Worst black bear mauling in Fla history


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Jan 27, 2009
South East Tennessee on Ga, Ala line
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Wow! And to think the only thing I have to fear is humans (city, park & school hunting)!

You have to be aware of your surroundings. My daughter went where she always goes to walk & found mountain lion traks right on her trail. Next day a friend went to chk it out & found where the cat brought down a deer. Be aware & carry a big stick, or better yet a gun.

The bear attack is horrific! I'm glad the woman wasn't killed. I agree w what fish n game stated; people come first.
In many localities, human expansion is overwhelming indigenous species. I believe this expansion to be the cause of many attacks.
As Tnmountains stated, keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Especially with headphones on!

1980-2012 one percent threatning a human...what's the problem, there are always going to be isolated encounters with wild animals. We share the planet, we don't own it.


We have beers, coyotes, and wolves in our subdivision here in the NC Mountains. There's an elderly lady that walks her two dogs at night (pitch black) because the dogs are afraid of other dogs. Even afraid of our miniature Dachshund. :laughing7: That is just crazy. We've almost run into her a few times when we were driving on our street.

Yes, the odds are high... unless YOU'RE the 1%!!
The United States alone has over 6 million car crashes every year. The chance of actually being in a car crash is about 25%. I would take my chance with the bears :laughing7:


The United States alone has over 6 million car crashes every year. The chance of actually being in a car crash is about 25%. I would take my chance with the bears :laughing7:


Well.. Goody..Goody..Goody!:laughing7:

"A black bear attacked a family of three in Polk County, Tennessee, killing a 6-year-old girl, and seriously injuring a 2-year-old boy and the children's mother. They have been airlifted to Erlanger Medical Center and are listed in critical condition."

I can see the mountain from my house... I carry "life insurance"... it be called "Smith & Wesson".
And I'm not going to be that 1%!

Guess where you live.. you'll carry a switch, or broom, or what ever!?:dontknow:

I live out in the woods in FL, but everyone around here carries a gun, because you never know what you might run into, and last time we called the cops they showed up in a record 45 minutes.

There are a few bears, but really the chances of getting mauled by one is probably about like getting struck by lightening...

I'm more scared of the lightening.

.....if in a case you are attacked by a Black Bear......DO NOT PLAY DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is a sometimes useful tactic with Grizzlies....IT WILL NOT WORK with a Blackie.

I am rather sick of the analogy of,"We are moving into their space",yea,well where is our space?There are millions of acres of rural un--molested wilderness,that there are no humans.Wildlife must be controlled,if not their populations explode and they are either controlled by disease or starvation....neither is a very sane way to die...I think we can all agree?

Well.. Goody..Goody..Goody!:laughing7:

"A black bear attacked a family of three in Polk County, Tennessee, killing a 6-year-old girl, and seriously injuring a 2-year-old boy and the children's mother. They have been airlifted to Erlanger Medical Center and are listed in critical condition."

I can see the mountain from my house... I carry "life insurance"... it be called "Smith & Wesson".
And I'm not going to be that 1%!

Guess where you live.. you'll carry a switch, or broom, or what ever!?:dontknow:
Why do you try to be clever every time I make a comparison :icon_scratch: all I'm saying is you live in a country with dangerous animals, stay away from them and 99% of them will stay away from you, you don't have to go out and butcher every thing with your big guns.

I live where there is a very high concentration of bear population. My family rode our mountain bikes often where the bear attack occurred. Bears dont have medical care in the wild. You never know how they will react. I have been so close to black bear that our noses touched and could smell its terrible breath , yet he didnt kill me. His claws were in my face and and one swipe , i would of been killed but he was more interested in food in a trash bag. Its a long story , I wont go into details here. Most of us around here believe there was something wrong with the bear that killed the little girl. I believe each bear is different. Mental state and physical heath.

Last week, here in a neighboring county in central Pa, a black bear attacked a 13 yr old female deer hunter. She had got between a sow and her cubs. Her nearby father chased the bear away with gunshots. She has some injuries, but none life threatening.

Why do you try to be clever every time I make a comparison :icon_scratch: all I'm saying is you live in a country with dangerous animals, stay away from them and 99% of them will stay away from you, you don't have to go out and butcher every thing with your big guns.

I'm sorry.. I was joking with ya..OK?

I live next to three National Forest... and guess what? They all have more than a few bears!
The Smoky Mountain National Park is a short ride from here. They move "problem bears" into two different bear reserves south of the Park, the Tellico and Ocoee. The bear that killed that kid was in Ocoee.
We have bear sightings reported all the time... if they're near town. But, out in the county, it's not that unusual.. I've only lost one dog to a bear so far.

But.. I love them "Big Guns"! I love to fill the recoil of a .44 magnum, .460 S&W, or the .500 S&W! And the report can ring your ears for hours without protection!
SS.. have you ever heard a big magnum go off? What that revolver say every time I pull the trigger is.. "FREEDOM"!

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