Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

Thanks for that Info. Bill, its got me fired up for the hunt,and it keeps hope alive. If you got anymore on that? id like to read it.:thumbsup:

Mike Pickett is retired and he told me that a long time ago on the phone. He's never been able to find another one like it. So I assume all hidden troves are different depending on the terrain and time involved. Ron Quinn has a book out now. I have his original manuscript before the book. A lot of what he's told me was not in his book. In a nutshell they first found a rock outcrop with Mayan numerals and a large cross. After decoding the number's they discovered small piles of gold bars laid out in a cross pattern from the rock it was on. Later they doubled the numbers and found more bars. While looking for any other anomalies in the local area they spotted a depression in the bank of a small dry wash and discovered it was sealed with a rock wall. They identified it as being a back filled tunnel so they went to Tucson for lumber and supplies. Their small team worked for a couple of weeks only digging out enough for them to get back in there while shoring up the ceiling of the tunnel. They broke through at about the 75 foot mark and found a small room barely big enough for standing. In the back of the dug out room was a pile of gold bars.

He claimed he found the tunnel from using drill holes about 1500 feet away by sticking dowel rods in the holes and projecting the rods outward until the lines crossed at the tunnel entrance. I don't know if that's true or not, hell, the whole story could be fake you just don't know.

Mike Pickett is retired and he told me that a long time ago on the phone. He's never been able to find another one like it. So I assume all hidden troves are different depending on the terrain and time involved. Ron Quinn has a book out now. I have his original manuscript before the book. A lot of what he's told me was not in his book. In a nutshell they first found a rock outcrop with Mayan numerals and a large cross. After decoding the number's they discovered small piles of gold bars laid out in a cross pattern from the rock it was on. Later they doubled the numbers and found more bars. While looking for any other anomalies in the local area they spotted a depression in the bank of a small dry wash and discovered it was sealed with a rock wall. They identified it as being a back filled tunnel so they went to Tucson for lumber and supplies. Their small team worked for a couple of weeks only digging out enough for them to get back in there while shoring up the ceiling of the tunnel. They broke through at about the 75 foot mark and found a small room barely big enough for standing. In the back of the dug out room was a pile of gold bars.

He claimed he found the tunnel from using drill holes about 1500 feet away by sticking dowel rods in the holes and projecting the rods outward until the lines crossed at the tunnel entrance. I don't know if that's true or not, hell, the whole story could be fake you just don't know.


In other words, you can't find anything.

Arthur, you are trying to start trouble again, you know what you wrote as does everyone else on the forum. I'm done so stop trying to cause friction, as I said before go back and read your posts

If you don't have a copy of the manuscript then how do you know what is written in it?

Trying to start some trouble yourself, WN ?
If you had been paying attention these last few months, you would already know that Ryan had previously posted parts of the manuscript, including what Homar has referred to.

If you don't have a copy of the manuscript then how do you know what is written in it?

Howdy Weaversneedle,

If you can't figure that one out, it would be senseless in explaining it.


Howdy Weaversneedle,

If you can't figure that one out, it would be senseless in explaining it.


My guess is another feeble attempt at a fishing expedition, unless you have a better explanation

Homar's original post:

Howdy Sarge,

Travis himself stated he failed in pitting his wits, and only had the memory of the beautiful Superstitions plus the souvenirs he found. He never found any gold, the souvenirs he referred too were the PSM's. Read the last page of his writing, he says it in many ways that he found nothing. There is no way to confuse it.


Which is a valid observation IMO, and one which I happen to agree with, based on Travis' own written words taken at face value......whereas:

My guess is another feeble attempt at a fishing expedition, unless you have a better explanation

....is not, IMO.

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Homar's original post:

Which is a valid observation IMO, and one which I happen to agree with......whereas:

....is not, IMO.

When I was a child we used to play a card game called go fish

When I was a child we used to play a card game called go fish

So...is that what you are doing now ?

Most of us who have been following this effort at information gathering are aware that Travis surprised the family by showing up in Texas at one point with a brand new car.
That this was something which seemed beyond his means at the time was noted and remains a part of the family's recollection of Travis' attempts to solve the riddle of the stone maps. While it is assumed that Travis may have indeed found something of significant value during his search, it remains to be proven that this assumption is correct.
Part of the " legend " that has grown around Travis and his stones has held that his Uncle Robert, along with an unidentified partner, had found a number of items with potential value. Perhaps, if true, some of these items were shared with Travis, who then found a buyer for them. If, on the other hand, Travis had found some treasure on his own, and with Travis being an avid photographer, there should certainly be photos of this treasure amongst the collection being gathered by Ryan and the family. I look forward to seeing what it was.

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My guess is another feeble attempt at a fishing expedition, unless you have a better explanation

By the time I responded to you, I found that Somehiker had already explained it to you, and you still didn't get it.

I have never fished for any information on any forum. In over six years of posting, I have never asked a single question concerning the LDM, or PSM's.

I have no interest in the story that's being created around Travis Tumlinson's life. I have never asked that things be shown to me. I have no problem with anybody making money with their stories, and stated that long ago. Even wished R.G. luck by email, and have honored his requests. It is his own team who brings things here.

As Somehiker told you, that last page of Travis's manuscript had been shared long ago, but I already knew that he had found nothing. In fact I had stated it long before Travis's own words got shared publicly.
I don't bring things up for debate, in fact I try to stay out of it.


I wouldn't waste much time in addressing WN's spittle Homar.
Judging by his recent PM's to me, the patient has fallen from the couch to the floor, and is now thrashing about in an apoplectic fit of hatred and vitriol.
Though a self-declared and aggrandizing "unknown insider", who I'm sure plans to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, including "playing fish", it is very apparent to me that he is nowhere near the center of activity.....on either side of the fence. While it's true that there are at least two projects under way at this time, they are vastly different in focus and scope. In the end, I have no doubt that the results of each will compliment the other.

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Arthur, you are trying to start trouble again, you know what you wrote as does everyone else on the forum. I'm done so stop trying to cause friction, as I said before go back and read your posts

You're just grasping at straws here, just as you are in trying to give the impression that you know who I am, including the assumption that I'm some Hollywood producer (an idea I find quite hysterical as I don't even live on the West Coast much less work in the industry there).

And I don't know this for a fact, but I'm pretty sure that no movie producer in their right mind would hang around a forum for three years "fishing" around for a story.

If you don't have a copy of the manuscript then how do you know what is written in it?

My guess is another feeble attempt at a fishing expedition, unless you have a better explanation

Homar and Somehiker are correct, Ryan posted a few pages from the manuscript on the other forum before trashing it. I saved all the images he posted, including that of the last page in the manuscript, bereft of copyright claims. However, to avoid any complications, I will refrain from posting it; if anyone wants a copy of that last page for verification or to double-check what is being quoted, feel free to PM me and I will send it to you.

Homar's summary is pretty much spot-on. The pertaining passage he speaks of is:

I have failed in pitting my wits against the great odds of the evil spirits. now (sic) all I have left in life, is my memory of the beautifull (sic) Superstition Mountains. and (sic) the soveniers (sic) which I have found there. I know my dreams of ever finding the treasure is just another sad memory.

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Here's the rest of the story out of the one page article Frank posted. They may not be in order so it's up to you for that.

As I recall, that cache (whatever the true amount) had the fingerprints of a Mexican rancher from the Revolution days on it. I believe the argument was forwarded a couple years ago in the "Jesuit Treasures - Are They Real?" thread. A nice recovery, no doubt.

Originally Posted by somehiker
Six small stone maps.....
Six zero's on the back of the broken heart.
Coincidence ?

Maybe not . But , if would be applied in the stone trail heart , than they show the region ( ground-orientation ) like the stone Latin heart or the stone cross map . Would be an addition for better understanding of the area .

Also , if the six " original maps " are the six zeros on the back of the stone trail heart , then , the treasure should to figure between and in the middle of the third and fourth map .

Also , if the six " original maps " are the six zeros on the back of the stone trail heart , then , the treasure should to figure between and in the middle of the third and fourth map .

I'll have to wait until I get a chance to look them over Marius, but I suspect each may relate either to an individual cache of goodies, or to a specific place where other maps were meant to be hidden. Another possibility is that the six oblong shapes on the back of the heart were meant to represent six steps at the end of a narrow and deeply worn trail, such as what can be seen in these two shots.....

View attachment 100_0743steps.bmp View attachment trails end and six steps.bmp

However, with all the more recently gathered evidence pointing to Travis Tumlinson as the author of all of these stones, including the red heart stone, it seems that all of this is related to the other historical clues, maps and stones I have been working with more recently.
On the other hand I expect that the story of the Tumlinson saga, along with Travis' own motives in all of this will be directed more towards Travis' relationship with Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, and what may have happened to the proceeds of their crime spree. Bonnie and Clyde were looking for Travis, and it wasn't because he didn't deliver the groceries. At the end of THAT trail, Travis had the cash/cache and B & C wound up dead and fulla lead. 8-)

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