Who was Tom Beale?

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"TOM" Hemings (Thomas Jefferson's "Slave Son"); THOMAS JEFFERSON BEALE; Use of BEALE name ONLY. Heh... "Tom" had EXPERIENCE with Lewis & Clark Expedition; light-complexion turned SWARTHY, AS IF "caused" by exposure to the SUN! OF COURSE! Thanks, LARRY! (RIP).

Pay attention to BC # 1 & BC # 3; FORGET the REST! Clayton changed the NUMBERS slightly, with Newton Hazlewood's OK. The Ciphers in HART PAPERS are MORE accurate; BC # 1 & BC # 3 in the "BP" Pamphlet are just RUSES. I think HART PAPERS used CSA "Key Words". Review how Lewis & Clark utilized TJ's "Artichoke". "Google" The Secret Code of Lewis & Clark... MORE later. HH! Good Luck!

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"Houston, we have a Problem"... L & C and TJ used LETTERS; DANG Rebels Secret Service used NUMBERS!

R & I; MAY be of interest... "google" Thomas Jefferson's Code & Ciphers: III (Miscellaneous)... AND! Cracking Jefferson's Code. Then, gotta do REBEL (CSA) NUMBER Code.

The Confederates also used a code system based on tobacco grades, which the Yankee's never could break.

Further clarifications... Sally's first born son was BEVERLY HEMINGS; "nick-named" TOM, as in that TJ was his father. TJ NEVER acknowledged that Beverly/"Tom" was his son... PO'ed B/"T". You WILL find "Tom" documented in TJ's "Farm Book". NOW! For the Corps of Discovery, Lewis & Clark included "Tom", as a slave... AND! Was "code-named" PERNIA. From pdf # 1... "There are many references to Governor Meriwether Lewis arriving in St. Louis to assume his duties and being accompanied by a FORMER SLAVE OF JEFFERSON CALLED PERNIA." M.L. later called PERNIA, his SERVANT.
William Clark married Julia Hancock, niece of James Beverly Risqué, who Thomas Beale fought a duel over with Risqué.
The Beale Papers always seem to revolve around the extended Risqué family bloodline, from JBR to grandson, James Beverly Ward, copyright owner and publisher.

The Confederates also used a code system based on tobacco grades, which the Yankee's never could break.

I have a cipher code that has numbers and Roman Numerals how do you crack it.

Tobacco ciphers were detailed in the 1904 memoirs of General Adam R Johnson, who served as a scout for Nathan Bedford Forrest during the War of Northern Aggression, and carried messages to John C Breckinridge.
The code was based on numbers:
"Number 7 to 11; number 21 back to 11 except 13; from 21 to 77 except 33,41, and 56 Also figure 3 to 177 except 140,50, and 60"
All those numbers matched the numbers in a tobacco grading book:"7 to 11"=fine leaf, and each number was followed by the description of some kind of tobacco, the exceptions were all marked as "trash", that signify a very inferior quality.
All these numbers held meaning to those who used the tobacco grades as code.
The code above was actually sent by Forrest to Breckinridge.

Thomas Jefferson ALSO developed INDIVIDUAL Ciphers to SPECIFIC persons...

Thomas Jefferson ALSO developed INDIVIDUAL Ciphers to SPECIFIC persons...
Reckon the REBELS did the same; during the CONFEDERATE WAR... AND! BOTH CSA Max (Lynchburg, Va.) & Breckinridge were Jewish and MAY have communicated in "their" CODE/CIPHERS.

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Reckon the REBELS did the same; during the CONFEDERATE WAR... AND! BOTH CSA Max (Lynchburg, Va.) & Breckinridge were Jewish and MAY have communicated in "their" CODE/CIPHERS.
...and Ward's cousin, F C Hutter, friend to Max, was well versed in Confederate codes.

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