Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

I know of no damage that needs control, You know some?

This is an honest question......Would you rather be comfortable in an imagery world where your imagination knows and has no limits? Or; would you rather know the truth? And maybe, just maybe, figure out what really happened. Seeing the hostility when true facts are presented, I'm starting to believe there are folks that really DON'T want to know the truth. And certainly don't want it shared.

I know of no damage that needs control, You know some?

This is an honest question......Would you rather be comfortable in an imagery world where your imagination knows and has no limits? Or; would you rather know the truth? And maybe, just maybe, figure out what really happened. Seeing the hostility when true facts are presented, I'm starting to believe there are folks that really DON'T want to know the truth. And certainly don't want it shared.

Hi Linda:

I'll bet there's a few on each side of that coin within this community.
But we are not the target audience, which will be much more divergent if I am not mistaken.
Few will care what any of us think, but the same connection possibilities will be raised in that wide-wide world of entertainment and it's affiliates I'm sure, if those two very famous people are mentioned in the presentation of Travis' story.
In other words, truth sometimes has unfavorable consequences.


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old says
Be careful of the tales you spin. In the wrong hands, they become false legends.

ive been trying to say that, for awhile now, even the ones made for tv
the fam and Ryan can put the truth as they know it out there, but we
all know its going to grow and grow and grow,and in 20 yr or less, you
wont even know its the same story, Ryan and fam put out there

i like the 3rd party idea on B & C & T.T. as a way of hooking up
Clyde Champion Barrow FBI Criminal Record
sequence pg 1-6
[Clyde Champion Barrow FBI Criminal Record], Sequence: 1 | The Portal to Texas History

Clyde Champion Barrow Criminal Record

my cuz robbed a bank back in 77, did 15yr. sent some henry guy
to see me down in fl. in 79. said im right could hook him up to deals
the last time i spoke to that cuz was 3yr b4 he went to prison in 77
hes back in 3rd time same crime,about 10 yr ago,strike 3 gets 35 to 50yr

somehiker how big is the big rock under near the 8 in 85
dont know what it is, but i cant open your BMP imgs on
any computer mine or anyone elses or a phone, it always
wants me to save the file, then if i do it opens so small
i still cant see it to good, oh well bad eyes, i just magfy
the pg more, blurrs some


"Fact: Travis was incarcerated during the entire time of Bonnie & Clyde’s reign of terror from Feb 2, 1932 until their death in May, 1934. No opportunity to collaborate, assist or advise as to possible stash locations.

Be careful of the tales you spin. In the wrong hands, they become false legends." OLD

Old, all those facts have certainly ruined another good fairy tale.
Please don't tell me Tinker Bell can't fly, I couldn't stand losing another one.

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Travis and Clyde had something in common to talk about......see 3:42 minutes in.

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somehiker how big is the big rock under near the 8 in 85
dont know what it is, but i cant open your BMP imgs on
any computer mine or anyone elses or a phone, it always
wants me to save the file, then if i do it opens so small
i still cant see it to good, oh well bad eyes, i just magfy
the pg more, blurrs some


About 8 x 12 x 7' high.
That's about as good as GE gets for that area of the mountains...so far.

Looks like a fun place Marius.....with plenty of attractive distractions 8-)
But if you ever make the effort to see it all firsthand, rather than asking others to go look for you, you will find these mountains are no Luna Park playground for kids.
While that heart can easily be accessed by four legged transport, fully loaded, or just as easily on foot, it still remains hidden from direct view by surrounding terrain.....mostly.....it's what lies in storage beneath it which remains within my area of interest. It also answered my questions pertaining to the Latin Heart, as in "what do the names and corresponding numbers represent ? ".... namely a "ledger" like that which the King's soldiers found indecipherable when they raided the Jesuit Colllegio in Mexico City during the expulsion.

Triangulums are out there for sure, and you might be surprised by what a few of them are.
And this just happens to be a NW view of a couple of them.

View attachment 1281909

Doubt you will realize their significance .:dontknow:

Maybe you will with this though, since it's another GE view of something interesting on a large flat area overlooking the junction of two deep canyons.

View attachment 1281910

There's some fascinating places out there in the Sups, and I didn't find them or "explore" them by "hiking" Google Earth.
But this one does show up on the sat views, unlike many other important clues to what went on in the past.
And it's also on the Fish Map.


I have been in mountains that make the Superstitions to looks like a practice hills for future hikers .

I don't recall when I asked from someone else to search for me . If I asked something from someone via PM or email , was not to search but to GET it as my partner . And this because i have not the " connections " in the US to " wash " the stuff . Also , when I asked for partnership , nobody wanted , and when I wanted to give it for free , nobody believed me ( maybe except two persons ) . And I am not talking only about LDM or stone maps .
Also , in the Wagoner mine issue , I gave wrong coords for free ( not far for the real site ) to two different persons in two different time lines . Why wrong coords ? Because I wanted to test their faith and trust in me . No one of them sent to me back a PM to write their fail in finding it and to blame me for this , so i considered how they have not tried to go there . If one of them have sent to me that message , then I would explained the reason and i would gave them the real coords . For the moment i'm not searching for a partnership .
The real stone trail was made for real men and not for kids ( or men with kid's attitude ) .

With this , I don't left any suspicion of what you wanted to say with your sneaky words .

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There are many parallels in Clyde's early history and Travis'. Born within a few months of one another, poor farming families, fascinations with fine cars, a sense of hopelessness, early blushes with petty crimes, the burning desire to be somebody. And; not the least of which is time spent in Texas' infamous Eastham Prison Farm. A hell hole of epic proportion. You are not wrong (I think) to point that out. It sets a stage for later events.

I do not doubt that Travis knew and talked with Clyde during their time together at Eastham. I could (but won't) write pages on my speculation of how those experiences lead each one down a narrow path and how that path forked in one direction for Clyde and another for Travis. This is not the time or place for that (I don't think).

Where I do draw a line is speculation Travis participated or benefitted from Clyde's bank robbing days. And is thus the source of Travis' new found prosperity in later years.

RG has said "No, No, NO" that is not the take away from this connection. And; I have shown you the time line that makes that impossible. Interesting to see (yet again) how facts get in the way of a good story and people's reaction to it.


I feel your pain. TinkerBell (symbolic) has taken a beating for me as well. There have been days where I just had to walk away from this story for a while because I couldn't take anymore "truth". I have felt gut punched on many occasions where those I thought (old and new) as rock solid were found to be less truthful than what I had thought. Or; at least, woefully mistaken. Sometimes its hard to brush yourself off and get back in the hunt.

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I have been in mountains that make the Superstitions to looks like a practice hills for future hikers .

I don't recall when I asked from someone else to search for me . If I asked something from someone via PM or email , was not to search but to GET it as my partner . And this because i have not the " connections " in the US to " wash " the stuff . Also , when I asked for partnership , nobody wanted , and when I wanted to give it for free , nobody believed me ( maybe except two persons ) . And I am not talking only about LDM or stone maps .
Also , in the Wagoner mine issue , I gave wrong coords for free ( not far for the real site ) to two different persons in two different time lines . Why wrong coords ? Because I wanted to test their faith and trust in me . No one of them sent to me back a PM to write their fail in finding it and to blame me for this , so i considered how they have not tried to go there . If one of them have sent to me that message , then I would explained the reason and i would gave them the real coords . For the moment i'm not searching for a partnership .
The real stone trail was made for real men and not for kids ( or men with kid's attitude ) .

With this , I don't left any suspicion of what you wanted to say with your sneaky words .

Good Morning Marius:

People that enter these mountains thinking they're just practicing, are often brought out in body bags by helicopter.
Even for some "real men" like yourself, who I am sure have also trekked through higher and no less rugged mountain ranges, this range has proved deadly.
I've only hiked the Rockies to 13,500 ft. , the Gallatin Range, Absaroka's, Beartooth's and Tetons mostly, and a bit up in the northern end of the Andes.
But it's no video game, and "cheats" don't help you score out there or in here....regardless of how many shots you take at my efforts in the field and resulting contributions to this topic.

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Here is not a competition game with scores and levels . Is only about treasure hunting and his results .


There are many parallels in Clyde's early history and Travis'. Born within a few months of one another, poor farming families, fascinations with fine cars, a sense of hopelessness, early blushes with petty crimes, the burning desire to be somebody. And; not the least of which is time spent in Texas' infamous Eastham Prison Farm. A hell hole of epic proportion. You are not wrong (I think) to point that out. It sets a stage for later events.

I do not doubt that Travis knew and talked with Clyde during their time together at Eastham. I could (but won't) write pages on my speculation of how those experiences lead each one down a narrow path and how that path forked in one direction for Clyde and another for Travis. This is not the time or place for that (I don't think).

Where I do draw a line is speculation Travis participated or benefitted from Clyde's bank robbing days. And is thus the source of Travis' new found prosperity in later years.

RG has said "No, No, NO" that is not the take away from this connection. And; I have shown you the time line that makes that impossible. Interesting to see (yet again) how facts get in the way of a good story and people's reaction to it.

Let's get real now. This is what happens when you leak teasers so far in advance of the revealing of the "Shocking Truth". I understand your need to pimp this story to the public - after all, this is an upcoming business deal. Fair enough. As far as TNet is concerned, however - a small, probing niche audience - your "leaks" are going to be commented on and dissected pro and con. That's just the way it is here. You may have a hard time letting genies out of the bottle and then "drawing the line" over speculations about them, because, well, when you draw a line, some folks will test it. If you can't deal with it, maybe you should consider 86ing the teasers.

I'm not convinced Travis got his loot from Clyde, but the more dismissive you are about the idea, the more I think about its possibility and wonder why you would have mentioned the Clyde Barrow connection in the first place. Lurid sensationalism or substance?


I don't want to play the Devil's advocat , but i want to speak from a neutral and logical place .

I believe Clyde , like Travis and more of us , was a suspicious man and don't trusted easy a new buddy from the prison . In many cases old friends with many years of contacts and emotions , at the end were proven fake .
So , why Clyde to trust Travis his hidden loot ? Did the loot together ? Had Travis an irresistible smile ? Wanted Clyde to do suicide ? What ?

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sdcfia, This is a crow eating post. I was WRONG.

On further investigation, the family is 100% correct. The record is hard to find, but its out there. Shame on me for not finding it sooner.

Travis did escape during the time period Bonnie and Clyde were active in big time bank robberies. He didn't return to custody until 1935 to serve his remaining 8 months to full term.

This does make it possible there was opportunity to collaborate. I don't think so, but I admit I was wrong on opportunity and could be wrong on this assumption as well. Unlike some, I do admit when I'm wrong. The accurate record is more important than my pride. I owe that to you and openly admit my error in not finding it sooner.

sdcfia, This is a crow eating post. I was WRONG.

On further investigation, the family is 100% correct. The record is hard to find, but its out there. Shame on me for not finding it sooner.

Travis did escape during the time period Bonnie and Clyde were active in big time bank robberies. He didn't return to custody until 1935 to serve his remaining 8 months to full term.

This does make it possible there was opportunity to collaborate. I don't think so, but I admit I was wrong on opportunity and could be wrong on this assumption as well. Unlike some, I do admit when I'm wrong. The accurate record is more important than my pride. I owe that to you and openly admit my error in not finding it sooner.

Hi Linda:

So the next thing to check into might be whether or not Travis was one of the men that Clyde sprung from Eastham.
Only one escapee's name is revealed in the documentary which I posted last night.
I suspect the prison officials were embarrassed though, so those names might be hard to find.
I didn't jot the date down, but it was late in their crime spree....ultimately leading to their demise in 1934.
But if he WAS one of them, he sure as h-ll would have wanted to avoid the same fate.
And wait until things died down.


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"Travis did escape during the time period Bonnie and Clyde were active in big time bank robberies. He didn't return to custody until 1935 to serve his remaining 8 months to full term." OLD

TinkerBell Lives!

Hey Wayne,

The Convict and Conduct Register shows Travis was serving at Ferguson State Farm at the time he escaped, not Eastham. I don't know of any involvement of Clyde with Ferguson Farm but this information is new to me. Will look.


Let's get real no this is what happens when you leak teasers so far in advance of the revealing of the "Shocking Truth". I understand your need to pimp this story to the public - after all, this is an upcoming business deal. Fair enough. As far as TNet is concerned, however - a small, probing niche audience - your "leaks" are going to be commented on and dissected pro and con. That's just the way it is here. You may have a hard time letting genies out of the bottle and then "drawing the line" over speculations about them, because, well, when you draw a line, some folks will test it. If you can't deal with it, maybe you should consider 86ing the teasers.

I'm not convinced Travis got his loot from Clyde, but the more dismissive you are about the idea, the more I think about its possibility and wonder why you would have mentioned the Clyde Barrow connection in the first place. Lurid sensationalism or substance?
Hi Steve , let's see what turns up . so we have these two in the prison system ,one an artist and then there are Clyde's tattoo s .hmmmmCoroner's report

It's probably nothing but ya never know .

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