Worst prospecting day ever!!


Jr. Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Golden Thread
North Vernon IN
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tesoro vaquero
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While exploring a new area I came across I very good looking area. Needless to say I fell and broke my middle finger, it even ripped off my whole finger nail. I still continued on panning down to the heavy's. And then I made the mistake of getting near a very brushy area and ran into a water snake with the attitude of a cobra. That little snake bit me over and over until I just swam away from the area. Needless to say that made it day over for me.

Now I have to pan out my cons and see if today was worth it. Today was the most painful day of panning I have ever had. Gonna take a few days off and go to the Gatesville meet on Saturday, hopefully with better luck

anyone else just had a horrible day like this?

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First day panning ever. Ran into a rattle snake, (didn't get bit, thing scared the crap outta me though) Fell over a large boulder right down into the mud/water of the river I was trying to pan which tore the finger nail half off my index finger.
fun part was I had no idea how to pan all I found was black sand, and a few specs of what I thought was gold.
I'll never know though, somewhere floating down the river where I was is my snuffer bottle.....

Needless to say I had a bad into to panning =)

First day panning ever. Ran into a rattle snake, (didn't get bit, thing scared the crap outta me though) Fell over a large boulder right down into the mud/water of the river I was trying to pan which tore the finger nail half off my index finger.
fun part was I had no idea how to pan all I found was black sand, and a few specs of what I thought was gold.
I'll never know though, somewhere floating down the river where I was is my snuffer bottle.....

Needless to say I had a bad into to panning =)

Sorry to hear your first outing went so badly...but welcome to tnet anyway!

I'd strongly suggest you find a prospecting buddy. Maybe join a local club too.

Where do you live and where did you go panning?

Sorry to hear your first outing went so badly...but welcome to tnet anyway!

I'd strongly suggest you find a prospecting buddy. Maybe join a local club too.

Where do you live and where did you go panning?

Pleasant Grove Ut. I was up American Fork Canyon when all this happened.

Ah right, I've been up there too. The gold there is very fine and a silvery color (due to being a gold & silver alloy actually) and eager to float if it gets dry for even just a moment...so it's a tricky place to prospect. You definitely want to find an experienced buddy.

Sounds like he passed the initiation test!

I think Smith and Wesson makes a product for dealing with snakes

I broke my foot last year in January - crazy to think about because even now that area is under feet of snow. I also panned for a while before the tortuous hike out.

Worst is easily cleaning out an old mineshaft and breathing in decomposing poison oak leaf dust...that'll mess you up.

Or blastomycosis from mold spores along rivers! Had me coughing up crap from June through October last year. Had a bad outbreak along rivers here in WI.

When I was a kid we used to pour gas in the ground nests and light them on fire. If you have never seen a yellow jacket burst into flames while airborne get ready to live.

See, they are useful :laughing7:

Capt. Is that like a case of Goldomycosis. I get that quite often. It can turn into a real bad fever. And it takes a golden cure to get rid of it.

Nope! Antibiotics don't cure that....Just make it worse! Those pretty turquoise pills make you have to stay out of the sun for a couple of weeks.:BangHead:

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