In support of TJ and his post, "Jesse James and the Lost Cause". These underground cities do exist and several have been found, most by accident. I cannot remember the the town or state this took place in, but about 7-8 years ago, I read/saw on the net a story about how a complete underground 'city' was found. The modern people had absolutely no knowledge of its' existence.
If memory serves me correctly it was discovered because the owner of a store noticed the brick work on one wall at the bottom of a flite of stairs, was a little different than the other walls. The owner had some preliminary work done and determined there was a hollow behind the wall. He had workmen break through the wall, and when they went in they found another stairway going deeper. At the bottom of this stairway they were dumbfounded to find a well layed out 'city'.
The photos that accompanied the article showed store fronts with living quarters, either behind or next to the store. The buildings were complete with glass and doors; the doors were closed but not locked, and still in perfect working order. There was evidence that people had lived in the area for some time. There were all the usual chairs, tables, washstands, and other day to day living needs still in place. Stoves had piping going upwards and were apparently fitted into flues that were located in buildings above ground. All the flue openings were closed off concealing any evidence of their existence.
A few other sealed exits were found that ended at the basement walls of other above ground establishments. None of the owners were aware of these entrance/exits.
Counters were in place in business establishments. The streets were clean and devoid of trash. It was estimated that up to 400 hundred or so people could have lived in the place. When and why the people left is not known. It was obvious they left in a very orderly manner. The entrances were walled up with the knowledge of the above ground people.
This apparently was a secret community. There are no records of this underground community or who built it over what period of time. There was no mention of it found in any record anywhere. From the type of construction it was determined that it had been built in the last quarter of the 19th century.
I checked on line by typing in "Underground Cities" or "Towns" but could not find any info on this particular one. I would definitely remember the photos if I had. Perhaps someone of the members might recall reading about it.