Would you go with the ATPro or the XP Deus?

The more I use my deus the less I want to get the AT out of my car. I dont even have the remote. Im just going by tones running deus fast in full tones with sensitivity cranked. Deeper and faster than AT and way lighter

Kind of like apples and oranges...

The DEUS --- High programmable, great depth in many soil conditions, not water proof, batteries needed to run detector + batteries for coil + batteries for headset, made overseas and DEUS is expensive. Over all quite complex, however great for techies.

AT Pro - programmable, but not as complex as DEUS, good depth in many soil conditions and some salt water, water proof to 10 ft., batteries needed for detector only (standard AA), costs less then the DEUS, made in USA and simple to use.

Your call! Good luck with whichever one you choose!:occasion14:

I know people who moved from the AT Pro and just love the XP Deus and yet again I have seen some lightly used XP Deus's for sale.

Both detectors are wonderful... The AT Pro is pretty much an out of the box and "go" detector as is the XP Deus, however, the Deus comes with the WS5 wireless headphones and has a ton of presets you can utilize for all areas to be hunted. If you have patience and like to tweak/modify settings, you'll LOVE the XP Deus and what it has to offer. Deus is the lightest detector on the market, and uses rechargeable lithium batteries (not A,AA,AAA), so you save a lot in this area. The only part to the Deus that's not waterproof is the Headsup Display, but you can buy a 20.00 waterproof case and still get fully submerged if you wish!!! GL and Happy Hunting!!! You can't go wrong either way!!! Keep in mind that Deus has WET & DRY Beach setting (presets). One more thing..... Even when your around power lines (EMI) Electro Magnetic Interference, you can tweak the settings like the lines aren't even there! Make sure to google XP Deus videos on youtube and AT Pro.... People have posted their presets to XP Deus online and you get about 10-12 empty slots on deus to save your own "Favorites" settings. Bet you can't tell which MD'er I use.... ;) This coin was my most recent find while hunting at my buddies (Caleb's) permission site. We both had a great time and many finds. He was using an AT Pro & me an XP Deus... This coin is from the Crusader Period (1096-1300) time period.

coin 1.webp

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I've seen a few deuces up for sale recently, I have an at pro and love it ...sold my etrac to buy it and never regretted it......My suggestion since I have never seen a duce operate before is to find someone that has one and go out into the field with them to see how it operates...remember your paying like 3 times the cost of a AT pro and the deus better be worth that price, it better be a 3 times better machine...I can put a nail 4 inches away from a good target on a atpro and read the good target on a sweep, so dam what if a deus can read the good target away from a nail at 3 inches instead of 4 ...is the inch worth the price?

https://youtu.be/FvxhKVrPOqY heres the difference in a Deus and a AT Pro,
I've seen a few deuces up for sale recently, I have an at pro and love it ...sold my etrac to buy it and never regretted it......My suggestion since I have never seen a duce operate before is to find someone that has one and go out into the field with them to see how it operates...remember your paying like 3 times the cost of a AT pro and the deus better be worth that price, it better be a 3 times better machine...I can put a nail 4 inches away from a good target on a atpro and read the good target on a sweep, so dam what if a deus can read the good target away from a nail at 3 inches instead of 4 ...is the inch worth the price?

Old thread I know, but the Deus is in every way superior to the ATP. I think the reason you see some lightly used XP's for sale is because people didn't take the time to learn the machine....too many options which translates into being overwhelmed. Heck when I first got my ATP the three standard and pro modes confused me. Once you understand it (XP book by Andy Sabisch) I guarantee you will not pick up the ATP and it will be sitting in the corner like mine. Just one last note, the wireless feature and rechargeable batteries are a strength not a weakness. I have gone several weeks without charging the XP and I hunt Saturday and Sunday every weekend. After upgrading from the ATP, I purchased a second XP for the wife.


What John Posted earlier ........That was the deal beaker for me and I went with the ATP. You can find a ATP a little over $500 with free shipping if you look and whole a lot of heavily discounted accessories for it..if you take the time to call and ask....... I would have like to have got the DEUS due to it being so light weight . But I prefer to keep my wife and my ATP

" costs less then the DEUS, made in USA and simple to use."

What John Posted earlier ........That was the deal beaker for me and I went with the ATP. You can find a ATP a little over $500 with free shipping if you look and whole a lot of heavily discounted accessories for it..if you take the time to call and ask....... I would have like to have got the DEUS due to it being so light weight . But I prefer to keep my wife and my ATP

" costs less then the DEUS, made in USA and simple to use."

It cannot be beat for an all purpose machine. I hated the first one I owned because I bought a minelab. Fast forward several years and dozens of different machines and I've come to the conclusion for a machine waterproof to 10' , good in iron , coins, relics gold etc. there is not another machine that competes with it.

I have posted it before....but I will say it again. Three of my top five best finds were found with the ATP. This includes two Civil War plates, one of which was around a foot deep. Such a versatile machine...can be used in almost any situation and generally performs well where ever you use it. Also, its a pretty durable machine as I have not babied mine and it is still working great! Like Fletch said, for the price it is hard to beat...

I agree for the price the at pro CANT be beat but there are better options if you want to spend the money. The battery deal should not be a deal breaker they last for YEARS , the rechargable batteries are a plus like Jadocs said. Imagine this a detector you didnt have to put a battery in for at least 3 years and others have the same batterys for 5 years. I do push the deus because I believe its the best relic machine made and I have a right to believe that.I used the pro and some of my best finds were with it but when I switched to the deus I found a whole different level of a machine in performance , sites I had hunted with the pro and others had too were like they had never been hunted. You can believe that or not but im telling you its true,I have nothing to gain whether anyone buys a deus or not. Im not a brand homer let something hit the market thats better and you will see me swinging that machine.

I believe that the "best machine" is often determined by the area and the circumstances that you are hunting. An old homestead dating back hundreds of years, and full of iron, there is no doubt that the deus is the tool for the job. However, if you hunt near Culpeper, Va. the Deus or any other VLF machine is not goin to shine. For this type of relic hunting PI machines are nearly required. The Deus gets very respectable depth in good ground and is surely a level above the AT pro....but its all about how much you want to pay to play! For me, I feel that great depth in bad ground will prove more productive than recovery speed in iron trash. That is why Pulse Induction is my next step up in a new machine. After seeing the Deus in action on several occasions, I feel it is worth its retail price if fast is what you want!

If you are new to detecting, you need to get the AT Pro. ---- I have both machines, the learning curve for the AT pro is about 30 minutes, ---- For the Deus, about 3 years.

If you are new to detecting, you need to get the AT Pro. ---- I have both machines, the learning curve for the AT pro is about 30 minutes, ---- For the Deus, about 3 years.

Perhaps you are exaggerating, I think it only takes two years for a competent detectorist to learn the Deus. lol.

But seriously, you can swing the Deus on day 1 with little to no experience and start hitting keepers just as you can with an AT Pro. I would agree that the complete learning curve for the AT Pro vs. the Deus is shorter but I would argue that the Deus enables you to be as effective as you can be with the AT Pro in about the same timeframe because you can only take the AT Pro so far. It's just that the Deus has A LOT more capability and flexibility and the ability to master those advanced capabilities that that the AT Pro cannot achieve with infinite time will take weeks or months as you learn the nuances of what the machine is telling you. You can actually hear the difference between a pull tab, a nickel, and gold ring on the Deus whereas the AT Pro Target ID's will be very similar for all three and the tones will be exactly the same. Similarly, the adjustable recovery time enables insane target separation amongst the iron, again if you learn what the machine is audibly telling you. It is getting to those capabilities using the Deus that the AT Pro will never achieve that take time to learn. If you want to plateau early, by all means, BUY an AT Pro. A very capable machine that will take you only so far (but that may be enough for the casual detectorist and of course the experienced detectorist will always make those banner level finds regardless of the machine used). If you want to be able to have a machine that grows in capability as your experience level grows, INVEST in a Deus.

Invest, yep, There IS the Best, then all the rest, Thinking heavily on the XP Deus, But Still want the ATX PI Too. Time to sell some toys and get both machines.

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I have the AT Pro and had the Deus. The Pro is almost turn on and go type of machine. Quick learning curve, reasonable cost, water proof, kind of light 3.2 lbs. The Deus is light 2.2 lbs, wireless, state of the art in many ways. The learning curve takes much longer, the cost is almost 3 times the Pro and not water proof. . That being said. What kind of hunting are you going to do? Relics, coins, playgrounds, beaches or just everything. What I am saying is $1500 for nickels, dimes and quarters. Not cost effective and payback could be years. Also how much do you get out and detect. Just my opinion.

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