Yama#@!$%#@!a treasure in mindanao, philippines

HOLA Friends: Just a bit of confirmation that I "was" involved in the liberation of the Philippines and do have an idea of the benevolent treatment the Japanese gave to the Filipinos..

This is my clearance to return to the US on 8 Aug 1945. 3 years almost to the day that I entered into the Guadalcanal campaign, 7, Aug 1942.


Din Jose de La mancha

To Real De Tayopa,
Thank you very much to your informations. It adds my knowledges about the history of WW2. I knew that my thread is not all of the WW2 history and what I am sharing to these treasureNet Forum is our actual on progress excavation and exploration about the Japanese hidden treasure here in our place, Bukidnon, Mindanao ,Philippines. If you have friends here in Bukidnon , They will tell you the truth.
Sorry to say, that not all in the history of the WW2 were documented and even about the WW2 Japanese hidden treasures were biased , they had not mentioned and documented some of the prominent government officials who discovered the Japanese treasures in our place Bukidnon. Some individuals who found treasure decoys, And until now, they are still active in government positions. That is why, they don't lost every time there's election because they had lots of money on their own pocket to share to the voters and he had done lots of projects using his own personal money. Since 1965, when Ex. Pres. Marcos was the President and until now this man still active and own lots of big company.
In February 1942, these was the time that Gen. Mac Arthur and his family was been rescued here in our place Del Monte Philippines, " the Pineapple Country ", Bukidnon, Mindanao. Why he likes these place? because, before WW2, This company was own by the Americans since 1926, the Center of Mindanao, good climate, abundant of food and have a golf course for recreation.
Before WW2, our place had already 2 landing air fields, one was private own by Del Monte, and the other air field was own by the government used by the US Air Force for transport of goods and ammunitions came from USA.
When pearl harbor Hawaii was bomb by Japanese on Dec. 1941, It was the time Japanese came starting to conquered the Philippines. In Feb. 1942, by the message of the USA president, requesting to rescue Gen. Mac Arthur and his family living in Del Monte Phil. using B-17 bomber with other escorts of 3 B-17 bomber war planes going to Australia.
The Japanese army did not lost the war on these year 1942/43, these was the year that the Japaneses were winning and conquered the Philippines. And you know why Japanese likes this place??, because, all facilities that were own by the
Americans like garrisons, hospitals, air landing fields and even the Americans, British and Australians POWS were here in our place.
And I believe, that our place, were the place where the Japanese hide some parts of the treasures scattered all over Bukidnon by their Generals and rank and file officials. Because they cannot transport the treasures to Japan anymore. On October, 1944, These was the time Gen. Mac Arthur came back to the Philippines and says " I SHALL RETURN "
And I believed, that some of their stolen treasures came from south east Asia were transported to our place Del Monte Philippines by big Japanese air war planes and not only by Japanese War boat.
My proof to this, was my copied Japanese maps and sign markers and codes dated 1945 (May-June). I had already meet a Japanese national who had interpreted and translated my 2 maps. As what he says, Its a WW2 war map, and when I asked him about the sign symbols and codes, he says, Yes its a treasure codes. And he says, that these war maps of mine was just a disguise pretending to be a war maps.
Please see and review my Blogspot,, http://garyvbautista.blogspot.com/

To greenapple,
Thanks for visiting my post and hope you enjoy viewing the website that I had posted to view to those antagonist,and treasure believers, But even do it is a proof of their treasure excavation with their video that diggers were moving, BUT still, those
antagonist don't believe it, it is still, FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE but right now, theres a problem of these website, we cannot open the whole episodes.

To Cappy Z.
Thanks for visiting my thread, I don't know what side are you, believers or antagonist?? Please ask questions on any kind that relates to my thread,

To greenapple,
I had search these Website, a treasure site before, there excavation is still on progress like mine. I just want it to share to these TreasureNet forum to be seen to all over the world especially to those antagonist and believers. Why I had posted these on my thread ? in order to proved to those antagonist that even white, especially Americans like SWR are very interested to these kind of hobby, Treasure Hunting, They spend lots of money Digging and digging to find the treasure like mine. here is there website; My question is? Is This FACTS or LEGEND ???

OHIO GARY: First, I congratulate the project in that it is one of the few that are using safe mining or construction procedures.

You show am extensive layer of leaves etc. obviously far greater in extent than the excavation, this suggests to me that it is nothing more than normal past surface materiel now buried under later deposits. This is typical of any Archaeological excavation.

Conclusion, unless you have an excellent reason, this is wasted effort.

Don Jose de La Mancha


You keep on asking Yamashita treasure plausible evidence...the problem with you...even if we posted hundredS of evidence....DEFINITELY YOU CANNOT APPRECIATE IT....simply bcoz you are NOT QUALIFIED to appreciate those evidences...
YOU ARE NOT A TREASURE HUNTER...or YAM TREASURE RESEARCHER (you are only a retired beach comber...not even a cache hunter or shipwreck salvor)....you simply lack the ACTUAL....TREASURE HUNTING EXPERIENCE specially yam treasures to scrutinize these evidences.....understand?
....you are like a quack doctor trying to argue an expert licensed doctor....meaning whatever you said, comments or arguments...is PURE NON-SENSE, NULL AND VOID...
(I hope this post or comments re SWR competence, will not be erased AGAIN by Jeff of pa...)

SWR said:
garyv_bautista said:
To greenapple,
I had search these Website, a treasure site before, there excavation is still on progress like mine. I just want it to share to these TreasureNet forum to be seen to all over the world especially to those antagonist and believers. Why I had posted these on my thread ? in order to proved to those antagonist that even white, especially Americans like SWR are very interested to these kind of hobby, Treasure Hunting, They spend lots of money Digging and digging to find the treasure like mine. here is there website; My question is? Is This FACTS or LEGEND ???

Jeppers, all you have to do is "loan" them $10 per share. Another scam website used by proponents of the Yamash.ta myth/legend to solicit funds. Needless to say, no gold has been "brought up" to pay anyone back. ::)

The Corporation has agreed to pay us back our original loan amount with the very first gold brought up - this could be easily within 2 months or sooner, at which point you will have a stake at zero risk.

Then the profits will come in probably two stages after that, all within 12 months (probably less) for a total ROL (return on loan) of AT LEAST 5 to 1 and probably more. So if you loan 1 unit of $10, your total return including your initial $10 will be at least $50.

You can loan in units of $10. There IS a maximum... If you'd like to loan $10K or more, contact us and we will get you set up with a special non-disclosure and you will be able to interact directly with "Joey" and the site manager - but you do have to be sure that you have that $10K and are genuinely ready to go.
its out of the question anymore what this group is asking from prospective investors,what we are trying to prove here is that there are lots(maybe thousands)of real treasure operations going on in the phil and that includes/involve foriegn nationals also,you may notice from the picture its not an easy task what they're doing suggesting the japs really did hide their booty so well thats why they maybe in need for some extra fundings.and besides how can you be so judgemental about this website?is every website looking for investors to join in is automatically judged to be scams?i don't think so...but i doubt it's you who is making the biggest scam here in treasurenet for you are twisting,screwing and altering other people's mindset about the truth of yamashita gold.

i'm sorry for my harsh words but i just can't take your being generalizing all yamashita treasure hunters as scammers!

To greenapple,
Here is a website of an American like SWR, from Mississippi, who immigrate here in the Philippines , here business is buying treasures recoveries , treasure hunting and exploration. I don't think he scams his own self digging and digging and digging to find the treasure like me.

I don't think, these co-American like you is foolish and stupid to just digging and digging without any purpose? He immigrate here in the Philippines seeking a greener pasture and marry a beautiful hardworking Filipina that can be trusted. That he believes that there are really WW2 Japanese hidden treasure here in the Philippines. And I knew that you still don't believe it and still scam and fake to you.

i know you're old and not so stupid,what I WANT TO TELL ANYONE IS THAT YOU AND ONLY YOU THAT'S THE GREATEST SCAM I FOUND HERE IN TREASURENET!is that hard to understand to you?
hope you are bright enough to understand my simple english. ;D ;D ;D

SWR said:
greenapple said:
i know you're old and not so stupid,what I WANT TO TELL ANYONE IS THAT YOU AND ONLY YOU THAT'S THE GREATEST SCAM I FOUND HERE IN TREASURENET!is that hard to understand to you?
hope you are bright enough to understand my simple english. ;D ;D ;D

You want to tell everyone that I am the greatest scam on TreasureNet?

I guess next you will be throwing stones in my face ::)
yes thats my opinion,your the great scam here on treasurenet.better stop your stupidity!


NEVER EVER FALL INTO SWR TRAP....he will keep on antagonizing you, push you to the limits until ...you go out of bounds...and suddenly Jeff of Pa bans you or erased your post...SWR wins !!!....unfortunately that kind of TECHNIQUE IS ALREADY EXPOSED and REUSED SEVERAL TIMES...
The best you can do is keep always your rebuttal NOT YamTH topics anymore but TRY TO CONCENTRATE ON SWR WEAKNESSES like NOT BEING A TH HUNTER , NOT A CREDIBLE CRITIC in relation to Yam TH....of course so that it is not out of the topic....OKS BA?
That way, he cannot react on your YTH opinion...he will always be in depensive end? he,he,he ;D
Look at Gboy....I disregard all SWR post, comments...I keep on attacking his refutation and treasure credentials....that way..I was able to mauled him...like Pacq


Yama#@!$%#@!a treasure in mindanao, philippines


Treasure Hunting > Cache Hunting >


garyv_bautista said:
tO gBOY,
my question is? Are these groups of Americans who were digging with their own treasure site are also scammer like us as what was always mentioned by your best antagonist friend??????? When I send these website to your best friend, By only 5 minutes, he QUICKLY RESPONSE and had aesily concluded that these website are also SCAMMERS. But I knew he did not search it.
Here's another website, a Canadian Treasure Hunters with their treasure site exploration.
http://gbrp.thefrugalsurfer.com Are these group were Scammer?????

That is why I am Very puzzled to your very best antagonist friend, because every time or any People who believes in WW2 Japanese Treasures hidden in the Philippines were turn to SCAMMER. Can you elaborate??

Gary what does it matter ?

You are not a Scammer, and GBoy is not a Scammer.

Last I knew you's Were Treasure Hunters,
please Discuss your Treasure Hunting.

Final Warning.

This Thread will Not Advance Beyond this point Till you start Discussing The Treasure
and or your Progress.

No sorry's, Thank You's, But's, what if's, OK's or any other Response to this post.
The Next Post I want to see is about the Treasure and/or your search only
Nothing else.

To Jeff of Pa,
Thanks for your information, I really appreciated it. Again, We are now clean and hope that if those antagonist will continue to criticize us of scam, hope it will be deleted. What I am posting in my thread are base to my actual experience and positive information related to Yamashita's Treasure.
as I said before, i had contacted and discussed personally the Pearl asian Mining of USA/CANADA dated Oct. 4, 2007 but i had backed out because they only gave us a share of 25%.
Again, a Canadian Treasure hunter contacted me and will visit me personally this Early New year, If they will find it positive, They will contract and explore our treasure site. This is there website and their existing exploration here in the Philippines. http://gbrp.thefrugalsurfer.com

To all treasureNet Members,,,,,

Good Luck & Happy Hollidays Gary.

Can you explain clearly to me what do you mean about your first Quote, But as I said before you have all the right to comments on my thread as long as it is related to Yamashita's Treasure. But I will accept it, no one can force you to believe what we are claiming for.
Actually, Gboy and me had the same side that WW2 Japanese treasure really exist here in the Philippines but we are not the same Ideas on how we are dealing these treasure to those who believes our claim.
I will tell you the truth, Even one American treasure hunter Wayne Phillips a member of this TreasureNet believes my claims and offer to help me by sending money, equipments and personnels to work my Treasure site but I refused it, Because what I want is that, He will first visit our site and bring with him his own gold detector, if it is positive of his finding, He will be the one to contract our site. But maybe of his hectic responsibility of his businesses, He did not accept my offer. But again, I thank him very much for his help and support.
But just wait and see, Treasure hunting in the Philippines is not an easy hobby, maybe next year, if this Canadian treasure Hunter I mentioned will come and visit me early this New Year. If it will be positive to their scanner and contract our site, Maybe we will discover this said treasure and 2008 will be our happiest year of our life. I promise to all of you, I will post to these forum our discoveries. Sorry! It's my own Bla, bla, bla, Prediction can never be true or It can be true!!! GOD KNOWS!!!

garyv_bautista said:
Can you explain clearly to me what do you mean about your first Quote,

I can't speak for him, But I took "large doses of BS" to mean
what is sometimes Linked to through other sites.
As We all know Our Members are Above this behavior.
However I do not Like Putting down other sites Either.

Hmmm. Interesting discussion I should say. I will not spend my time time typing to prove the existence of Jap plunder in the PI. I don't want to call it Yamashita gold coz I do believe it's a misnomer. It's more like Homma's Gold, him being the guy who defeated old Doug and the commander of Jap forces in the PI until Yam took over in October 1944. Homma incidentally was the militay aide-de-camp of Prince Chichibu of Golden Lily fame. Here are some pics of our recovery so far. Enjoy!


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A close-up of the emerald certificate authenticated by the Imperial Appraisal Agency of Japan. Have fun this new year. There's still a lot of treasure out there and only a few souls with the courage and strength to hunt for them. Mabuhay!!!


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dred747 said:
Hmmm. Interesting discussion I should say. I will not spend my time time typing to prove the existence of Jap plunder in the PI. I don't want to call it Yama#@!$%#@!a gold coz I do believe it's a misnomer. It's more like Homma's Gold, him being the guy who defeated old Doug and the commander of Jap forces in the PI until Yam took over in October 1944. Homma incidentally was the militay aide-de-camp of Prince Chichibu of Golden Lily fame. Here are some pics of our recovery so far. Enjoy!

Cool Finds dred !

Awsome Emerald.

since any police or government agency Confiscating that many
bars would claim they are fake,

And since I havn't found a way to Assay a picture,
And You seem like an Honest Sort as are all our Members,

I'll say Nice Bunch of Gold bars there too.


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