I'm not sure why...First off, it's not the flu. It's a SARS virus. In the bad cases, it hooks onto the cells in your eyes, sinuses, lungs. It steals the good stuff out of your cells in order to replicate, destroying the cell in the process. As it attacks your lungs, heart, arteries, liver and kidneys, your immune system goes into overdrive, flooding your lungs and arteries with white blood cells. Your brain is sometimes a tasty treat. Another new discovery, which explains the OK one day, to waking up dead phenomena, is the blood clots. The lungs fill with blood clots, as well as your heart, arteries and organs. This aspect strikes the young as well. Also highly contageous, with many people not knowing they're spreading it.
Of course, this is so much wasted words, because you already proclaimed that you're not invested in the U.S. as a country you love, because of your comment on it being a test run for bigger things. Warning us. Our country is your enemy. So it wouldn't make sense to ask you to consider your neighbor.