I meant no disrespect, nor was I trying to be coy in my reply. When you ask for proof, that's not so easy. I can show you watermarks. I can tell you were things are hidden. I can tell you to ask NASA about the "rock" they watch from the west. I can tell you why and where about somethings. I can tell you many things, that you'll equally have a hard time believing and in my defense I can only tell you I'm telling the truth. Its hard to explain ' a line is being held. Certain information breaks this "line". The longer the line can stays in place, the better a chance someone else might be saved ("born again", the way Jesus said). Once the line is crossed, there will be little hope left of making Heaven. Armageddon as started. There is a "rock" approaching. The First Horseman as drawn back their "BOW" at the "rock"(SEND it). The 2nd Horseman will STRIKE the "rock". The 3rd Horseman is important. Its God's Sons Judgement. Its not the aim of all those rockets, that decide what piece will hit our Planet. Its the Judgement of Jesus, that decides which scale is lower or higher and its based on the "sins" of this planet. The piece that hits our planet is our doing by our actions. You know the ones, where we kill babies, allow children to starve, greed, power gluttony and many more..these decide how big that piece will be. Wonder how big that will be? Rhetorical, the answer is 'dark enough to cover this entire planet in ash, fill the skies with lava, burn 2/3rd's of this planet, plus mankind vs virus ..I'd say that piece will be quit big. The 4th Horseman is Fire. It will be everywhere, between that and the virus, it really will be a living hell. If you thought you had to die first to go to hell, your mistaken. During this time, it starts while your alive. You see that virus alters your DNA in a special way. It cures all diseases and heals injuries..BUT IT DOESN'T GET RID OF THE """""PAIN""""" (this is the Great Deception). So each time your burnt or get any type of injurty with that "virus" in you..the "pains" will pile up on you. The Bible says that during this time you'll wish the mountains to fall on you (hint its because you can only die by beheading, the virus doesn't let you die like a normal person).
Armageddon as started.
Watch the west for the 2nd Horseman- believe me, you'll know it when it happens. (suggestion- move away from the pacific- very far away)