Why did you choose your career path?


Sr. Member
Jun 2, 2013
Windsor Ontario
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I am graduating this year and I have don't really know what I should take next. I have the grades to get in to university but have only applied for college as I found nothing really interested me at my university. I applied for a 21-month fast track program in Power engineering. I feel I would enjoy this career as I like working with my hands. But on the other hand I feel i am making myself think i would like this field because of the salary that can be achieved.

I have always loved the outdoors and easily spend either 6 hour or even 12 hours+ outside every weekend wether it be in my kayak or metal detecting. I always find myself enjoying the outdoors. I never really took into consideration of taking geology at the university near me.

I then come to the conclusion of, well if I take power engineering I can be 20 and move out on my own and go work up north. A bonus to taking up this field is that the majority of the current workers are older. So within the next 5-10 years alot of them will retire causing a boom in this type of work.

On the other hand I think about taking geology as I like being outdoors, exploring, and working with my hands. I am in a dilemma right now.

So, my real question is, what made you choose your career path? Was is the job security in that path? The salary? Or just a gut feeling of "I think I will like this even though it may not be as financially rewarding as the other job."

I am graduating this year and I have don't really know what I should take next. I have the grades to get in to university but have only applied for college as I found nothing really interested me at my university. I applied for a 21-month fast track program in Power engineering. I feel I would enjoy this career as I like working with my hands. But on the other hand I feel i am making myself think i would like this field because of the salary that can be achieved.

I have always loved the outdoors and easily spend either 6 hour or even 12 hours+ outside every weekend wether it be in my kayak or metal detecting. I always find myself enjoying the outdoors. I never really took into consideration of taking geology at the university near me.

I then come to the conclusion of, well if I take power engineering I can be 20 and move out on my own and go work up north. A bonus to taking up this field is that the majority of the current workers are older. So within the next 5-10 years alot of them will retire causing a boom in this type of work.

On the other hand I think about taking geology as I like being outdoors, exploring, and working with my hands. I am in a dilemma right now.

So, my real question is, what made you choose your career path? Was is the job security in that path? The salary? Or just a gut feeling of "I think I will like this even though it may not be as financially rewarding as the other job."

First ask yourself: “ If you had both one thing to live your life by what would it be? “
Once you identify that objective, Follow your Bliss working toward that one thing doing you want to do, as long as it is legal/does not hurt others.
If you are good at it, money will flow to you.

If you chase money, you will be not doing what you want / should be done and more likely will be disappointed.

I fell into my line of work, with no plans at all. So you are headed in a good direction.

I am graduating this year and I have don't really know what I should take next. .... I am in a dilemma right now.

.... So, my real question is, what made you choose your career path? Was is the job security in that path? The salary? ....."

Maybe now is not the time to force yourself into a specific career path. You can generalize your desire for an outdoors oriented career plus something that has potential for financial security. Take a general science curriculum for a year ... get the feel of things. There is plenty of time to channelize your goal once you have personally touched several areas of study.

There are work-study programs too. Some work in a real world environment along with taking college courses.

Like you, I had not been given good exposure to the various career paths by the time I graduated from high school. Knowing I could not afford to attend college without a job (or many part time jobs), I had to use the only skill that I had at the time to earn money. My parents figured I would someday become a concert pianist. <lol>. What a joke, but I did earn money playing in a bar. That got me through college with my first degree in petroleum geology. I liked the field for the same reason you mentioned. It could get me outdoors doing something that was unique and interesting. I found it so interesting that I had the burning desire to continue but switched to petroleum engineering. Ended up with three degrees, in a field that I love, but irony played a cruel trick. It is called management positions. Upward into the gears of the corporate grinder where you advance or get spit out. Very little field work for the folks at the top. I did not enjoy the clawing and back stabbing near the top, but the income became the only reason for hanging on. I hate to say it, but I was trading my love for my chosen field for high income.

Being retired, I now enjoy the outdoors through the eyes that once looked at rock formations with fascination.

My best advice was the first paragraph above. Good luck my friend, do not be discouraged by adversity.

I am graduating this year and I have don't really know what I should take next. I have the grades to get in to university but have only applied for college as I found nothing really interested me at my university. I applied for a 21-month fast track program in Power engineering. I feel I would enjoy this career as I like working with my hands. But on the other hand I feel i am making myself think i would like this field because of the salary that can be achieved.

I have always loved the outdoors and easily spend either 6 hour or even 12 hours+ outside every weekend wether it be in my kayak or metal detecting. I always find myself enjoying the outdoors. I never really took into consideration of taking geology at the university near me.

I then come to the conclusion of, well if I take power engineering I can be 20 and move out on my own and go work up north. A bonus to taking up this field is that the majority of the current workers are older. So within the next 5-10 years alot of them will retire causing a boom in this type of work.

On the other hand I think about taking geology as I like being outdoors, exploring, and working with my hands. I am in a dilemma right now.

So, my real question is, what made you choose your career path? Was is the job security in that path? The salary? Or just a gut feeling of "I think I will like this even though it may not be as financially rewarding as the other job."


I highly recommend that you take the time to read “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven Covey. Whatever you do, do not skim this book. Fully answer each question(s) before you proceed. It will be frustrating and you may feel that you are plodding, but this is the way this book is most effective as it takes time to get to know the real you and what makes you happy, as well as what success means to you. If you do it right, you should be able to finish by the time you graduate.

If you truly love the outdoors and want to be able enjoy nature, you should choose a path that will allow you to do this. In Sun Tszu, all journeys begin with the first step, followed by the next, and so on until you have reached your destination. At every step, you can look forward as well as backward to re evaluate. You cannot accurately visualize the path sitting in a chair thinking about it.

I have a favorite saying for where I live:
“Youth is wasted on the Young, while Hawaii is wasted on the Old”. By this I mean, that if you wait till you retire before moving to Hawaii, you may not have the health to fully enjoy the more active sports such as: Surfing, Diving, Hunting, Fishing, etc. I am not saying you won’t enjoy Hawaii when you get older, I am saying that you will not be able to enjoy it as much.

I will leave with another favored quote
“Too Soon We Get Old, Too Late We Get Smart.”

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I hope that I can help. 1970, HS graduation, and acceptance at the University of Vt...I have always been a product of the Outdoors, so entering Forestry school was were I wanted to be. Four years later with a BS in forest science, the school hired me to conduct research in outdoor recreation, and teach the 8 week summer camp, surveying course. 5years later, and a n MS in wildlife biology, I decide that a PHD is too much school, and go out into the private sector as a consultant to landowners. To this day, almost 35 years later I'm still at it, although at a slower rate. I no longer run the chainsaws and skidders, but just write the management plans.

MY point is too tell you to find a passionate course to pursue, and go for it. It doesn't have to include higher education, but that never hurts. If you enjoy what you do, it may be hard work, but never a chore. Good luck, you're asking the right questions, and I wish you all the luck.

I figured out that riding Harleys and drinking beer didn't quite make it. Had gone to college for 2 years, dropped out for ten, then went back. Changed my major from Science to Social Studies cause the chicks were a lot better looking. Then 30 years as a high school teacher and the last ten as a college prof(part-time). Fun, profit, travel, adventure. Still check out bikes, drink better ale(Moose Drool), sleep late, eat lunch out daily, check out latinas only and pretty much live a country club lifestyle. Pretty lucky life so far...

After we closed our dairy, my dad became a building contractor...having taken a drafting course in HS, I began drafting homes for my dad...

Eventually I got a job drafting for a Civil Engineering firm, which led to a BS in civil engineering...

After several years I returned and recieved a BS in Landscape Architecture & Planning, then onto a MS in Architecture...

Am licensed in each trade in 4 states + DOD compliant

I figured out that riding Harleys and drinking beer didn't quite make it. Had gone to college for 2 years, dropped out for ten, then went back. Changed my major from Science to Social Studies cause the chicks were a lot better looking. Then 30 years as a high school teacher and the last ten as a college prof(part-time). Fun, profit, travel, adventure. Still check out bikes, drink better ale(Moose Drool), sleep late, eat lunch out daily, check out latinas only and pretty much live a country club lifestyle. Pretty lucky life so far...[/QUOTE

Yee who loves not wine, women and song, remains a fool his whole life long.
I think I blew it (sigh)!

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I am graduating this year and I have don't really know what I should take next. I have the grades to get in to university but have only applied for college as I found nothing really interested me at my university. I applied for a 21-month fast track program in Power engineering. I feel I would enjoy this career as I like working with my hands. But on the other hand I feel i am making myself think i would like this field because of the salary that can be achieved.

I have always loved the outdoors and easily spend either 6 hour or even 12 hours+ outside every weekend wether it be in my kayak or metal detecting. I always find myself enjoying the outdoors. I never really took into consideration of taking geology at the university near me.

I then come to the conclusion of, well if I take power engineering I can be 20 and move out on my own and go work up north. A bonus to taking up this field is that the majority of the current workers are older. So within the next 5-10 years alot of them will retire causing a boom in this type of work.

On the other hand I think about taking geology as I like being outdoors, exploring, and working with my hands. I am in a dilemma right now.

So, my real question is, what made you choose your career path? Was is the job security in that path? The salary? Or just a gut feeling of "I think I will like this even though it may not be as financially rewarding as the other job."
Pick a profession that is going to grow and pay well.

Knowing what I know now due to job injuries I would have chosen physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. PTA is a good field, pays well, growing profession and low stress.

Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes it a heck of a lot easier to find it...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I work retail. I never went further than High School and nevr went into the Army or nothing. Worked as a manager for almost 20 yrs made allot of money. Got older and then lost all of it. Retail doesnt like older people just look at all of the manager pics on the wall when you go into retail outlets and you will see what I mean. Never did like it much but it got me a nice home and a easy life for yrs. The money was good but now I wish I had done something else. Its still ok but I never did enjoy it. Now its just a pay check. Go for what will make you happy even if it is less money is what I am saying.

Growing up, my dad had an office job and seemed miserable 24/7. Like he hated life itself. Upon graduating high school I wanted to work construction but knew I needed further education. I was convinced that I did not want to follow my dad's career path because I didn't want to hate life. I went to college and stumbled around from major to major and finally settled in on Geology without any knowledge of how to find a job in the field. I graduated with a geology degree in 1982 and the few contacts I did have were working in the oil industry and getting laid off left and right. After 6 months being unemployed and flat broke I answered an ad in the local paper for a laboratory technician at a plastics compounding company. I figure that I would give it a year and then try to find something else. I got married a year later and decided to try to climb the ladder at the current company. Now 30 years later at the same company and about 6 or 7 different jobs, a near complete mental breakdown 5 years ago, I am doing what I've always done best for the company. I am a product development engineer (the company was nice enough to let me go back to what I always had done well, instead of firing me 5 years ago.) It's good money, decent hours and I work with a lot of great people. Am I happy, no but I think that is hereditary as my siblings also seem to be miserable.
I have a great family (wife and two kids 18 and 23) a small home nearly paid off, and pay off all of my bills each month. I have nothing to complain about, though I do regret not exploring other work option/offers over the years.

I guess my message to you is that happiness is more than a good job, and good pay. Whether you are happy or not is up to you, not matter what you do or have. If you find yourself being miserable all the time, take the time to find a new job, find a hobby that gives you pleasure, surround yourself at work with your more positive co-workers and avoid all negative people and news like the plague, read books like 7 habits and as a last result, seek professional help. Become a member of the social network called Linked-In and find like minded groups and people. It doesn't hurt to have old fogey connections like me on Linked-In to use as long distance mentors. Keep other social networking messaging clean, sane and sober.

I wish you well.

Roy G.

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gotta make dat money mang dat money rollin

I eneded up enrolling in the power engineering, my plan is to complete the course and pass the 4th class tests then try working out in northern Alberta as the pay is ridiculous out there. Thanks for all the input guys!

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