Why is the government finally admitting UFOs are real?

Watch the "Sirius Disclosure Project" on Youtube, or their web site, you will believe after watching dozens of intelligent military men and women, often high ranking, and with top secret clearance, tell their stories.

Dr. Steven Alan Greer started it, one theory he has about the way the government is handling it, is he believes they will have a "false flag" alien attack, designed to benefit certain parts of the govt.
He also believes the main reason it is being kept secret, is the potential for free energy technology from e.t.s, that would wreck our fossil fuel machine.

Watch it, they are here living among us. No doubt about it.

Well, the "K" object had NO parachute, just a ball of light seen over Canada & several states of Northen USA...

Well the module did have re-entry reto rockets to drop it from orbit and slow its decent and the chute was not deployed until a lot lower altitude. In the night sky, depending upon weather conditions, those rocket thrusters would show up as a fireball as it fell into the atmosphere and the heat shield would still be glowing hot even after the chute was deployed so it might be hard to even see the chute. Like I said, this is nothing for certain, just a good theory that I agree with.


actually admitting UFOs are real, isn't admitting Much.
Just that The Government Don't know Everything.
Which I Would think is Obvious :laughing7:

All the Name U.F.O. applies to is "Unidentified" If someone sees something in the Air
there are probably 3 Things they can say. Plane, Bird , OR Too far to see.
If that person tells someone they saw something in the Sky But don't say what it is, It's
Obviously "Unidentified" & "Flying"

If the Government were to admit they were Alien . Now that would be a treat :coffee2:[h=1][/h]

actually admitting UFOs are real, isn't admitting Much.
Just that The Government Don't know Everything.
Which I Would think is Obvious :laughing7:

All the Name U.F.O. applies to is "Unidentified" If someone sees something in the Air
there are probably 3 Things they can say. Plane, Bird , OR Too far to see.
If that person tells someone they saw something in the Sky But don't say what it is, It's
Obviously "Unidentified" & "Flying"

If the Government were to admit they were Alien . Now that would be a treat :coffee2:[h=1][/h]

There ya go.

The Government isn't admitting anything.

Just ex Government "officials" making claims. We know how corrupt the government has been...

Careful who you follow... or believe.


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11:14 AM - 29 Aug 2018



The History Channel...

Giving you the history "they" want you to believe.

Well if they've heard about the free health care, free education, and welfare benefits, expect a lot more of them. I am strictly speaking about otherworldly alien types.

Edit for clarity in order to avoid bannination!:

Heck I remember that Kecksburg incident and saw it myself. I was a kid, we were playing outside when the red fireball appeared out of the NW, moving S-L-O-W, seemed to be heading straight at MY house! Naturally all of us kids panicked and ran but the red fireball suddenly made a right angle turn, and drifted slowly across the sky disappearing in the SW. We assumed it must be a meteor, and jumped on our bicycles to go find it as it looked like it had come down just a few miles away, but my friend's parents called out to us that they heard it came down in the far SW part of the state at Kecksburg, so we gave up on it. For many years I believed that a meteor could fly across the sky slowly like that, only to learn that they never fly slow like that!

I suspect it was a Soviet space probe that was reported "lost" that very day, and as we (USA) were treaty bound to return to the Soviets any spacecraft we might recover, the USAF simply lied about it and sneaked it away to examine it, pretending it was a meteorite.

That said, something is definitely up with the recent government admission that UFOs are in fact real craft of unknown origins. The decades long standard method of ridiculing the topic however dies hard.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

How do you know they are from another planet? For all you know they are terrestrial.

"From another planet", cripes next you will be claiming they are ghosts or leprechauns. :laughing7:

U.F.O....Unidentified Flying Object.

The key word there is: "Unidentified".

From there, wishful thinking and our imaginations take over.

We can't explain it, so it must be from outer space, right?

For those unaware, our closest neighboring solar system would be
Proxima Centauri (only visible in the Southern Hemisphere), and it is
over 4 LIGHT YEARS away. That's 24 TRILLION miles!

At 20,000 MPH, it would take us 137 THOUSAND YEARS to get there.

And that's the closest place aliens could come from, so any aliens
showing up around Earth either have very, very long lives, or
they've conquered traveling at multiples of light speed.

When it comes to our education for understanding the universe, I believe
human kind is still in 1st grade.

Could there be alien visitors? Absolutely, however aliens sending unmanned
probes makes much more sense.

Sort of... ufo-021.gif

Heck I remember that Kecksburg incident and saw it myself. I was a kid, we were playing outside when the red fireball appeared out of the NW, moving S-L-O-W, seemed to be heading straight at MY house! Naturally all of us kids panicked and ran but the red fireball suddenly made a right angle turn, and drifted slowly across the sky disappearing in the SW. We assumed it must be a meteor, and jumped on our bicycles to go find it as it looked like it had come down just a few miles away, but my friend's parents called out to us that they heard it came down in the far SW part of the state at Kecksburg, so we gave up on it. For many years I believed that a meteor could fly across the sky slowly like that, only to learn that they never fly slow like that!

I suspect it was a Soviet space probe that was reported "lost" that very day, and as we (USA) were treaty bound to return to the Soviets any spacecraft we might recover, the USAF simply lied about it and sneaked it away to examine it, pretending it was a meteorite.

That said, something is definitely up with the recent government admission that UFOs are in fact real craft of unknown origins. The decades long standard method of ridiculing the topic however dies hard.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Somewhere around the Same Time (Too far back to Know Dates) but just around Dusk,
We were in the yard Playing.
Was a Warm night in N.E. PA.
it seemed back then the
whole town may have been out enjoying the Weather.almost all the Kids in Town,
In my Yard. Mom & Dad on the Swing,
with a Few Neighbors Visiting. But a Fireball went over us.
We could hear it coming, Come over the Trees in a N'E' Direction
appeared to be just above the Trees & looked like a Comet Fire Ball & Tail.
about the Size of a House.
By no means was it Slow though. Set the Dogs off Barking , Everyone in Town Hollerin' to each other about it :tongue3:
Speculating on if it landed nearby, Even at 10 years old I Figured the speed could have sent it out into the Ocean
on the other side of N.Y.
Makes me wonder though if it was traveling around Before going down Out in Western PA
or if there were 2

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I would like to believe in aliens - but seems to me because most descriptions are of humanoid beings with bodies similar to ours
and most being able to breathe (survive in our atmosphere) that they would more likely be from the future
unless like some UFO experts suggest that we were put here by them

I would like to believe in aliens - but seems to me because most descriptions are of humanoid beings with bodies similar to ours
and most being able to breathe (survive in our atmosphere) that they would more likely be from the future
unless like some UFO experts suggest that we were put here by them

I Do believe some Could be from Space.
I'm not That conceited, That I believe Earths humans are the Most Intelligent
even within Eye Sight


Let alone in Infinity. Imagine how sad that would Be :unhappysmiley:

Look like us ? Everyone has a Near Twin.
So within Infinity, So could the Earth.

But I agree, Those Visiting us, Could look entirely Different

& Maybe far more Intelligent then we could ever even Comprehend.

Maybe some sending Clones, After Abduction & Research,

Or as Said, Some could just Be like Us, Sending Probes.

But I Can't be Convinced We're the Be All End all to Space :( How Sad that would Be :(

Everybody places such a high value on intelligence. Who cares if they are intelligent or not? All i want to know is if they are going to try to eat me. It is like if a crook was trying to rip you off and you wished he was smarter? I don't think so.

What are their values. That's the question.

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I would like to believe in aliens - but seems to me because most descriptions are of humanoid beings with bodies similar to ours
and most being able to breathe (survive in our atmosphere) that they would more likely be from the future
unless like some UFO experts suggest that we were put here by them
"They" ARE us, from different time/space (future); "they" can go way back to "our" past, too... as indicated from SOME ancient paintings, drawings, writings. Modern SCIENCE has postulated 10 dimensions for us... MAYBE 11. "They" come in different sizes & shapes. if each dimension has it OWN universe... MULTA-VERSE! MUST be a summer solstice "thing"; gotta cut down on regular coffee, & go "DE-CAF"! HEH... 8-) SUNNY OUT; wife & I are going to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia... :hello2:

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How do you know they are from another planet? For all you know they are terrestrial.

"From another planet", cripes next you will be claiming they are ghosts or leprechauns. :laughing7:

We don't. If you know some place on Earth where these odd "beings" are native, please let us know.

Due to time dilation at extreme speeds, a trip to a star system 500 light years away could pass as if it were ten years for humans aboard the vessel. The round trip might take 1000 years for the folks on Earth to see the ship return, but the original crew would have only seen 20 years go by. Einstein's theory of relativity is why.

20,000 miles per hour is hardly the upper speed limit for humans today - the Parker Solar Probe surpassed 153,454 miles per hour, and with the theoretical solar sails and ion drive engines we might be able to reach more than 99% of the speed of light.

There are literally hundreds of billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in each one. No matter how rare intelligent life might be, it is a certainty that other intelligent life does exist elsewhere in our galaxy and universe.

Now consider that our planet is relatively 'young' by galactic standards, there are many others which are double and triple the age of our own. This makes it very likely that other intelligent life will be more advanced than we are technologically. They very well could have found ways to solve the problems of the vast distances involved with interstellar travel.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I'm no Trekie by any Sense of the Word.
Never saw more then Clips of it.

But Suppose a Planet Was so Advanced they Sent out a Ship to Travel the Stars
Include Craft Like Life boats that Could be Sent out for Planetary Exploration.

Just like the Discussion of a One way trip to Mars.

They could Send Male & Female Explorers Who could forward the species
For Centuries Or even make Test tube Babies. all they would need is
the Ability to Create all they need for repairs, Fuel & Life's needs.

We could probably Do that toady also.

Size of the Ship would be the Biggest Issue .
Sort of like the Space station, a Work in Progress

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