Yama#@!$%#@!a treasure in mindanao, philippines

I don't care on what you had observed and concluded, It's your own opinion and had decided. Hope you don't mind if I also say something to you? Frankly, I'm beginning to compare you to the 30 years of expertized, experience, the leading authority and historian of The Yamashita's Gold Robert Shitmary the CEO of Isle Mining and Exploration management, IPO. Maybe, your second move is to say to me, that I am upset because I was caught of scamming for an investor.
About I haven't proven anything other than my quest to pursue the legend of non existing "treasure", Maybe you didn't see my blog, And If you see my blogspot and you don't believe it? It's still your own conclusion and decision. Maybe you will say to me that I am the one who carefully made/engraved those Artifacts and to legitimize in canvassing for funding. That this funding is used simply to support my comfortable life styles. That I had pretend to hunt but in reality, divert the investors funds to other business. Hope you will not say this to me.
About those guys arrested the other day for selling 4 million in fake gold bars in the Philippines? I don't heard that news. What I am in fucos of, is the Election here in the Philippines. Again, It's you own opinion, Do you mean that the 99% Filipino treasure hunters of today including me are scammer? This is what Zsatmary posted in his modified swindling stories of the Yamashita's Gold dated 12/13/06. But he deleted it because lots of Filipino treasure Hunters E-mailed him an insulting message that can penetrate to his old and deteriorating heart. He was very mad to me because I am the one who has caught him for swindling and faking us in viewing his lying websites to treasure hunter Filipinos.
About the WW2 Japanese maps and the sign and markers codes dated 1945 and 1942,
That you had concluded that it is fake? it is still your own conclusion and opinion. As what I had to say, That I had just copied that to the ex. Military officer of Ex. Pres. Marcos who was also excavating 2 treasure sites about 1000 meters away from our site. But, I was amazed because, 1 arrow of the treasure map was pointing to our site. Is it coincidental?
About me, I don't care to who are the treasure net members who don't believe in me, as long as what I had honestly presented and posted in these Treasure Net were all real especially the stone markers that we had actually found in our treasure site and my sketches to where I had found the well engrave artifacts stone markers with the distances and the deepness of our excavation.Etc..
Why should I sacrifice faking, making and inventing these things and just to pretend
on sharing these to the treasure Net forum members to be read/viewed to all over the world? Frankly, I am not stupid and foolish to do such things? Why not let your Filipino friends here in the Philippines to visit our place and check our site whether it is fake or not.

The saga goes on............

To Amona,
May I answer your question? Based on the website channel 4 - History- World War Two:
A Chronology, That In the Philippines, there are said to be 172 "documented" official Japanese Imperial burial sites, not to mention the numerous instances of WW2 loot buried by greedy officers and renegades soldiers,almost 50% were been recovered. In our place, "YES" lots were been discovered in our place by 3 Government Officials, one Multi national Company, 2 Koreans national, 2 Japanese nationals, 3 civilians and including 2 sites by Ex. Pres. Marcos.

To finder_keeper,
Thanks for believing in me, Maybe someday if some gold mining company or any body who believes my treasure site and will finish our excavation, I know this will be discovered
and I promise, I will post it in this treasure Net forum.

To Jeff of PA,
Thanks for not deleting my post, as what I had stated in my post, was the words that had stated to an outsider who allegedly accused us 99% Filipino treasure hunters of Scams.
I had never insulted direct to a treasure Net members but maybe they will become and the same as the outsiders words commented. Can I presents and post his ( Robert Zsatmary) allegation's to this forum to proved that I am not Lying? I knew This was already deleted from his Yamashita's Gold website, but I had copied and filed it as an evidence of his allegations.

To eathabs,
Thanks for your comments, SAGA- means possessing or showing sound judgment and keen perception. or viewed as the basic components in the formation of concepts.

garyv_bautista said:
To Jeff of PA,
Thanks for not deleting my post, as what I had stated in my post, was the words that had stated to an outsider who allegedly accused us 99% Filipino treasure hunters of Scams.
I had never insulted direct to a treasure Net members but maybe they will become and the same as the outsiders words commented. Can I presents and post his ( Robert Zsatmary) allegation's to this forum to proved that I am not Lying? I knew This was already deleted from his Yama#@!$%#@!a's Gold website, but I had copied and filed it as an evidence of his allegations.

Gary, in My opinion 99% Filipino treasure hunters can be trusted.
the same as everywhere else in the world.

I always try my best to be open minded.

As for your Request.

garyv_bautista said:
Can I presents and post his ( Robert Zsatmary) allegation's to this forum to proved that I am not Lying?

This would probably be against TreasureNet rules
to post somones comments.
Especially if you can't add a link showing
that the words are exact & not edited.

Sorry !

just remember; You don't need to prove anything.
only accusers need to prove their accusations.


Thanks SWR for your information about all these Philippine treasure legends. Its great to know that we have someone who has been there and did the research on his own to debunk these legends. I get tired of the people who take for granted what others say and write about, then preach it like gospel to everyone else. Again a big thank you for your great work.

To Lucky 1777,
What if I will discover this treasure as what you had says a legend. I know your answer will be, Congratulation ! Job will done! This is why we are here in the treasure Net forum, sharing/showing 0f ideas, antiques, and to all the things you had been discovered, to all over the world Etc...Not that we are here to preach in order you to believe? I am not a priest or a pastor who preach the words of GOD, but I am a catholic. You better look at the website of the Secret Golden Treaty, It's up for you to believe or not. I'm pretty sure that you had no knowledge about Yama#@!$%#@!a's Treasure and the reason is you are from Illinois, USA and I am here in the Philippines to where WW2 Japanese hidden treasure was buried and so surprised, one treasure site was buried in our place and my evidence is my blogspot URL...http://garyvbautista.blogspot.com/
But you know What? I like you, I like people who are negative Thinkers. Its your own opinion and nobody can hold you on whats in your mind, and this is the time I can re battle on my principles and knowledge I own. Because knowledge is Power that nobody can't deny. How about you? Do you have any kinds of things or treasure to share?? We would like to see from you. again Thanks, for negative comment, I still appreciated it.

just remember; You don't need to prove anything.
only accusers need to prove their accusations.

I agree, Jeff. Gary you dont need to prove anything. Go on with what you believe.
You dont need to convince everyone about your conviction. Everyone is entitled to his

To Kaloy,
Thanks for your advice, I appreciated it. But what about those treasure net forum members who honestly believes in me and wants me to explain the detailed history of my works so far and the reasons why i think I have the site worth examining? Actually, lots of treasure net forum members were sending me a personal questions direct to my E-mail. I think it is cruel for me If I will just say, Secret!! There were already 20 persons including gboy and you who were interested to my site because I knew you believes in me.
But to those persons who don't believe in me, because they had no knowledge to what is really Yamashita'S treasure, and to those who believes ,But because they were following to a liar and fake historians of yamashita's treasure. I don't force them to believe in me .and I just re battle my answer to a reality. But it's none of their business to what I say, As long as I am honest and in the right way.
But to those persons who posted in my forum answering an irrelevant question and out of the topic, Like for example: tired and preaching like a gospel to every one else, I think,
this is already a topic of religion? And It's abnormal for a person like me to just pretend that I do not know to what he was saying. Again, Thanks kaloy

Theres no such things as a documented official Japanese burial sites of treasures I seek and these claims are only supported by wishful thinking and no substantial evidence?
Do you mean to say, that the historian like Seagraves is a wishful thinker and wrote his stories without substantial evidence? and I know It's none of my business of what you are believing of, You are entitled to your own opinion.

To Kaloy and gboy,

Did you start excavating your Treasure site? could you give us an update?
About my site, some Filipino and foreign nationals treasure hunters who saw my blogspot in the internet were calling me by phone, visiting to our place just to see the actual stone markers and the location site but still, they had no additional funds to excavate. They believed my site as real. As what They had say, If they had just as much money, they will not regret to excavate my site.

To Gollily,
What can you say about what I had send in an Email to you, Do you believe it?


Since our team doesn't have hi-tech geo instruments...although we have more than 100 Japs treasure sites...we usually NEVER dig anymore....we concentrate more on relocating open treasure cave sites previously found by our native assets and old folks...
Thats the advantage of having so many sites, we have the luxury to choose what kind of site we wanted to operate...specially if we are on limited budget.

Our latest update...our native assets on the field instead of finding treasure sites they accidentally found a japs graveyard inside a cave full of japs skeletons...est 50 japs soldiers...that will be our priority...to document those skeletal remains and probably ask some sort of reward from japanese gov't for finding their WW2 heroes and probably ask also from the japs rich relatives...

In 1990's, Mindanao...a japanese skeletons with dogtag and samurai...was returned to japan in heroes burial. The rich relatives of the dead soldier gave the pointer some huge monetary reward and japanese gov't gave also 5 working visas to the pointer and his family...who knows we might find "treasure" among the bones... ;D

Our only problem is...how to traced the relatives of the japanese dogtags....Japan Embassy in Manila needs proof...so initially we are on our own to explore and relocate these japs bones....

To gboy,
Can you send us a picture of the skeletons that you had discovered? Is there really a dogtag of the Japanese soldiers? I think Japanese soldiers had no dogtags.
I had remember that my father told me about what they had discovered also a skeletons,
while they were excavating the Ex. Pres. Marcos treasure site here in our place. Location of the treasure site was in a Water fall. There were about 15 skeletons under water, that when they pulled out the skeletons, it were pulverized, the only remains were the 10 carats gold teeth's but he didn't told me that there were a dogtags. I will try to follow up my father of what skeletons they discovered. Maybe Its a POW skeletons, because he didn't mentioned about the dog tags.
I had monitored all your post here in treasure net and other website but you had not mentioned out to your file about other treasure location site especially in our place. And I don't think that my Japanese treasure maps, my treasure signs/codes symbols and my treasure excavation site that we had actually found the well engrave stone markers were fake. And I don't think that what we had discovered were coincidentally as found in our treasure sign/codes symbols.
Before WW2, Our place was own by an Americans, A Multi national company who owns the biggest grower of a pineapple here in the Philippines. Our place had two air fields and Even Gen. Mac Arthur with his family stays in our place. They were rescued when Japanese over powered the Americans. Gen. Mac Arthur rescued riding a B-!7 boomer plane to Australia. And That was the time the Japanese were the one who owns the property during WW2. They build Garrisons and Prisoners of war ( POW ).
Why I knew all these thing? Because I had interviewed some people who were present
during WW2 still breathing and in good health. I had also research some in the websites that were also mentioned our place during WW2.

To Joe
Thanks for visiting my post. Joe, Hope you don't mind if I ask some question on you? Are you a Filipino? May I know what place are you in the Philippines? You had a nice interesting post, hope its a dogtag of the Japanese soldiers during WW2. I think It's a bronze or copper tag, I understand that a Dog tag in our soldiers and Americans was stainless steel.
About my blogspot, what can you say about my treasure site, Do you believe what you had seen? or how many % you believe in? Again Thanks for viewing by.

It was our native asset in the field who have seen the cave japs graveyard...not me. Therefore I have not seen whatever military artifacts it had...

We have not yet went to the jungle and reexplore the japs graveyard...

"I had monitored all your post here in treasure net and other website but you had not mentioned out to your file about other treasure location site especially in our place. And I don't think that my Japanese treasure maps, my treasure signs/codes symbols and my treasure excavation site that we had actually found the well engrave stone markers were fake. And I don't think that what we had discovered were coincidentally as found in our treasure sign/codes symbols."

In your post...you have not mentioned your exact place...therefore i have no idea if it is treasure areas or not. Some of your rock markers are good...some are just ordinary rocks...
Most of us had treasure maps (we had 21 Jap treasure maps)...most of us had Japs treasure markers (we had dozens)....
but the BIG QUESTION?...can we recover the treasure....well, thats the most difficult part !!... ::)

To gboy,
You have 21 Japanese treasure maps but I think you had no maps in Bukidnon Area.
look my post in Treasurere net Forum research/techniques > MAPS. one treasure arrow is pointing to our site. And I think all these arrows are pointing to all buried Japanese treasure sites. Our place is in Del Monte, Manolo Fortich , Bukidnon. The biggest pineapple grower in the World. Del Monte Philippines Incorporated an American company before started the pineapple plantation since 1926. Our place before WW2 had 2 airports and This was the place where Gen. Mac Arthur stays before he and his family were rescued and were transported by B-17 boomer plane going to Australia. I assumed that the Japanese were the one who controls all the properties and lands to all Mindanao during WW2.
I think, some stolen treasures done by Japanese from South East Asian countries were carried by Big Planes and transported to our place. That was why, there were lots of treasure sites here in our place and some were not included in my posted maps. I tell you, lots of decoy treasures were already discovered.
About my stone markers that we had actually found in our sites, I think you are wrong, these were not an ordinary stones, these were man made.


There is no question the Bukidnon is a treasure laden areas....in fact we have 2 maps of Crown of Cambodia treasure site in Malaybalay, Bukidnon.
Since you ask my opinion on your rock markers...I will repeat my comments: some are ordinary and some are man made rock markers....
However...it doesn't matter if you have a treasure rock markers or not (all of us have those rock markers)...again the big question:...When can we get the treasure if there is one?....nobody knows even a seasoned TH like us.. :D... si Lord lang nakakaalam nyan...

To gboy,
I know this will be recover if anyone out there who is a well to do investor, with a complete equipment to finish my project and who believes in Japanese treasures buried during WW2. I knew they will not regret it.
There were lots of treasure hunters visited my site, they had surveyed and scanned it.
What they says it's 100% positive but there problem is the big funding and they had no such kind of money to finish it. As What they say, It's a Volume deposits and it needs a million budget to discover this treasure. But they were trying to help me find one.
Some were introducing to me a government officials and Military, but I just don't want to be involved with them, It's risky.

Hi Gary,

Im not a treasure fanatic.. but in case my father and his friends will be successful in their quest.. then we can prove something to those who call this a Legend.

Im not sure if your familiar with MONTALBAN.. and the water dam there.. there are residents that would tell you that there are successful digging and or hunting in the area. As i recall, about 6 years ago, theres this old man who showed us a japanese coin and a rock with engraving of something like a map. according to him.. they saw this rock on top of a corpse(skeleton dressed in japanese military uniform). To make the whole story short.. it was believed that there are two sites for digging.. one was successfully recovered by americans/investor.. and the other is still unknown. In addition, according to the old man, the engraving shows water passages.. 3 of which are IDd already but the other water passage or lake could have been dead for years, i havent heard of any updates after that.

But im pretty sure, the yama-story is true. Of course, who would want to document or tell the whole world they have unearthed treasures.. especially here in the Philippines..as we all know the government will hunt you down .. if not because of their personal interest.. they will charge you with so much taxes. so to those who are so negative about this.. may you be negative the whole time and thank you for making this thread very interesting.. without you, the story will not be complete without the antagonists.

SWR said:
nelo said:
so to those who are so negative about this.. may you be negative the whole time and thank you for making this thread very interesting.. without you, the story will not be complete without the antagonists.

First off, welcome to TreasureNet. It was nice of you to show your agenda in your very first post.

So far, the "negative" proof far outweighs the "positive" proof in regards to Yamashi.ta's Legend/Gold.

Sure, I could post some links of newspaper articles about Filipinos being arrested for selling fake gold bars, or warnings from the various Government agencies pertaining to these "treasures". But, that would be just so negative, eh?

It would be nice, for a change of pace, to see something positive come out of this. Other than a few novels (books) being written, it would be nice to see some actual history (treasure to you) being uncovered.

Hi SWR, many thanks for the welcome!!.. ;)

goin back to topic.. im not like gary.. he is so willing to reveal himself... not me.. and id say there are a lot of people who was successful in their quest and would not want to be IDd for security issues.. im not sure if u r a Filipino but from the sound of it ur not.. so ur basically not familiar with our country. Im sure you would want to go for pictures and documents that would prove your hunger for the truth (basically faithless).. but many filipinos would agree with me that its not how it goes around here.. have your seen any confi docs about filipinos killed because of finding treasures? im sure u havent bec people who have killed them are people who are in politics and in power. I can prove this to you but again theres no use..(just read what u can read) id rather enjoy the "finds" than debating and proving to those who cant understand.

And about novels, FYI.. did you know that NOLI ME TANGERE which was written by JOSE RIZAL was actually a book that would tell you about our history?? it was based on facts not just to tickle ones emotion. Bad to those who cant tell the difference coz they are to shallow to see the reality and can only understand if it is written VERBATIMly.. dont u think? (if u dont have the book.. im sure u can buy one.. enjoy reading!)

Anyways, thanks again for the welcome!.. and ow.. ill try to convince myself..about posting something to put a balance to your negative thoughts about filipinos.

gary, dont be discouraged easily.. specially to people who cant even be of help.

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