Re: WHO AM I.........UPDATE
Anyway I first posted this who am I at 7:25 am and then moved it up at 10:45 am.
Gave new clues at 1:15 pm and 7:50 pm and posted negative answers until 8:17.
I keep my screen on while I do other stuff, but when nobody is on or playing, it's tough to be alert all the time.
I admit that I didn't send the pm answer to Ima this time. I normally do. I just got busy watching tv and not paying attention to the posts.
BTW I wasn't really referring to anyone as being mad.
It was the seguay(?) to who am I clues:
Where is everybody today? Mad because rules seem to be broken? Chill! LOL!
"Hell, there are no rules here—we're trying to accomplish something." <<<-------EDISON QUOTE being the most responded to post! A record. <<<----------RECORD as in phonograph
Actually rules on TreasureNet are not something to make light of. <<<-------LIGHT as in bulb. 8)
No stretch TT :P I think they were good clues for the observant.
P.S. I think you owe someone a silver dime.
Just an idea that maybe the game should only be played during certain hours during the week and 24/7 on the weekends.