Whites DFX

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Dec 23, 2006
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I will be purchasing a new metal detector very soon and have a question on this particular model.

Can anyone tell me what the max depth for the Whites DFX with the factory coil? Does it depend on if it is gold, silver or iron? Also, if I get a bigger coil, will that enhance the depth capabilities?

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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I really don't want to wait till spring for possible these possible upgrades. I am ready now...lol. I do understand the weight issue and I am somewhat concerned about that. If I start finding some of that good stuff, probably won't even think about the weight....until the next morning.....bring out the ben gay.

I am already thinking about a bigger coil. Am I going to fast?


The larger the coil the deeper it goes... However, there are trade-offs, you wont be finding those small chains. I'd stay in the 12" range for the beach. If you intend to hunt parks or trashy areas you deffently need a small DD coil. Id get the small coil before the larger one. I hunted the beach recently and found 12 rings ALL with the stock coil. I think the main thing about the DFX until you learn it is that you walk away wondering if you set it up correctly and was getting all the targets you should have. The DFX has excellent depth. I read those air tests... great for a chuckel or two. Also some people just hate not having a turn-on and go detector. Those detectors are good... but i sure like NOT being restricted by what the company thinks i should find.

Yes, I agree I should just stay with the stock coil. I have to learn the machine first which in itself will be a challenge. Basically, I will be using it mostly on beaches, parks and such....not the big caches. But that doesn't mean I won't try it on the big caches either...if I get a concrete lead on something I will definitely try it.

You guys have been super on the knowledge and advice. Thanks.


Those are all air tests in that link, who cares. Once your coil hits real ground a whole lot of factors are going to happen. How much mineralization ? How well are you ground balanced ? How much trash ? How well do you understand your machine ? You are never going to get as much depth in the ground as in the air. Don't believe all those goofy depths you hear people saying they found a dime. It just doesn't happen. Larger objects are a different matter....but digging a smashed soda can at 18 inches isnt fun.

On to the next situation. Weight. If you put a bigger coil on the machine, it ups the weight signifcantly. A pound or so may not sound like a lot, but comparing a 5 pound machine vs a 3 pound machine for any length of swinging time makes a huge difference. If you don't have a lot of arm strength, you want a lighter machine or you will be sorry you bought a big boat anchor you will never use. You may be able to swing a 3 pound machine all day, but at 4.5 pounds you wear out in an hour. On top of that, the big coil is going to pick up all the trash and mask the good targets nearby. Big coils are only good for one thing...covering a lot of cleanground fast. Use it on the beach or a park, your setting yourself up for a lot of frustration.

The DFX is a great, top of the line machine, don't worry so much about depth to begin with. Just learn to use and understand whatever you buy (just DON"T buy an offbrand machine!! Ask if you don't know if it's a decent brand or not).

Lastly, ask RiverRat to give you one of those nice walking sticks to beat off the guys who stare unless it's me. They look like they would be pretty painful.

Gribnitz - Very good points and well taken. I appreciate your thoughts on the subject. Like I mentioned earlier, I am getting the DFX and will just learn how to use it. I am looking forward to my first day with it. Thanks again.

I have never seen RiverRats walking stick but from what you say it sounds like it would do the trick...lol.


Lejuene, I have a thought for you to consider. The best friend you could take with you to the beach when your husband is away might be a dog. A medium size dog of the right breed will be easy to keep and would be a friend that will alert you to unwelcome company and defend you while at home alone as well as when you are treasure hunting.
As to the DFX, which machine you choose will not be as important as how much time you will have to use it.


Check the LostTreasure.com website and find a club that may be located in your area. Hook up with someone from the club and do some "Buddy" hunting.

Check the club and/or the folks in it out before you committ.

Most clubs are reputable and have some fine folks involved with them. They also tend to have organized "Club" hunts as well as an
opportunity to meet others that you may have things in common with.

Happy Hunting and good luck


I have had my DFX for about 9 months now. I love it and am still learning every day. Today I played in my own yard and set up a couple more custom programs. I upgraded to the DFX from a Ace 250 and have not picked up the Ace since. Don't get me wrong the Ace is great but I have been able to set the DFX for what I want to find more reliably. I have to admit that the Explorer caught my eye too but I settled on the Whites mainly due to the Made in America factor and the quality construction they use to build it with.

On my beach trips this year I have been able to pull dimes up at 10"+ with the stock coil. Since I do not get to the beach that often and most of the areas I hunt are pretty junky I opted for a small coil. It separates the targets better. I really cannot comment if the small coil helps or hurts depth though since I have not been able to compare.

The DFX and Explorer are both top of the line. You will just have to experiment and learn them.

Happy hunting.

I have a mxt and love it.
Even though Im a guy When I go out by myself in the woods Im usually packing a Pistol!

I have a DFX & a EX2. The EX2 does go deeper and with the DD coil you get better coverage on the deep ones. It is heavier than the DFX and not as well balanced but I usually use a WOT with a swingy-thing so the weight is not an issue. The EX2 is also easier to understand for a beginner. You can just make a coin-ring patern and go for it. I have gone over the same ground that my buddy has covered with his DFX and I find alot of coins that he just cant reach. .02

I think you'd be happy with a DFX - good stock programs, and tremendous programmability, although the stock eprom programs are really good, too. I have the 5.3 coil which I use much more than the stock 950 coil. A lot of folks seem very happy with the Garrett Ace 250, and at about 1/5th the price of the DFX, it's a steal. As far as needing protection when out alone, just take one of those katana along - sort of a Wesley Snipes/Blade Ninja kinda thing down the back! lol Good luck in making a decision - hope I've helped, not confused,


Lejeuene , If your'e really concerned about your safety I'v got two words . Bear Spray

I love my DFX it is a great all around detector and will do as good or better than any detector out. I also own a Minelab Explorer II and use it very little it is not balanced as well as the DFX and feels much heavier than the DFX. I think the Explorer may get a little more depth but the ID is not as accurate as the DFX. Whites also has first class customer service. Go for it you will like it. I know a dealer that sells them for $860 new if his price has not changed. Good luck.


i would reiterate galaxy 51`s comment, female in the park,woods,etc., look at my avaitar, i raise the best metal detecting buddie you can get
i have been thinking of getting the whites mxt, how much difference is it from the dfx? im into relics, coins and gold,,,,,,oh, and letting lejuene borrow one of my escorts, ha ha ;D

Dobie the MXT would most likley be a better detector for relic's. The DFX has some trouble around electric fences.

I haven't tried the Explorer but I do like my DFX. A few other things to consider; There are a wide varitiy of coils for the DFX and if you need a larger DD coil for it (or a smaller coil) like the Explorer coil you can get it. There are several real good books about the DFX, the best being "Digging Deeper with the DFX" by Jeff Foster. There is an excellent web site for the DFX that can give you all the information you could want about the DFX (and they are planning the second annual DFX gathering in April). Check it out; dfxonly.com.

The DFX's came in yesterday. My husband & I tinkered with them a little bit, but I'll tell you.....it's gonna take some getting used to and we have a lot to learn. Items closer to the surface are harder to pin point than deeper items from my short experience with it yesterday. I will say this...they pick up everything!!!

We are going to go out today and see what happens.

:) Hi Lejeuene, Congrats on your new machines. I sure hope they threw in copies of Jimmy Sierra's powerful new DFX book, covering all the angles of that marvelous sounding machine. Just got a free copy in the mail the other day from a link in another post (I forget where though) and started looking through it. Woa, almost made me want to rush right out and find myself a Whites dealer! ;D I think the link might have been simply whites.com and then poke around a bit, it's a pretty kool site, and a great book. If they did put Sierra's new blue bible in your package, then you know what I'm talkin' about already. ;D This looks like one very powerful and intelligent metal detector you and your man have decided upon. Great choice and bon chance in all your future hunts. 8)


Congrats on the DFX choice!! I have mine a little over a year and love it, even though I am still learning it! Start slow by using the coin program and turning on Tone ID. Don't be afraid to play with the settings because you can't hurt or change the factory preset programs, they will always be there.
As Shrecky suggested, get Jeff Foster's book NOW, the sooner the better. Read it three times, then read it again!!

The DFX will do everything you want it to......eventually!



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