Who knows how to date a house?


Bronze Member
Mar 31, 2012
South Carolina
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, Garrett Ace 350, Garrett Pro Pointer, Fisher F2
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
How about if you just post the picture here,more people to look at it perhaps?

Yes put a picture here and get close up pictures of the bricks if there are any...

a quick way is to look at the type of nails used on the house, round headed and round shank 1900's
square nails straight shank mid 1800's to 1900,s
square with a uneven flare and tapered shank is hand forged and 1800's and earlier.
i have a printout showing what they look like and ages and will try to find it .

I know but it's a pic through google earth. Ill put it up.

Sorry guys. I was being paranoid. Can anybody date it? There's a rock wall (pic 2) on the property. Is that old? There's a lot of structure on the land as well. Including an old barn/house. And TONS of land not pictured.




To me it looks like it could date to the turn of the century. The house is def. had some restoration projects on it so it could date even earlier than that. Best thing to do is research the road this house sits on and land records once you find the land records you will be able to come up with a-lot of info including the families that lived in the house. There will def. be information on this house @ the library or county offices.

To me it looks like it could date to the turn of the century. The house is def. had some restoration projects on it so it could date even earlier than that. Best thing to do is research the road this house sits on and land records once you find the land records you will be able to come up with a-lot of info including the families that lived in the house. There will def. be information on this house somewhere.

Problem is its a highway! I don't how I would research the road.

What do you think about the rock wall?

Go to the local library and ask where they keep all the information regarding land records, local family history, old maps, micro-films,etc.

It's definitely old enough to have some good coins, the size of the trees are a good clue.

Age alone is not always the best indication of a good hunt, some of my best looking houses give up very little treasure.

Hunt it, post some pics of what you find, good luck.

Go to the local library and ask where they keep all the information regarding land records, local family history, old maps, micro-films,etc.[/QUOTE
We have a whole room in the county library for that stuff

It's definitely old enough to have some good coins, the size of the trees are a good clue.

Age alone is not always the best indication of a good hunt, some of my best looking houses give up very little treasure.

Hunt it, post some pics of what you find, good luck.

Thanks ill try to get permission. I saw the owner mowing grass the other day. I hope he lives there.

Ill have plenty of land to search.

Run the street address through Google Search; many times real estate brokers will post information (age?) on houses in the area.
Your local property tax assessor's office (public information) will have the age, for sure.

Run the street address through Google Search; many times real estate brokers will post information (age?) on houses in the area.
Your local property tax assessor's office (public information) will have the age, for sure.

Ok here's the problem. I don't know the address. How could I find the address?

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