the great rebellion had long been
premeditated by the prominent politicians

These prominent politicians had investments in Banks, Railroads,and Gold / Silver Mines, Merchantiles and freighting, not to mention ties to sugar, salt, and cotton.......and the slave trade.

Added all together it equals$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......more than enough to fund an assassination if need be.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

the great rebellion had long been
premeditated by the prominent politicians

These prominent politicians had investments in Banks, Railroads,and Gold / Silver Mines, Merchantiles and freighting, not to mention ties to sugar, salt, and cotton.......and the slave trade.

Added all together it equals$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......more than enough to fund an assassination if need be.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

In 1865...?

NO proof of wealthy REBELS... must have been COPPERHEADS!

Copperheads of the most venomous type. Clement Vallandigham took heed to what these Knights of the Copperhead species had to say. I can link them to other highly suspected Knights of the Golden Circle from the 1830's and up, but only by circumstantial evidence, and guilt by association. To know they were in bed with our guys (Knights we have evidence on) is enough for me to convict them, but the general public requires more hard evidence to convence. It seems to me that "JUSTICE" sometimes blindfolds it's self.
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

The Knights of the Golden Circle: A Rosicrucian Connection to the Knights of the Golden Circle?
This site lists the 13 member Inner Sanctum of the KGC after 1865.A very interesting list,indeed,that includes,N B Forrest,Joe Shelby,Jefferson Davis,Elbert Dewitt Travis(aka William Quantrill,Jesse James,Cole Younger,Bud and Lewis Dalton,etc.

Interesting, but It can only be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with hard evidence. It does seem like they are reaching a bit, if you know what I mean. I know of several Knights that would be considered some what higher in governmental stature than anyone mentioned on that list. From what we have uncovered so far, that could mean something or nothing about there placement in the K.G.C.. "pauper" or "prince" made no difference to the Knights. It was all about what you could do for them and the ability to complete the task that gained trust and loyalty among them. It is definetly one of the most intrieging secret societies there ever was or still is??.:dontknow: Just my 2cents.......:occasion14:
Thanks for the info, L.C. Baker

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Who is this Man ? I am lloking into the Lincoln Assianation and the Masonic Connection. Also the KGC and Albert Pike. I am looking for a list of the Cabinent members of Lincoln that were KGC Members.
I am a Mason and Have been doing some research for awhile.

Who is this Man ? I am lloking into the Lincoln Assianation and the Masonic Connection. Also the KGC and Albert Pike. I am looking for a list of the Cabinent members of Lincoln that were KGC Members.
I am a Mason and Have been doing some research for awhile.

Start at the bottom and work your way up from Henry W. DePuy to Washington D.C. and secret meetings of a different nature. Along that path you will find what you are looking for from it's beginning to it's end.


Who would help Lincoln's assassins make a test run (supposed attempted kidnapping) to see if they had the testicle fortitude to go through with it? Was he in the K.G.C.? We know without a doubt he was in the Freemasons, but how does one prove he was more than that? The fact that he was a Democrat then a Republican in Lincoln's cabinet and then a Democrat after Lincoln was killed is just proof that he changed parties for a brief time, but it is not hard evidence that he was a copperhead. These guys did not leave a paper trail to what they were up to, but one thing is for sure. They left a money trail that looks like a highway after 150 years.


P.S. Look at both of his hands closely.

What about Andrew Johnson? His Inaugural speech as Lincoln's Vice President speaks for it's self....considering he wasn't even supposed to speak.:thumbsup:

P.S. He was also a Freemason and a Southern Democrat....but that was why Lincoln (or those whispering in his ear)
chose Johnson, for the diversity during the reconstruction to help rebuild the Union, but it didn't work out that way.

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Good read but still kinda lost on any real evidence of anything KGC

Lol I know where one is that I can bet no one else does lol but that still doesn't show real evidence of KGC it could have been made by a Freemason

Lol I know where one is that I can bet no one else does lol but that still doesn't show real evidence of KGC it could have been made by a Freemason

it was made by both, but the trail that it led to was started by the k.G.C. and finished up by the o.A.K. sometime after 1896. I have nothing to prove to you, take it how ever you want it will have no effect on what has already transpired if you don't understand it is of no consequence to the facts.


I am
Not trying to say your not right I'm just asking for facts. You saying that it was made by them isn't fact. What facts are there to say they did any of this? Books, old records,etc that are from the time period. I am just asking because I only ever see opinions no actual proof.

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