borninok said:
I apologize for my sudden departure earlier....
I had been sorting out old tableware that we had "inherited"...spoons, forks.....knives {
sharp and rusty}..... Anyway...long story short....our cat Felix jumped up on top of the chair...right onto two of the sharp knives. Good stitches, 1 shot, 1 ticked off wife and 1 ticked off cat. Bad lectured me and told me I needed to start watching where I laid the knives down. I have precognition of where the cat is going to jump?!!!!
Anyway...just wanted to apologize...and to thank Stoney & Mental Granny for jumping in for me and taking over my spot.
BTW...this is my 1001 post!

Sounds loike my kinda luck,
Did you tell her cats tast like chicken and you were just fixing dinner.
Hope the cat is fine.
I once had to ruck my Boo Boo thats our Poodle. to the vet 25 miles away at 11:00 pm at night to an em,ergency vet room.
he was having mental problems he would freek out if you go to touch him and fall over and he had bug eyes.
then he would stagger when he walked and fell over couldnt get up.
I was very worried he may be having a stroke but hwe was only 3 years old.
The vet said he was acting as if he were on drugs and pumped his stomach and found about an 8th of Marijawana in his tummy.....
He was stoned.
and to top it off the wife and I had to look the vet in the eye and tell him it wasnt ours..............
we got that SURE IT ISNT LOOK> it realy wasnt ours we dont do drugs.
This is how we found out our daughters boyfriend was smoking pot.........He dropped it on my floor by mistake and Boo found it
Now me an Boo Boo are pretty close and on that long drive home alone that night Boo Boo still in the Hospital.
I just Knew there was gonna be Hell to pay.
any way under the bridge now and he is no longer in the picture.
I figure we put Boo in their all night and they took him in back out of sight.
I paid the 500.00 and a week or so later i was thinking that i probably just put him in a 500.00 motel and they gave him some sada and muchies to eat till his Buzz wore