WWII medallions and Nazi propaganda tokens - Need help identifying


Dec 10, 2014
Detector(s) used
Garrett ATpro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Hey all! I recently came across a seller that is getting rid of this lot of WWII paraphernalia. I know that the white cloth with the eagle is a swatch from a Luftwaffe sport vest, and the cross medallion is a US marksman's medal, but I can't seem to find any info on any of the others. I only have the one picture right now; I'm going tomorrow to actually look at them but I'd like to now a little more before I make my bid... any info would be greatly appreciated!
nazi stuff.jpg

In these "charged" times, please repost same title excluding Nazi for reasonable responses.
Peace ✌

My bad! I didn't think it was a bad thing - they ARE Nazi paraphernalia... however I understand these PC times.
Being new to the community though, I don't know how to edit or delete my post :( help?

Last edited:
In these "charged" times, please repost same title excluding Nazi for reasonable responses.
Peace ✌
I think this political correctness thing is close to exploding...an orange is an orange as an apple is an apple.......to many people are trying to act like history didnt happen ...IT did so get over it...plenty of persecution in the world still...not talking about it doesnt make it disappear.. Nazism, Stalinist, Maoist,Apartheid, we should remember and talk about it to keep it from happening again...If you dont think so talk to any Jewish person still alive from the 1940's or their children. 1940's Germanic stuff doesnt bring very much regardless of the historic value..people are scared to associate with the material.. wouldnt bid to much...yo'd be better off trying to pickup 1840's to 1890 americanna...imho

Sorry guess im not being reasonable

ArDirtSlinger, thank you! I figured putting "nazi" in the title would garner attention, not scare it off... it is after all what got me interested... but to each their own. And thank you for the advice on the pieces. The seller said these items are "priced to move" so I'm guessing less than $100 for the lot which isn't terrible. It IS history, and that's the fascinating part to me, as I assume to others.
Now, however, I have TWO threads started and would like to edit or remove one of them. Any advice on how?
Thanks to both of you for your replies :)
xoxo ASG

I think a mod has to delete a thread

I found out that these are "tinnies", commemorative pins given out at special occasions, holidays and sporting events. I have identified all of them but one - if anyone has any idea what the little gold one is, I'd really appreciate it. I've looked everywhere for that one and while the others are quite common and easy to find, I haven't had a single bit of luck with that one. Thanks guys! :-* ASG

The word " Nazi " didn't catch my attention as much as what I thought your name was ~ apples ham poo gal, lol!

Ha! Yeah, you're not the first to get it confused! Maybe I should capitalize the letters?! :tongue3:

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