- I really need a new camera! More Pictures Dates


Bronze Member
Aug 13, 2008
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Took a little drive around town today during my lunch break and had a bit of good luck. At first I only had a 40% to show for my troubles and was getting a bit discouraged. I decided to take a little extra time for lunch and drive an extra 10 miles out of town and try my luck.

First bank had a handful of skunks - at the second one the teller takes out $13 in skunks and says with a smile how many do you want... I'm thinking oh boy a big skunk dump waiting for me but I play along and say I can take a couple hundred. She chuckles and say "sure" and disappears for a while then returns with $200 in rolls that at least weren't the usual re-rolled brinks rolls. She then says "You want the rest, we got another $170". I figure what the heck, bring em on...

I pay and head out the door and sit in my car and take a look at them. Well there was one old looking roll in the bunch so I figure open that one first and sure enough a skunk. I'm thinking I might as well get this over with so I open the next one not expecting much. But....WOW - all Walkers and Bens. I look down at the rest of the rolls that they were nice enough to put in a box for me and think "no way!". But guess what - :headbang: :hello2: :laughing9: :tongue3: - out they roll. Almost every roll is solid silver. I'm just sitting there astounded as each roll keeps spitting the same thing. Occasionally there were a few clad and the worst roll "only" had two Walkers and a Ben. As this is going down and I'm just staring at the rolls in amazement I'm realizing that this is likely a once in a life event but who knows with this hobby. I'm back at work now and will have to try and get some nice photos and a better count later tonight or tomorrow as I have a day off.

The rough totals:

29 freaking rolls of silver. About 24 of them are 90%. There were so many old coins that I was actually expecting a roll of Barbers but none appeared. Wow is all I kept saying as each roll slid into my hand - WOW.


Ok got a couple pictures - one is the box full of the rolls and the other is just a random roll with the results. This one had the earliest date a 1935 with a bunch of 40's and 50's Walkers and Bens. Will dig in a little deeper if I get time tonight but am on kid duty so it is a little tough at the moment..

New Update -

Got the time to sort out the rolls a bit. First thing is I underestimated the totals. There was only one roll of 40% so 28 rolls of 90%. Another WOW! Here are the dates of the Franklins. The Walkers will have to wait. I did get about four rolls of pre 1940 Walkers but no key dates in the mix. I'll try to get the Walkers better sorted tonight! Thanks for the comments! :headbang:

3rd Update: Banner :o - didn't expect this. Seems it has created a little firestorm. I'm gonna stay out of that one :wink: - except to say I'll enjoy my ten minutes of fame. I got a chance to go through the pre 40 Walkers and for those keeping score I have posted the dates.

17 - 6
17S reverse - 1
18 - 4
18D - 3
19 - 1
20 - 4
23S - 1
27S - 1
34 - 4
34D - 1
34S - 2
35 - 8
35D - 1
35S - 1
36 - 6
36D - 1
36S - 1
37 - 9
38 - 1
39 - 5
39D - 2

49D - 3
50 - 7
51 - 16
51D - 6
51S - 4
52 - 25
52D - 14
53 - 1
53 D - 12
54 - 6
54D - 6
54S - 1
55 - NONE
56 - 4
57 - 1
57D - 8
58 - 1
58D - 13
59 - 8
59D - 3
60 - 1
60D - 7
61 - 2
61D - 3
62 - 12
62D - 3
63 - 11
63D - 22
Kennedy 64 - 42



  • BoxOf28RollsSilver.webp
    21.6 KB · Views: 10,058
  • OneRoll.webp
    31 KB · Views: 10,027
  • FranklinDateStacks.webp
    31.6 KB · Views: 9,943
  • WalkerTopView.webp
    46 KB · Views: 9,932
  • WalkersBensSideView.webp
    31.2 KB · Views: 10,123
  • Walker35and37.webp
    26.6 KB · Views: 9,854
  • WalkersBensSide2.webp
    27.4 KB · Views: 9,933
Upvote 0
I don't know how to tell you but here goes. those are my halves!
My real name is America. I name all my coins United States. Then i identify all my silver on the coins. So if you look on each coin, you will see United States Of America. So can I shoot you a pm with my address so you can return them to me ( America)? I send you a small token of my appreciation, maybe go overboard and send ya say $31.64 for all your trouble?
Wow man way to go!
My blood is still pumping with excitement for you!!!
Congrats on banner tooo!

aka don

Keep on diggin!!!

While this is a fantastic find, read CRH rules....

Next proposed rule, ~~ you don't show photos like this.

PM them to anyone who wants to see.


Not only did this post bring non-CRH people to the forum, but it brought me back from the abyss of the interent. =)

A HUGE congrats Jim! About time someone from our wonderful little forum hit gol... erm... silver. And in such abundance!

I saw the picture on the banner and thought "it couldn't be" when I saw what HAD to be a CRH picture.

I suggest to all the big time CRH'ers that you all hit every bank within anything nearing a proximity to your normal hunting grounds, so that when the newbies hit them, they are empty and get discouraged. =)


You got it right Dave - :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:. I am the most persistent b*st*rd around here and usually do pretty well. I am such a regular at all the banks within a 100 mile radius that whenever I enter most banks I don't even need to ask for halves, they just start gathering them up for me :wink: . I've had quite a few monster hunters come and go but I'm still here and now after a couple years of non-stop searching and more than $1,000,000 in coins searched I haven't thought about retiring. If someone else has this kind of persistence they deserve whatever they find. Oh yea - nice to see you back in the CRH forum. :headbang:


Happy for you bud though I am always saddened by extra exposure to CRH. Very nice haul!


unbelievable....congrats on the banner....still don't know why some finds make banner and others don't. i'm pretty sure we've had larger scores that didn't make it. anyway i'm happy for you say hello to all the NEW hunters who've just joined the club.

See, I told you all, a crh find CAN make the banner, it just took 2 years to happen since last time.

Fantastic!! congrats to you!

:o Stunning instant collection! This is truly the definition of a "treasure". WTG!

TreasureFiend said:
Rule #1, don't talk about CRH'ng!!!!!

Does that not make the whole point of this particular board on the forum somewhat



Kinda funny how this banner find ticked off all the holier than thou, self-serving CRH's and they all want this thread deleted. Why not do them one better by completely removing the CRH forum from TNet as it breeds this selfish mentality and will help eliminate any new competition for the CHOSEN ONES. Thank god the rest of us TH'ers don't have the CRH mentality or TNet would be a vile, ugly place. JJ

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