Years Of Experience Collecting Native American Artifacts


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Jul 27, 2006
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Thread is for information only, trying to get total years experience of forum.

How many years experience collecting Native American artifacts do you have?

I will start off, I started collecting in 1981 when I found my first point in a corn field.

Please end post with total years.

39 years.

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I found my first whole Point on Easter weekend in 1965 so it will be 55 years this coming Easter, but I also feel the need to say this too.

Yes, lots of years in the fields will definitely give you a wealth of knowledge, but I know some collectors who have been in the hobby 5 years or less that really know thier stuff. They study artifacts, they read books and archaeological journals. They go to shows, auctions, local chapter meeting, etc which are really helpful as well. The biggest thing they do is they LISTEN to the older collectors and learn instead of argue that what they have is definitely an Effigy. The more artifacts you can physically hold and get the feel of what the surface should feel and look like goes a long way in learning what is and what isn't an artifact. Even at 55 years of hunting I still don't consider myself an expert but I can hold my own with most when it comes knowledge of artifacts.

Been interested in history all of my life. One year I was laid off. My son asked me if cowboy and Indians lived in my state. I told him there were plenty of Indians in this area. He asked how did I know and I continued to explain people can find arrowheads. After that he said dad can we find some? I said we can try and sure enough found 1 our first time out. Been hooked since...

6 years.

My first point I found buck hunting and I thought that was pretty cool,that was about 1968.Didn't really get fired up until my sister and bro-in-law invited me down to Warner Valley to go with them. Found a few and have been obsessed ever since, that was 70-71. So been looking for 50+ years

It's been 46 years looking for North American artifacts. But my first artifact was a hammer that I found while out hunting with my dad nine years earlier in Africa.

I found my first whole Point on Easter weekend in 1965 so it will be 55 years this coming Easter, but I also feel the need to say this too.

Yes, lots of years in the fields will definitely give you a wealth of knowledge, but I know some collectors who have been in the hobby 5 years or less that really know thier stuff. They study artifacts, they read books and archaeological journals. They go to shows, auctions, local chapter meeting, etc which are really helpful as well. The biggest thing they do is they LISTEN to the older collectors and learn instead of argue that what they have is definitely an Effigy. The more artifacts you can physically hold and get the feel of what the surface should feel and look like goes a long way in learning what is and what isn't an artifact. Even at 55 years of hunting I still don't consider myself an expert but I can hold my own with most when it comes knowledge of artifacts.

It’s the science of rocks, not rockets guys.

my birth date was 1983, much later than a lot of you started hunting. my introduction to the hobby was as a young-ling, we moved to a spot with springs up on a bluff line. i was 5 or 6. i haven't hunted the whole time but if i could show you the couple hundred lbs of rocks in my house, you'd likely tip your hat and try to find my hunting spots.

I had an early start since both of my grandfathers collected, and most of the men (1st & 2nd cousins, uncles, great uncles, etc.) in our family had found at least a couple of points over the years. First one was probably around 1980 or so. There have been years where I haven't found a relic as life gets in the way a bit, but I doubt there has been a week where I haven't looked, read, studied, thought about, or day-dreamed about an ancient relic of one type or another.

Lets go with 40 years.

Probably found my first point around age 7. Hunted intensely until age 18-19 (didn't know how good I had it back then...…….if I only knew then what I know now). Off and on a little from age 20 until 9 years ago when I became reinterested and obsessed. I'm now 65. Still have everything I've ever found (except a few I've given away). Never bought anything, never sold anything. Very fascinating pastime trying to figure things out about the people who lived and thrived on this continent before our ancestors got here!

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