa, OK
Detector(s) used
Fisher F75 LTD, F75, Minelab Excalibur 1000, Etrac
Yesterday's Bottle Dig

Got out for a bottle dig yesterday, and wound up with some keepers. Even better, some keepers I like! Just turn of century type stuff, but better than sitting here at home.

Cobalt Blues

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\IMG_1380.JPG

Left to right:
1) 7 3/4" Bromo Seltzer
2) 4" Bromo Seltzer
3) No name inkwell
4) Everlasting Black Dye, Baltimore, MD

Sodas and a Milk

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\IMG_1381.JPG

Left to right:
1) Borden's Malted Milk
2) Nehi soda, Columbus, GA
3) Gosman Ginger Ale Co., Baltimore, MD
4) Norfolk, VA Coca Cola
5) Celebrated "Cliquot(?) Club"
6) Norfolk, VA Pepsi-Cola
7) Distillata Products, Cleveland

Medicine types

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\IMG_1382.JPG

1) Mary T. Goldman, St. Paul, Minn
2) Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs and Colds
3) Virginia Dare Extract Co.
4) Sloan's Liniment
5, 6) Wm. R. Warner & Co, New York & St. Louis
7) Capudine for Headaches
8) Vaseline, Chesebrouch, New York
9) Hind's Honey and Almond Cream
A.S. Hinds Co.
Bloomfield, N.J.
10) Gelfand's, Balt., MD

Cold Cream's and a few random no names

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\IMG_1383.JPG

Also, in the right edge, you can see that I almost had a 3-sided Cobalt poison. . .almost!!

I had some fun, though I was sore yesterday evening! Fortunately, unless I'm a really bad judge of dirt, this was all no more than 3 foot down. I hit a clay layer that I'm certain is the cutoff, but I need a good probe to tell for certain.

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Well I guess I'll add the pictures now. . .





Medicine types




Re: Yesterday's Bottle Dig

Looks like you definitely found a great area to dig! Those are some beauties. I especially like the cobalt....just partial to the color, I can't think of any of the bottles you got I don't like. ;D

Re: Yesterday's Bottle Dig


First off, are we related? :-\

Nice digs.

Like the ink, and always enjoy pulling up the blue Bromos. ;D

Bummer on the broken poison.

White ones all Ponds Cream?

First photo, are those real bricks or tile? :wink:

Buy one foot long Chili Cheese Dog, get one free,
that is a deal. ;D

Again, very nice assortment you got today.

have a good un.....

Re: Yesterday's Bottle Dig

Well, I don't think we are, I traced my family from Pennsylvania by way of Kentucky to Missouri, none in Ill. I'm aware of!

3 of the white milk glass cold creams were Pond's, one was a Larkin Co. Inc, and the round one is a Whitehall Pharmacal Co., not mis-spelled by me either, just "Pharmacal".

And I wish they were bricks or tile, but they're good ole' 1980's era linoleum!!

Also, Cynangyl, if I come up with duplicates, I may PM you and you may get some nice pretty blue bottles. It'll be a battle though, I absolutely love the old Cobalt stuff. I've got a 1880's era Bitters bottle I'll post when I get it cleaned up, but it's the prettiest green I've seen, reeeal dark.

Thanks for the replies!!

Re: Yesterday's Bottle Dig

I don't blame ya a bit if you don't wanna part with them. lol I didn't want to part with any of the cobalt or purple glass I had and kept them all....the ex was kind enough to part with the purple ones when we split so I have quite a few of those. Looking forward to seeing that bitters bottle! It sounds like a pretty one!

Re: Yesterday's Bottle Dig

Very cool finds!!! :thumbsup:

Re: Yesterday's Bottle Dig

That must have been fun digging -- you never know what you may pull out of the hole!

Is the "capudine for headaches" a Hicks' Capudine?

Hicks Capudine was a highly successful proprietary medicine made in Raleigh, NC. I suspect that the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 spelled the end for this product as it did for so many others. But, the manufacturers were still hanging on in 1910. Here's an account from a Raleigh C of C prospectus from that period.


Capudine Chemical Co.

The Capudine Chemical Com-
pany of Raleigh manufactures and
places wilh the retail druggists
throughout the country Hicks'
Capudine, and other medicines of
proven valué. Hicks' Capudine
had been made and sold for some
years and had been so successíul
that it was thought advisable to
put it on the market through the
retail drug trade of the country.
This remedy is a liquid cure for
headaches and neuralgia. It is
pleasant to take and has therapeu-
tic effects, making a cure by re-
lieving the cause. The Capudine
Chemical Company also puts up
several other well-known prepara-
tions. The leaders are "Hicks"
Huckleberry Compound," "Dr. Na-
gles' Prescription for Coughs and
Colds," "Hicks" Castoline" ( a
pleasant castor oil), and "Dr. Na-
gles' Kidney and Liver Pilis."
The officers of the company
are: President, Ashley Home, of
Clayton, N. C, a prominent bank-
er and manufacturer; vice-presi-
dent, J. R. Chamberlain, who is
also president of the Raleigh
Phosphate Company and vice-pres-
ident of the Neuse River Mills. He
is also postmaster of West Ra-
leigh. The secretary-treasurer and
general manager of the company
is Henry T. Hicks, who was born
near Raleigh and has spent nearly
the whole of his life in this city.
He is also president of the Henry
T. Hicks Company, owners of two
of Raleigh's most prominent drug
stores. Mr. Hicks was the origi-
nator of Hicks' Capudine and
other remedies and is a licensed
pharmacist. He is a member of
the Chamber of Commerce and a
director on that bodv.

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