Who uses a sluice with Gold Hog Mat

I have gold hog mat and sluice material i want to put together tomorrow.
Does anyone have any tip for this mat.
I have UR Scrubber and Razorback.
What are you guys using.

I am using the setup 6" by 2' sluice changed into turf builder highbanker. This is my findings of 2 hours high banking and 3 hours sluicing at a very slow pace... I'm not sure how the sizes are but its a 1 oz vial if that helps


That is cool.
I am still working on the welding of the aluminun brackets.
Hope to be done soon.
Stopped to work on my milling machine cauz it helps me make stuff like this.

I am using the setup 6" by 2' sluice changed into turf builder highbanker. This is my findings of 2 hours high banking and 3 hours sluicing at a very slow pace... I'm not sure how the sizes are but its a 1 oz vial if that helps

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=780982"/>

Thats some nice find Brehmdig is that from the spot i showed you?

I have a stream sluice that is 30" long (without the flair) by 10" wide. The first 6" is a fine rubber matting before the riffles and carpet start. I am looking to upgrade to Gold Hog matting and was wondering if i should start it after the fine mat that is currently there or remove it and start it right after the flair?

I am undecided if i should use straight RazorBack or add in a couple of strips of UR. The material I am running is producing some pretty fine gold that I want to make sure I capture. Thoughts?



I have a stream sluice that is 30" long (without the flair) by 10" wide. The first 6" is a fine rubber matting before the riffles and carpet start. I am looking to upgrade to Gold Hog matting and was wondering if i should start it after the fine mat that is currently there or remove it and start it right after the flair?

I am undecided if i should use straight RazorBack or add in a couple of strips of UR. The material I am running is producing some pretty fine gold that I want to make sure I capture. Thoughts?
I am using a mini highbanker sluice that is 8"x 24" and i switched over to razorback with a little piece of matting like you have in yours for where the water drops down out of the hopper.... But the 750 GPH pump i had was just too slow to keep the mat active and i went out and bought a 2000GPH pump and angled about 2" a foot ....... this setup does extremely well on all tests i have conducted with tiny specks of lead and i have no intention of switching back to the expanded metal setup

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Well the order is in. I am going with Scrubber snd RazorBack.

I have gold hog matting in my homemade High banker, I used the scrubber matting all the way down, four 10 inch sections together. They worked just fine with my slower 750 gph pump. I got some fine gold due to the mats ability to catch it.Here are a couple of pictures that you may be able to tell the mat works. I found that a better flow would speed things up for me but I may loose the gemstones, My highbanker is setup to classify everything to 3/8 inch or less. This is a great product.DSCF0041.webpDSCF0040.webp

Nice little setup! I wish I was able to use a pump here. To bad it's illegal. It would be so nice to have consistent flow.

Island_Hunter Use some Vortex.
I see some are using that also.

Keep in mind, the Gold Hog mats need water velocity and volume. At 2400 gph, you'll need a pretty steep angle to get the mats to work properly. FYI, GH's Excavator Mini High Banker is an 8" wide sluice and about 30" long and is rated for 3000 gph. It has a combination of mats in it.
Doc says over and over again that you must take the setup to the extremes and find the right one for your situation and material. This means setting up the sluice at such a high angle that all the material washes out, but be sure to measure the angle. Then back off from there...reduce the angle to only 5 degrees and check your results...then split the difference between your first high angle and 5 degrees and note the results. Continue splitting the difference, either up or down, until you find the best angle for the material you are running. This is why my first step after buying the Excavator and the Gold Hog High Banker was to run high grade concetrates with known values to see which set up worked the best. I am now running a trommel with a 16" wide sluice X 10' long with UR/BR/RH/Scrubber mat combinations at 18,000 gph! The mats work great, but they are not plug and play...you have to tune them yourself and there is no shortcut for that process. That being said, I like 7 degrees for my sluice and I am recovering -200's routinely. :-)

I know exactly what you are saying with this. To begin with we set up the letrap below the sluicebox just in case we lost anything and we found like 15 flakes, To my partners disappointment I CRANKED up the water volume and increased the angle on our next run and we found absolutely NO gold in the LeTrap and eased my partners fear of losing the gold by proving Doc's famous saying of "The Fear Of Losing Gold, Is Probably Causing You To Lose Gold".* Now we run my Clarkston riffle with miners moss setup because it has a higher recovery rate in all conditions than the Gold hog does but then we tear down and switch to the Gold Hog and run the cons through it which reduces the concentrates down from a half a bucket to a 1/4 pan and loses NO gold. I love that stuff!! Here is our last outing and the first test run for the new hydroforce style nozzle that I built.

See also http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQDcMoBVTKzkPU99pkMKqcORAszHI2DEJ

I have a gold hog mat and it works amazingly! i would never switch to anything else

Gold Hog Mats RUNNING!


Man am I envious of your finds everytime!

Thanks tater! May the gold gods bless you with an ounce!

Wooooo Hooooo my wife ordered mine yesterday for my birthday today. I will be here tomorrow. I will show it in my hi banker and in my A-52 when it is installed.

I hope to get run it next weekend.

i run the gold hog ur mat and a vortex mat in a 12"x 36" sluice with a 3,000 gph pump at a 3" tilt and i can tell you that i have NOT lost any gold!!!! i rerun my tailings once in a while just to check and i find nothing!!! money well spent!!!!

i run the gold hog ur mat and a vortex mat in a 12"x 36" sluice with a 3,000 gph pump at a 3" tilt and i can tell you that i have NOT lost any gold!!!! i rerun my tailings once in a while just to check and i find nothing!!! money well spent!!!!

Is the total tilt 3" or 3"/ft.? Maybe thats a dumb question as I think 3"/ft is pretty darn steep but Doc does say to run it at max.

Is the total tilt 3" or 3"/ft.? Maybe thats a dumb question as I think 3"/ft is pretty darn steep but Doc does say to run it at max.

3 inch tilt and my water runs high enough and fast enough, doc says for every foot of your sluice, raise your sluice 1 inch. mine is 3 feet long so I raised it 3 inches

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