Why Wouldnt You...?


Gold Member
Jun 12, 2006
Moonlight and Magnolias
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Fisher F75, Whites DualField PI, Fisher 1266-X and Tesoro Silver uMax
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Why Wouldn't You...?

Why wouldn't you let the poor, tired detectorists find the housesite? 

You know it's been two attempts and lots of hours and every trick in the book.  Why? 

It sucks to know that somewhere in those deep, Ivy-filled, Tick-breeding woods is a Happy Little Housesite all tucked snug away.

Probably between two Happy Little Trees, as Bob Ross might say if he were to tear through the brush for hours on end Hell Bent and Starry-Eyed.

But after too many Ticks and even some blood dripping to the thirsty earth below from briar wounds

The happy little trees remain unfound.

"And it was only 85 degrees with 100% humidity today," we thought as we retreated to the car to drive the long trip back, heads hung in shame, while munching on the stale Egg McMuffin that had been hastily overlooked in the excitement and anticipation of finding the site that morning at 6 a.m.

We could say that there's always next time, or the real treasure is in the hunt, or some other tired cliche.

But that does nothing to lift the heaviness of heart that comes when such total devotion results in beautiful vintage shotgun casings.

The one consolation--for there is no consolation in a breakfast sandwich ten hours past its prime--is that had Bob Ross gone along, his hairdo would've picked up more ticks than I or Rodeo today.

I'm wringing the sweat out of my clothing now.

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Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Sorry you didn't find it Buck----I have had the same experience.
One thing that might relate to the situation.
I have found that here in Illinois some of the old houses from the 1800s were moved to different locations instead of being abandoned or torn down. I had an exact location of an 1870 church. I hunted the field at that location and found only a few nails and a hinge. After talking to an old timer who lived nearby I found out that the church had been moved down the road and converted to a house.

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Pa.Billy said:
that map of yours is not detailed enough ! Could you post a cropped version of the map where the homestead is without giving away the location ? It would be interesting to see what your up against. I have 1870 maps and 1900 maps,amazing the advancement in map making in just those few years.

Well, there are several problems with this site...

First off, the property lines on the map (which dates to the early part of the time frame you posted above) are a little difficult to follow.

Second, a modern road has completely divided the property, so there's less of a point of reference.

Third, it is SO far back into the woods that by the time we get there, we're pretty beat already. Thank goodness we had the GPS to keep us on course.

Someone--maybe Mona Lisa--suggested that I talk to neighbors about remembering a foundation. I have already talked to neighbors, and none of them have any knowledge of any house there. So it's been gone for a Long time.

But I already feel better about it...having slept and dreamed of finding it again.


Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Jim--we did use satellite photos.

Merf said:
Sorry you didn't find it Buck----I have had the same experience.
One thing that might relate to the situation.
I have found that here in Illinois some of the old houses from the 1800s were moved to different locations instead of being abandoned or torn down. I had an exact location of an 1870 church. I hunted the field at that location and found only a few nails and a hinge. After talking to an old timer who lived nearby I found out that the church had been moved down the road and converted to a house.

There was a similar experience I had with an 1880's church here--it was right by a major road though (not miles into the woods). So it could've been moved.

But I don't think the house would've been moved. I don't know that such technology existed to move a house in the rural area I'm hunting--but perhaps it did... Maybe dismantling it piece by piece? Either way, there would be some SIGN of its having been there. And we have no signs so far. There should be nails everywhere--even around the brick and stone houses. And a TRASH PIT in the woods should be obvious for an even larger area--most of the time we see broken bottles, crocks, and china everywhere. I don't understand where the heck this one is... and for the First time we're stumped.


Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

One other thing I have discovered is that some locations on the old platt maps are not correct,
Especially on the sites far off the main road.
I think the platt map drawers were doing it by memory or estimating the location of the building.

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Gypsy Heart said:
I was right here Buckyboy....waiting patiently all these years for you to find me...nestled in the overgrown vines and surrounded like a grave....forgotten before my time....waiting for you to rescue my history before Mother Earth pulls me into her heart....Couldnt you hear me calling...my silent sighs....you wandered so very close....

OMG Gypsy...You are poetically BRUTAL! I love it!

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

BuckleBoy said:
But I don't think the house would've been moved. I don't know that such technology existed to move a house in the rural area I'm hunting--but perhaps it did... Maybe dismantling it piece by piece? Either way, there would be some SIGN of its having been there. And we have no signs so far. There should be nails everywhere--even around the brick and stone houses. And a TRASH PIT in the woods should be obvious for an even larger area--most of the time we see broken bottles, crocks, and china everywhere. I don't understand where the heck this one is... and for the First time we're stumped.


I hunted an area where a house used to sit before relocation. It was obvious that a house stood there because there's still the footprint of iron signals. They put this house on logs and rolled it down the hill about 1/2 a mile. :icon_scratch:

I found this picture of a more modern house relocation......just thought it was interesting. :)


  • house_move11.jpg
    98.1 KB · Views: 646
Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

BuckleBoy said:
Pa.Billy said:
that map of yours is not detailed enough ! Could you post a cropped version of the map where the homestead is without giving away the location ? It would be interesting to see what your up against. I have 1870 maps and 1900 maps,amazing the advancement in map making in just those few years.

Well, there are several problems with this site...

First off, the property lines on the map (which dates to the early part of the time frame you posted above) are a little difficult to follow.

Second, a modern road has completely divided the property, so there's less of a point of reference.

Third, it is SO far back into the woods that by the time we get there, we're pretty beat already. Thank goodness we had the GPS to keep us on course.

Someone--maybe Mona Lisa--suggested that I talk to neighbors about remembering a foundation. I have already talked to neighbors, and none of them have any knowledge of any house there. So it's been gone for a Long time.

But I already feel better about it...having slept and dreamed of finding it again.


one thing that crossed me up last week while hunting near a reservoir where a once public road was which is now closed for who knows how long....there was 3 houses on this road according to the 1904 USGS topo map.The first foundation had a your tradition cellar hole,well etc when I came back the second time to find the next homestead,I couldn't find anything then I got real lucky and found a few bricks and flat stones,this place must have been an earlier type of shack,log cabin. It really knocked me for a loop,I just assumed for some reason there was going to be another cellar hole.
This second place most people would have walked right over it (well at least most non-treasure hunters would have) without realizing a dwelling once stood there,there was none of the other typical red flags nearby that indicated a homestead (apple tree,flowers etc). I had just posted in this forum a few days earlier to keep a lookout for such a "foundation" to use the term loosely and here I walked right by it initially
Could you possibly have one type of foundation in mind and missing something else ? I don't know maybe they are all the same in your area ?! Do you feel your within 100's of yards of it or maybe a mile or more away possibly ?

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

BuckleBoy said:
Why wouldn't you let the poor, tired detectorists find the housesite?

You know it's been two attempts and lots of hours and every trick in the book. Why?

It sucks to know that somewhere in those deep, Ivy-filled, Tick-breeding woods is a Happy Little Housesite all tucked snug away.

Probably between two Happy Little Trees, as Bob Ross might say if he were to tear through the brush for hours on end Hell Bent and Starry-Eyed.

But after too many Ticks and even some blood dripping to the thirsty earth below from briar wounds

The happy little trees remain unfound.

"And it was only 85 degrees with 100% humidity today," we thought as we retreated to the car to drive the long trip back, heads hung in shame, while munching on the stale Egg McMuffin that had been hastily overlooked in the excitement and anticipation of finding the site that morning at 6 a.m.

We could say that there's always next time, or the real treasure is in the hunt, or some other tired cliche.

But that does nothing to lift the heaviness of heart that comes when such total devotion results in beautiful vintage shotgun casings.

The one consolation--for there is no consolation in a breakfast sandwich ten hours past its prime--is that had Bob Ross gone along, his hairdo would've picked up more ticks than I or Rodeo today.

I'm wringing the sweat out of my clothing now.

Talking about "wringing the sweat out". I hear you Will, I was wringing sweat out earlier while digging out a privy wall....But it was alot of hard work for very very little return.....But that is how it goes sometimes.....The cuts, blisters, bruises, ticks, lyme disease, etc and etc., and on and on....we could go on all night.....So I very much agree, WHY wouldn't You? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Thank you all for your ideas and help...

After looking at more topo maps and aerial photos, and recalculating the GPS coordinates, I *think* I've fixed the problem. Merf, you're exactly right about the houses out in the center of large parcels of land--they tend to be more inaccurate on maps than ones nearer to a point of reference (like a road)... and so you're right on that account. 100%

That's part of the problem with this one--plus the fact that the parcel is Huge--and also the fact that the only road through the area is a modern one, and there are no points of reference besides the GPS...only miles of woods.

If we hadn't had the GPS, we'd have never made it out of there. But I think I've found the problem--so hopefully I'm right before we try it again. I don't need a foundation of any sort or a well, but I DO need some IRON. :thumbsup:

Oh, and on an interesting side note, I made my photo of the two CW buckles from my recent banner post my wallpaper and discovered...a TICK on the buckles! :tard: And that hunt was in early April here! Now I'd like to look at the buckles, but all I can see is that DANGED TICK! I hate those bastids! See if you can see it. It took me almost two months to notice it.

4-17-08 All Buckles.jpg



Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

BuckleBoy said:
Thank you all for your ideas and help...

After looking at more topo maps and aerial photos, and recalculating the GPS coordinates, I *think* I've fixed the problem. Merf, you're exactly right about the houses out in the center of large parcels of land--they tend to be more inaccurate on maps than ones nearer to a point of reference (like a road)... and so you're right on that account. 100%

That's part of the problem with this one--plus the fact that the parcel is Huge--and also the fact that the only road through the area is a modern one, and there are no points of reference besides the GPS...only miles of woods.

If we hadn't had the GPS, we'd have never made it out of there. But I think I've found the problem--so hopefully I'm right before we try it again. I don't need a foundation of any sort or a well, but I DO need some IRON. :thumbsup:

Oh, and on an interesting side note, I made my photo of the two CW buckles from my recent banner post my wallpaper and discovered...a TICK on the buckles! :tard: And that hunt was in early April here! Now I'd like to look at the buckles, but all I can see is that DANGED TICK! I hate those bastids! See if you can see it. It took me almost two months to notice it.



LMAO :D :D I hate those Dang Ticks too buddy!!! I think I see it, is it on the buckle all the way to the right....on the plate fastner?? It looks like one of the big red ones.....Those are bad enough but I really hate seed ticks a.k.a deer ticks....Those little "bastids" ;D are REALLY hard to see and find

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Yep. You got it, Sentinel. It's right there on the belt plate keeper to the right. Dang thing ruined a good photo. :P


Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

A great pick of those buckles----I see that tick.
There are not that many ticks here in northern Il. but the mosquitoes are viscious.

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Merf said:
A great pick of those buckles----I see that tick.
There are not that many ticks here in northern Il. but the mosquitoes are viscious.

I'd take mosquitoes over ticks anyday. But to be honest, any critter that wants to drink my blood is on my black list. I despise them all.

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Hill Billy said:
BuckleBoy said:
Hill Billy said:
I take it the GPS was not accurate?

GPS was fine. Map was not. First time it's happened so far.

You should have approached it with John Walters like style......might have been coppas everywhere. :P

I guess we must've done some John Walter-like datectin when we found it yesterday. :thumbsup: :wink:

Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

Merf said:
A great pick of those buckles----I see that tick.
There are not that many ticks here in northern Il. but the mosquitoes are viscious.

This is what I thought also, until I began hunting the woods this year. I have had ticks several times already this year, including finding one on me while walking along a lake in a prairie preserve in Itasca. I always thought they were more pervasive in the south and on the east coast. Oh well, the Deep Woods Off seems to work like a charm.


Re: Why Wouldn't You...?

BuckleBoy said:
Hill Billy said:
BuckleBoy said:
Hill Billy said:
I take it the GPS was not accurate?

GPS was fine. Map was not. First time it's happened so far.

You should have approached it with John Walters like style......might have been coppas everywhere. :P

I guess we must've done some John Walter-like datectin when we found it yesterday. :thumbsup: :wink:
You would have to ask Kirk.... I'm sure he could tell you how you did.Keep the fever high Bucks.

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