Also I would say that the V3i would probably be a lot to handle if you don't multitask very well.
I'm quoting someone on a different forum. Yes you can use the presets but then you wouldn't be using it to the full potential.
I own 2-deus, CTX 3030, White's V3i, Fisher F75. Forget the F75/F75se unless you get an upgraded one (noise factor). CTX 3030 with stock 11 inch coil is better in iron than V3I with stock 10dd coil IMO. Battery system is inferior on White's V3i as compared to Deus and CTX. For only coin hunting the CTX is great. Deus is king for relics and the more iron the merrier. V3i is ergonomically dismal. Off balance and heavy. CTX is balanced but heavy. Deus is perfect. CTX is not swing speed sensitive nor is deus, V3i is very.
Deus and CTX handle EMI better than V3i IMO.
Deus seems to handle bad ground very well for VLF detector.
CTX is had deep ID capability, Deus and V3i do not.
CTX is waterproof.
V3i has color screen but eats battery up. Lots of stuff reflected on screen is useless- you still go by tone
Deus had 5 year warranty and so far free updates. 2 year warranty on V3i and CTX.
Extra coils are cheaper for V3i, not so with deus and CTX
Seems all 3 have significant following so future spare parts/service should be non issue.
Want to enjoy detecting regardless of age or stamina=deus
Want to build biceps= CTX and V3i
Want the best iron handling=deus
Want to spend the most green =CTX
If you have children/ girlfriend/wife the deus is weight manageable and with extra phones 2 folks can hear the detector.
You see what I have 2 of. Hint hint
And either the 9 inch or 11 inch coil will do.
I agree that the ctx id at depth is more consistent I do not own the ctx but have a couple friends that do. I disagree that the 6x10 is a 6 to 7" max in fact I have read that no where. in fact most posts regarding the 6x10 depth have been 9+.I do not rely on consistent I'd numbers if it tones good and the id is high ish I'm digging afterall it could be an Indian head ,button hat badge or other cool item. I'm not just a silver hunter. Part of the reason why mine labs are so consistent with V3i numbers is that there numbers are spread out over 50 numbers while other machine are across 100 or 200 like in the v3i. So ur they are gonna move around more .I've had V3i almost 3 years, CTX for 1.5 years and deus for a little over a year. I also have a 10x12 sef coil for V3i it does help with balance. Take a close look at where the 10dd stock coil mounts on the V3i's rod. It mounts in the back and this is what causes the detector to be so badly balanced. I never said all V3i screen data was useless just most especially on deep targets. When I mention iron handling I'm mostly keying on how the machine rejects iron and how the machine finds targets colocated with iron. The CTX best the V3i in this dept for me.
I never even mentioned the squirrelly ground balance tracking system on the V3i. The V3i's system is inferior to both deus and CTX. The weak link on the V3i is the coil footprint. Even adjusting recovery delay the 10dd coil can't keep up IMO. Look at depth of V3i with say a 6x10 coil. Even though I don't have one and never used one it's being reported 6
7 inches max. I had etrac and with 6x8 sef it could lite up 8 inch dimes and a few deeper. Want to try something find a bud with etrac or CTX. Find a 9 inch deep dime. Sweep with V3i and the minelabs. See which detector(s) get more consistent tone. Speed up the sweep just a little and slow it down too. See which one hits more consistently. Mind you this is a target you already know the location. The V3i will be more hit and miss. Now go with someone using a CTX and you the V3i to an unfamiliar site. Watch who is hunting and watch who is trying to ground balance their machine and trying to get the noise out of their phones. If the V3i is as some say a see all use all condition detector then White's should never make another detector. Look at how many folks are using other brands of coils on their V3is?? Tell you something maybe.
Will the V3i make good finds? Certainly Will they usually be as apparent as say they are with CTX? Nope
Now the deus. The deus with 9 inch coil beats the V3i with any size coil for me. And with the stock 10dd coil it aint even close in heavy iron/nails. The V3i is deeper with 10dd coil vs deus with 9" coil. I now have 2nd deus with 11" coil, so we'll see how that does against V3i in the epth dept. V3i ID at depth is better than deus but not the CTX. The deus does something very special when around iron. It blends the signals, this to me makes it alert you more often/better. Find someone with deus who knows how to operate and take your V3i with any and all coils you want. Go to an old homestead site or civil war site. Take a spray can and mark off say a 20 foot by 20 foot section. Hunt the area with V3i trying to rid the 20/20 spot of all nonferrous targets. When you think your done, let the deus user sweep the area. You may be surprised!! The real difference or letdown with the V3i is this. The V3i needs to be swept. You can sweep V3i too slow no matter what the settings. And when you go to very fast recovery settings you lose depth. The Deus and CTX both can be swept verrryyyy slow and still render a tone and still get depth. This is my story and I'm sticking to it.
The straight scoop? They are all top of the line fantastic metal detectors. They will all make great finds if learned and used. They have very different personalities though and so who likes what is very, very much a personal preference thing.
I have owned all three. The DEUS has got to be the slickest little thing since sliced bread, and perhaps the best unit available for working in extremely thick ferrous trash, like around an old cabin site with a zillion nails. So you might think it odd that I sold it with no regrets. I did not like charging everything up and coils that cost over $400. That's just me, but it illustrates my point. Personal preferences.
The CTX and V3i still get used and I enjoy both of them. The CTX being waterproof has the obvious advantage on beaches as well as being multi frequency. The DEUS weak spot is beach hunting. V3i as a multi frequency unit also is good on land or beach but not waterproof.
The CTX is heavier than my V but not bad. I guess if I had to ditch one it would be the V3i but luckily I do not have to choose, I can own both. I like things like the stereo mixed mode program that is very unique and available on only the V3i and the Nautilus as far as I know, and the Nauties are all so old they are getting hard to trust any more. I do think for a novice the CTX is a far easier machine to master. THe V3i is easy to use out of box but it really is a tweakers dream and kind of a waste to just use without learning more about it. If you learn everything a V3i can do it is like a college course in detecting. CTX works very well as a turn on and go detector. Oh yeah, V also has a bit more trouble with electrical interference than some detectors so look out for that.