Years later...

I'm not ashamed.

Do you have a website? How does one get in group A?
Can you prove anything or one thing you have posted?
Are you an author?

Website? No.
Group A? Jesus.
"prove"? Question, how will you know the "truth" when you see it?
"author"? No.

I meant no disrespect, nor was I trying to be coy in my reply. When you ask for proof, that's not so easy. I can show you watermarks. I can tell you were things are hidden. I can tell you to ask NASA about the "rock" they watch from the west. I can tell you why and where about somethings. I can tell you many things, that you'll equally have a hard time believing and in my defense I can only tell you I'm telling the truth. Its hard to explain ' a line is being held. Certain information breaks this "line". The longer the line can stays in place, the better a chance someone else might be saved ("born again", the way Jesus said). Once the line is crossed, there will be little hope left of making Heaven. Armageddon as started. There is a "rock" approaching. The First Horseman as drawn back their "BOW" at the "rock"(SEND it). The 2nd Horseman will STRIKE the "rock". The 3rd Horseman is important. Its God's Sons Judgement. Its not the aim of all those rockets, that decide what piece will hit our Planet. Its the Judgement of Jesus, that decides which scale is lower or higher and its based on the "sins" of this planet. The piece that hits our planet is our doing by our actions. You know the ones, where we kill babies, allow children to starve, greed, power gluttony and many more..these decide how big that piece will be. Wonder how big that will be? Rhetorical, the answer is 'dark enough to cover this entire planet in ash, fill the skies with lava, burn 2/3rd's of this planet, plus mankind vs virus ..I'd say that piece will be quit big. The 4th Horseman is Fire. It will be everywhere, between that and the virus, it really will be a living hell. If you thought you had to die first to go to hell, your mistaken. During this time, it starts while your alive. You see that virus alters your DNA in a special way. It cures all diseases and heals injuries..BUT IT DOESN'T GET RID OF THE """""PAIN""""" (this is the Great Deception). So each time your burnt or get any type of injurty with that "virus" in you..the "pains" will pile up on you. The Bible says that during this time you'll wish the mountains to fall on you (hint its because you can only die by beheading, the virus doesn't let you die like a normal person).
Armageddon as started.
Watch the west for the 2nd Horseman- believe me, you'll know it when it happens. (suggestion- move away from the pacific- very far away)

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Those little rockets I spoke of (the Bees). They will probably be launched right before they attack that "rock" from the west. So to maybe try and get an idea of a time period.. I'd start watching the cities for containers that could launch such devices or odd buildings that no ones allowed at. People in Washington will be bugging out and scurrying like rats to hide (south pole and rockets to space). Probably only chosen people will be allowed to enter the tunnels under the U.S.. When it starts raining fire and ash, you could try hiding in the sewer systems under the roads. Or maybe under bridges. You should start buying all the can goods you can get your hands on and face masks now... but that's only if your not "born again".
We've sat back and got fat, made fun of God and His Words. Used His name in Vain, called His Son a liar and then We killed Him... Judgment is coming.

This World is about to unleash a power like you've never seen before against God's Son who is in total control of that "rock approaching from the west" and then the devil plays cleanup for 7 years.
You don't want to be here for that and you don't want those you love to be here for that and your neighbors and your enemies, no one should be here for that. Please take them by the hand, then find someone who is a true Christian and not a "tare" and learn of God's Son Jesus before its to late. You must be "born again" like Jesus said, not like evil says..there's a difference.
-the 2nd Horseman is approaching.

Have you delved into transhumanism?
Do you believe the bible is true? Which translation?
What started you on this path?

Have you delved into transhumanism?
Do you believe the bible is true? Which translation?
What started you on this path?

"transhumanism" - No.
Is the Bible true - Absolutely Yes.
Which one is the best to use in my opinion? - King James 1611
What started you on this path? If your referring to all the information under this thread (that you find "fascinating"), a dam commercial for one of those treasure hunts I mentioned concerning .

If I may, that "commercial" I just spoke of above.. was about a "Treasures Trove" by Michael Stadther. It started by finding the hidden "watermarks" in that book. These were never mentioned about in public. I started to see if they contained any merit to them. I found a path I could follow, though not quite yet did I grasp the severity of its end in the very beginning. You see, these men have set up multiple hunts and most can be found in "Treasure Hunts".
Another thing about these hunts they create, they all contain watermarks. They have geared these watermarks based on what they have learned about them from the past and have manipulated them now to try and reflect what they found based on the past, to find someone they can murder in the future (their global king). Even in ancient times these watermarks were around. At some time men found them and based on what they believe they understood about them, they set out on a quest of sorts. Problem is, these men don't fully understand everything about them and have made some very bad choices. The watermarks they found give a promise of 3 things.
1 a messiah
2. a cure
3. financial freedom

What these men don't know, each are a half truth and the other half is a lie. What these men will get is.
1. the antichrist (the devil in the flesh of a murdered man)
2. a virus that alters your DNA so you can't die and are healed of all diseases, but it never removes any pains, that occurred from any injuries.
3. the power to make gold, but they crash our financial system and Silver will replace it.

Our world is about to change, I didn't get a set of blueprints for this. I'm doing my best.

Do you know who created our World Banks Security Software? Michael Stadther
(I wonder if anyone noticed He also created a backdoor to it, that He still has the power to manipulate?)

At a moments notice, He has the power to crash our financial systems on a global scale and the vatican is behind all of it. There is where these men hide in the the vatican and they control more of this world than you know. (you need to be "born again" like the Jesus of the Bible says, anything less and Heaven will not be your end. It will be somewhere else)

The world thinks John W. Booth was a alone assassin. Not so. Lincoln wasn't killed by a small gun. He was first stabbed thru the eye with a blade/knife and then was shot in the same eye. This is why the theater was torn apart piece by piece, they were looking for this blade,..not just his journal. These 2 items were the Gift he gave to Mrs. Elizabeth Quesenberry, where she had them sealed in a clay jar with wax, which then made they're way to "Little Italy" (Ravenna, Ohio).

I look to my left and see my enemies. I look to the right and I see no one. I look behind me and I see ugliness. I look before me and I see mercy.
I've led people down wrong paths in my life and I've been a bitter person most of it. The thoughts I've shared here and elsewhere are true.
Yet there are those who believe opposite of what I've told you in certain ways. All these people I've mentioned were people I once loved before.
What do you say to the past to seek forgiveness, what do you say now to save that forgiveness and what will you say tomorrow, when they find out you were right?
What? Someone tell me. The line is almost broken.

2 K/kings are coming to claim what belongs to them. One you will see and one you will not see. Both come for what belongs to them. 1 King is Jesus. He is the King, that only those who die from the "Virus" will see, not those currently alive. The 2nd king is satan/lucifer/devil/father of all lies. Only those who survive the "Virus" will see him. Both K/kings are coming to claim what belongs them and that's Y/you. If you are "born again" like Jesus said to be, you will see Him. If you are not, you will see the global coming king of this planet. The Bible defines this moment between the "many" and the "few". "Many" will see the global king (antichrist) and "Few" will see Jesus.

Your about to be sifted by a "Virus". The "mark of the beast" - 3 6's in a circle is a "Virus Warning Symbol", that will be given airborne and land on your hands and heads.
The 2nd Horseman is riding fast and with Great Power, the "Virus" will be given to all mankind right before that moment happens. You need to be "born again". Get on your knees and repent to Jesus now, before that "choice" is taken from you and your left here with the Global king- hes the devil, hes not Jesus. hes the "father of all lies", hes NOT the Truth, JESUS is.

Watch to the South Western skies, the 2nd Horseman approaches!

PLEASE WATCH THIS (If you haven't already).

The 1st horse - BOW
The 2nd horse - Sword
The 3rd horse - Scales
The 4th horse - Fire


The 1st horse - SEND it.
The 2nd horse - STRIKE it.
The 3rd horse - SPLIT it.
The 4th horse - SEAR it.

Send it, Strike it, Split it, Sear it = Armageddon - is the actions of us sending all those rockets into space to try and destroy the "rock" coming from the West. We will fail and a split piece of that "rock" will hit the Pacific "Fire Ring". When it does, lava will shoot to the skies and it will rain fire and ash and our Planet will go dark. If you live anywhere near the Pacific Ocean, its in your best interest to move. Since the beginning of last year, our world as sent over a 140 Rockets into space, these are the 1st Horsemen's ride (SEND it).

Please believe me. You can't make this up. I'm not a author. I'm a Christian, that learned something and I'm desperately trying to share it with anyone who will listen.

You need to be "born again" like the Jesus of the Bible said to be, before the 2nd Horseman rides.

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The "mark of the beast" is 3 6's in a circle = a Virus Warning Symbol.

Virus Warning  Symbol.webp

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